Press release: The Parole Board is moving offices this weekend

The Parole Board is moving to new offices over the Bank Holiday weekend (25 -27 August 2018).

From Tuesday 28 August 2018, the Parole Board’s address will be:

The Parole Board for England & Wales

3rd floor

10 South Colonnade

Canary Wharf

E14 4PU

The Parole Board will share its office space with other Arm’s Length Bodies and will be on the same floor as a new MoJ hub.

The move to 10 South Colonnade is part of the MoJ Transformation Project, with the aim to use mobile technology to work flexibly and reduce the reliance on expensive office space in Westminster.

All letters sent to the old office will be forwarded to the new one at 10 South Colonnade. All our phone numbers and email addresses will remain the same.

If you have any queries, please contact us:

Link: Press release: The Parole Board is moving offices this weekend
Source: Gov Press Releases