Press release: UK Government Minister celebrates Green Great Britain Week in mid-Wales

In the week that the UK Government launches its first ever Green Great Britain Week, UK Government in Wales Minister Lord Bourne is heading to Mid-Wales to celebrate the work of institutions and businesses championing the clean growth agenda. As part of his two-day visit, Lord Bourne will also talk to a range of businesses in the region to find out how a Growth Deal for mid-Wales could address their barriers to growth, and to encourage them to assist in its development, stressing the UK Government’s commitment to driving forward the region’s economic future.

Joining thousands of people up and down the UK who are celebrating clean growth, Lord Bourne will visit the IBERS and Innovation campus at Aberystwyth University to learn of their work to convert ground-breaking research into practical solutions to mitigate the effects of climate change.

Highlighting the UK Government’s commitment to clean growth, Lord Bourne will also see how the Centre for Alternative Technology are demonstrating practical solutions for sustainability to visitors from all over the world, including eco-sanitation, woodland management and renewable energy.

UK Government Minister, Lord Bourne said:

In the year that marks the 10th anniversary of the Climate Change Act, there is no better time to build on our success and seize the huge opportunities for cleaner economic growth in the UK.

I welcome the work of IBERS and the Centre for Alternative Technology who are working tirelessly towards the UK’s vision of clean economic growth. Achieving clean growth must be a shared enterprise between UK Government, devolved nations, local authorities, businesses and the British people and that is why today, I urge people all over the country to pledge their commitment to tackling climate change.

During his two-day trip across mid-Wales, Lord Bourne will also meet with key stakeholders across the region to discuss a Growth Deal for mid-Wales. Meeting with Professor Elizabeth Treasure at Aberystwyth University, Lord Bourne will discuss the University’s progress in advancing the region’s economic future through research and innovation, including developments such as the National Spectrum Centre and Precision Agriculture.

Wynnstay, a manufacturer of agricultural supplies, will also welcome Lord Bourne as they celebrate their 100-year anniversary. During his meeting with the newly appointed Chief Executive Gareth Davies, Lord Bourne will consider how the region can overcome growth barriers and secure a growth deal that works for the whole of mid-Wales.

UK Government Minister, Lord Bourne said:

Now more than ever it is imperative that we shift powers away from London and Cardiff to local leaders who are best placed to take decisions that affect their communities. That is why I am committed to working closely with the companies and groups who are devoted to developing a vision for the region’s economic future.

With the launch of the modern Industrial Strategy, the UK Government is working to create the right conditions for regional prosperity, but it is the private sector that must take the necessary risks to drive this vision for economic growth in mid-Wales forward.

With the UK Government already signing a Heads of Terms agreement for City Deals in Cardiff and Swansea and with ongoing negotiations alongside the Welsh Government with local partners regarding a growth deal for North Wales, a successful mid-Wales growth deal would see the whole of Wales benefitting from a UK Government city or growth deal.

Link: Press release: UK Government Minister celebrates Green Great Britain Week in mid-Wales
Source: Gov Press Releases