Press release: PM meeting with Prime Minister Turnbull: 21 April 2018

A Downing Street spokesman said:

The Prime Minister met Australian PM Malcolm Turnbull today for bilateral talks at Chequers following the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) in London and Windsor this week.

They reflected on the week’s events and how they could both offer real support to see the commitments made at CHOGM delivered over the period of the UK’s chair-in-office – particularly in the area of cyber security. They agreed to close collaboration between their two countries on this matter.

Acknowledging that the two countries already enjoy a close defence relationship, the Prime Minister welcomed increased cooperation on defence and security, including on equipment programmes and noted the merits of the Type 26 frigate and its anti-submarine warfare capability.

Both Prime Ministers said that their countries’ should seek to share research and science, agreeing that their universities had much to offer each other.

The leaders noted the importance of free and fair trade, before discussing their trading relationship post EU-exit.

They confirmed their shared ambition to form a new bilateral UK-Australia Free Trade Agreement after leaving the EU. They welcomed the approach agreed at the March European Council to provide continuity during the implementation period for international agreements, which could be swiftly transitioned into new bilateral agreements once the implementation period ends.

The Prime Minister thanked Prime Minister Turnbull for Australia’s support over the action against the Assad regime. They agreed it was important to continue stressing the Commonwealth communique’s commitment to implementing the Chemical Weapons Convention.

Link: Press release: PM meeting with Prime Minister Turnbull: 21 April 2018
Source: Gov Press Releases