Press release: Man who brutally attacked ex’s partner jailed after Solicitor General’s referral

A young man who brutally attacked his ex-girlfriend’s partner in Brighton has had his sentence increased after the Solicitor General, Robert Buckland QC MP, referred the case to the Court of Appeal as unduly lenient.

Asa Smallwood, now 24 years old, had a chance encounter with his ex-girlfriend and her new boyfriend in Brighton. Smallwood punched his ex-girlfriend’s new partner to the floor in an unprovoked attack. Smallwood repeatedly kicked the victim in the head with what witnesses have described as deliberate ‘rugby style kicks’.

The victim suffered a number of lacerations to the face, one of which required 18 stitches, as well as nerve damage causing numbness to the left side of his face for three months after the attack and permanent facial scarring.

Smallwood was originally charged with causing grievous bodily harm with intent, and sentenced to 2 years imprisonment suspended for 2 years at Lewes Crown Court in June. He was also required to undertake a 180 hour unpaid work requirement, 20 days rehabilitation and pay £1000 compensation.

After today’s hearing, the Court of Appeal has increased his sentence to 4 years immediate imprisonment.

Commenting on the increase, Solicitor General Robert Buckland QC MP said:

“I welcome the decision of the Court of Appeal to increase this sentence. Smallwood’s vicious and unprovoked attack left the victim with serious injuries and permanent scars, so it is only right his sentence truly reflects the severity of his crime.”

Link: Press release: Man who brutally attacked ex’s partner jailed after Solicitor General’s referral
Source: Gov Press Releases