Press release: Sentence increase for man who sexually assaulted girls for 25 years

A Cambridge man who repeatedly raped 2 young girls and sexually assaulted 2 others has had his sentence increased after the Solicitor General, Robert Buckland QC MP, referred it to the Court of Appeal for being too low.

Sazzad Miah, now 83, carried out his abuse over a 25 year period. His first victim was abused between the ages of 4 and 15. His later victims were aged between 4 and 13.

In June this year, Miah was sentenced to 18 years imprisonment with a 1 year extended licence period at Cambridge Crown Court. Today, this has been increased to 25 years imprisonment with a 1 year extended licence period after the Solicitor General referred the case for being unduly lenient.

Commenting on the sentence increase, the Solicitor General said:

“I am pleased the Court of Appeal has agreed that Miah’s sentence deserved to be higher. To subject four vulnerable children to such horrific sexual assaults is an abhorrent crime which will undoubtedly have lasting impacts on the victims, and I hope today’s outcome will provide them with some comfort.”

Link: Press release: Sentence increase for man who sexually assaulted girls for 25 years
Source: Gov Press Releases