Press release: Appeal Decisions during the election period

The Planning Inspectorate always aims to issue decisions promptly after the event. However, in the run-up to Local Elections we are always concerned to ensure that appeal decisions concerning proposals which have raised particular sensitivities or interest in an area cannot be deemed to have influenced the election or have been used to electoral advantage by any interested body. Accordingly those decisions are not issued until the election results have been announced.

The types of cases likely to be affected are where a proposal:
i. is claimed to represent inappropriate development in the Green Belt (other than domestic extensions) or
ii. represents major green field housing or
iii. involves any case where an emerging Neighbourhood Plan is referred to in the evidence or
iv. is any other case where there is a reason to believe that the outcome may be electorally sensitive.

Each decision as to whether an appeal decision should be held back is taken on the circumstances of the case by senior managers in the Planning Inspectorate.

We shall of course ensure that any such decision delayed for the reasons above is issued promptly after the election results are announced.

Link: Press release: Appeal Decisions during the election period
Source: Gov Press Releases