The Abergelli Power Gas Fired Generating Station Order 2019

This Order grants development consent for, and authorises Abergelli Power Limited (referred to in this Order as the undertaker) to construct, operate and maintain a gas fired electricity generating station. The Order would permit the undertaker to acquire, compulsorily or by agreement, land and rights in land and to use land for this purpose as well as to override easements and other rights.

Link: The Abergelli Power Gas Fired Generating Station Order 2019
Source: Legislation

The Local Authorities (Change to the Years of Ordinary Elections) (Wales) Order 2019 / Gorchymyn Awdurdodau Lleol (Newid Blynyddoedd Etholiadau Cyffredin) (Cymru) 2019

The Welsh Ministers may, under section 87 of the Local Government Act 2000, make provision by Order to change the years in which the ordinary elections of councillors of any specified local authority are to be held.

Caiff Gweinidogion Cymru, o dan adran 87 o Ddeddf Llywodraeth Leol 2000, wneud darpariaeth drwy Orchymyn i newid y blynyddoedd pryd y cynhelir etholiadau cyffredin cynghorwyr i unrhyw awdurdod lleol penodedig.


The Local Authorities (Change to the Years of Ordinary Elections) (Wales) Order 2019 / Gorchymyn Awdurdodau Lleol (Newid Blynyddoedd Etholiadau Cyffredin) (Cymru) 2019

Source: Legislation