Source: Legislation
Source: Legislation
Bookmakers agree additional payments worth up to £3 million in a positive step will ensure a fair return to the sport from industry giants
Link: Press release: Greyhound welfare boosted through multi-million pound deal with gambling industry
Source: Gov Press Releases
Japanese PM Shinzo Abe to meet Prime Minister Theresa May in Downing Street and agree pioneering collaboration on medical research, robotics and use of data.
Link: Press release: UK and Japan forge new alliance to shape 21st Century
Source: Gov Press Releases
House of Commons approves report on Implications of the Dame Laura Cox report
Link: Report on Implications of the Dame Laura Cox report approved
Source: Parliamentary News
Link: The Infrastructure Planning (Water Resources) (England) Order 2019
Source: Legislation
Members discuss threat of instability and insecurity in the region
Link: Lords debates developments in Western Balkans
Source: Parliamentary News
Peers consider state academies’ role in improving educational standards
Link: Lords debates contribution of free schools
Source: Parliamentary News
People living near the busy A1 in Nottinghamshire are among 40,000 roadside residents enjoying a quieter life thanks to a major noise reduction initiative.
Link: Press release: Newark residents among 40,000 benefitting from quieter roads
Source: Gov Press Releases
9 January 2019
Link: SCL Elections prosecuted for failing to comply with enforcement notice
Source: ICO
9 January 2019
Link: Cambridge Analytica prosecuted for failing to comply with enforcement notic
Source: ICO