Press release: Sri Lanka remains UK ‘Human Rights Priority Country’

The report acknowledges that there has been limited progress in the human rights situation in Sri Lanka. Particular concerns highlighted include attacks on minority communities and the slow delivery of key human rights and reconciliation commitments.

The UK remains concerned by the lack of progress on introducing legislation that protects women and LGBT people from discrimination.

The UK works with the government of Sri Lanka to support reconciliation and human rights. This continued engagement aims to strengthen democracy and the rule of law through support for police reform, demining, inter-faith dialogue and mediation and the UN’s Peacebuilding Priority Plan.

The Report underlines the UK’s desire to work positively with countries to help them improve their human rights performance.

The 30 HRPCs are: Afghanistan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Burma, Burundi, Central African Republic, China, Colombia, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Democratic Republic of Congo, Egypt, Eritrea, Iran, Iraq, Israel and the Occupied Territories, Libya, Maldives, Pakistan, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, South Sudan, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Syria, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Venezuela, Yemen, and Zimbabwe.

The FCO began publishing the Annual Human Rights Report in 1998 and it is now also published online.

Link: Press release: Sri Lanka remains UK ‘Human Rights Priority Country’
Source: Gov Press Releases

Press release: Maldives remains UK ‘Human Rights Priority Country’

The Report notes with concern that in 2017, the human rights situation in Maldives continued to deteriorate with the erosion of political and civic freedoms and an increase in the intimidation of human rights defenders and journalists.

The UK is concerned by the lack of judicial independence in cases brought against opposition parliamentarians and also by the Government of Maldives stated intention to reintroduce the death penalty after a moratorium of more than 60 years.

The UK works bilaterally and with international partners to draw attention to human rights concerns and support human rights defenders in Maldives. UK funding supports civil society work on gender equality and a transparent and robust electoral process.

The Report underlines the UK’s desire to work positively with countries to help them improve their human rights performance.

The 30 HRPCs are: Afghanistan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Burma, Burundi, Central African Republic, China, Colombia, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Democratic Republic of Congo, Egypt, Eritrea, Iran, Iraq, Israel and the Occupied Territories, Libya, Maldives, Pakistan, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, South Sudan, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Syria, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Venezuela, Yemen, and Zimbabwe.

The FCO began publishing the Annual Human Rights Report in 1998 and it is now also published online.

Link: Press release: Maldives remains UK ‘Human Rights Priority Country’
Source: Gov Press Releases

Press release: Lift off for electric planes – new funding for green revolution in UK civil aerospace

  • UK to be at forefront of next revolution in electric and hybrid planes – benefiting passengers and the planet
  • £343 million government and industry investment for research and development and productivity improvements to transform the future of civil aerospace and continue the UK’s status as a pioneering aerospace nation
  • the government launches negotiations with industry on a new Aerospace Sector Deal, as part of the modern Industrial Strategy

The UK’s world-leading aerospace sector will be propelled into a new era of cleaner, greener flight through industry and government investment, the Business and Energy Secretary announced today at the 2018 Farnborough International Airshow.

From the total investment, £255 million – supported by the Aerospace Technology Institute (ATI) and UK Research & Innovation (UKRI) – will go towards 18 new research and technology projects, including the development of cleaner and greener hybrid aircraft. To support small and medium-sized companies, £68 million of the funding will be made available to increase research and development opportunities, with £20 million to drive improvements in long-term productivity across the sector.

The projects will not only help maintain the UK’s existing strengths in aerospace but also position the UK as a world leader for some of the most technologically advanced aircraft that will transform the face of aviation including electric aircraft, hybrid-electric propulsion systems, and future materials for aircraft manufacturing.

A major beneficiary of the latest research and development funding is the revolutionary E-Fan X project. The project brings together Airbus, Rolls-Royce and Siemens to develop a flying electrical demonstrator which will form the foundation for future electrical aircraft and help the aerospace sector to manufacture cleaner, quieter aircraft and grow the industry sustainably. Rolls-Royce’s ACCEL project will also lead a UK programme to accelerate the electrification of flight which will contribute to the UK’s aim to cut emissions through its Clean Growth Strategy.

Business and Energy Secretary Greg Clark said:

The UK has a rich heritage in civil aviation as the home of the jet engine and the wings factory of the world. Technology is driving revolutionary changes in aviation that have not been seen since the 1970s and today’s investment is foundational to the future of commercial aviation and ensuring the UK remains at the cutting-edge of the sector. This revolution in civil aerospace will bring significant benefits to UK industry, passengers and the environment.

Through our modern Industrial Strategy, we are working with industry to lead the world as we embark on this journey into the new age of air travel.

This funding will also support a number of projects on the next generation UltraFan® aero engine, led by Rolls-Royce, which will contribute to their biggest shift in engine architecture since the 1970s. It will transform flight, setting new benchmarks in fuel efficiency, CO2 reductions and significant cut backs in engine noise.

Aviation Minister Baroness Sugg said:

The development of quicker, quieter and cleaner aircraft will transform the UK’s transport market and open up new and more sustainable ways for passengers to travel between our cities and regions and across the globe. Developing innovation, technology and skills is a core part of the government’s Aviation Strategy and this funding will help us to ensure that the UK aviation sector continues to be a world leader in this area.

Backing our world-leading aerospace sector, the Business and Energy Secretary also announced the start of formal negotiations for an Industrial Strategy sector deal that will further increase business investment in the UK, with discussions expected to conclude before the end of the year. The deal will:

  • explore investment opportunities around electrification and high-value design
  • raise productivity levels in the supply chain
  • and boost skill levels in the sector

The latest wave of projects to win the competitive funding underlines the significant importance of the £3.9 billion joint research and development funding commitment in the sector as part of the Industrial Strategy.

The government also welcomed the completion of Bombardier and Airbus’ Joint Venture; a partnership that will support the development and manufacture of structures for the A220 jet at the Bombardier facility in Belfast.

Notes to editors

Further information about BEIS’ Farnborough commitments.

Research and development investment

Projects supported by joint government and industry investment include:

Airbus, Rolls-Royce, Siemens

  • E-FAN X (ELECTRIFICATION), £58 million project

    A partnership between Airbus, Rolls-Royce and Siemens to develop a flight demonstrator for hybrid-electric propulsion for commercial aircraft. Hybrid-electric technology will deliver improved environmental performance that is cleaner, quieter and introduce re-evaluations of the entire design of aircraft.


  • series of projects on ULTRAFAN®, and ACCEL, worth a total of £70 million

    4 projects on engine technologies for UltraFan involving multiple partners including universities and smaller companies. A new generation of aircraft engine that aims to transform flight, setting new benchmarks in efficiency, environmental performance and precision engineering. ACCEL is intended to accelerate the adoption of electrical technology in aviation through the design build and flight test of a high performance electric powertrain.


  • Competitive Composite Manufacturing Process (CoCoMaP), FANTASTIC (Nacelle) and OptiComp (Wing project), £32 million project

    3 research projects exploring more efficient manufacturing processes, new technology for engine covers (nacelles) and the application of composite material to large aerospace structures, such as wings and fuselage. All 3 projects will be led by Bombardier Belfast (Shorts).


  • CO-MET (COmposite and METallic) £9.7 million

    This project will help GKN develop new aerostructure components for aircraft upgrade opportunities and new programmes.


  • Future Landing Gear, £16 million project

    This project aims to reduce cash operating costs by 2% through increased efficiency and reduced turn-around times.

National Composite Centre Operation Limited

  • £44 million for 3 projects

    3 projects with National Composite Centre, part of High Value Manufacturing Catapult, to develop new, more efficient ways of producing large composite aerostructures. The research will explore the use of new composite materials as well as the manufacturing process.

University/Research Organisations projects – total £26 million for 3 projects

  • University of Oxford

    Infrastructure for the University of Oxford Osney Thermo-fluids Laboratory (OSNEY Upgrade). The Oxford Thermofluids Institute is part of Oxford University’s strategic investment in the UK’s science base. The laboratory is a global centre of excellence for turbomachinery research which has made significant contributions to the technology of jet engines over the last 3 decades. This grant will be used to achieve a step change in capability to measure and research the cooling performance and hot stage technologies essential for the operation of high pressure (HP) turbine stages of Large Civil Engines.

  • University of Sheffield

    PERFORM (Disruptive Textile Technology for Aerospace Applications): Perform is a project with the University of Sheffield’s Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (AMRC), part of the High Value Manufacturing Catapult. The research will develop new composite material and efficient manufacturing processes.

  • The Welding Institute Limited

    OAAM (Open Architecture Additive Manufacturing): the Welding Institute, an engineering research and technology organisation, is taking the lead in the Open Architecture Additive Manufacturing (OAAM) project to demonstrate the ability to manufacture large metallic components via Additive Manufacturing (AM) (also known as 3D printing) for the benefit of UK Aerospace.

Government and industry support for SMEs

£68 million joint industry and government investment for new research and development opportunities targeted to support small and medium-sized businesses. An open competition supported by UKRI will back SMEs to carry out new research on high risk, high reward solutions that will help UK companies grow their capability for the long-term.

There will also be further rounds of the successful National Aerospace Technology Exploitation Programme to help SMEs develop new technologies. SMEs will also be able to increase their productivity through a new improvement programme that will increase their ability to win new work with new and existing customers. A new partnership between the UK and Sweden will also see the 2 countries collaborate on technological research.

Defence Enterprise Export Partnership

The Defence Enterprise Export Partnership (DEEP) is a joint government, industry and academic initiative led by the Defence Growth Partnership (DGP) to ensure that the UK generates the skilled personnel able to lead successful international defence export campaigns. The initiative will support the Industrial Strategy by driving export-led growth and ensuring that the UK retains vital skills.

Link: Press release: Lift off for electric planes – new funding for green revolution in UK civil aerospace
Source: Gov Press Releases

Press release: Expert panel appointed to advise on the future of the high street

A panel of experts appointed to diagnose issues that currently affect the health of our high streets and advise on the best practical measures to help them thrive now and in the future, has been announced today (16 July 2018) by High Streets Minister Jake Berry MP.

Chaired by Sir John Timpson, Chairman of Timpson, the multiple service retailer, the panel will focus on what consumers and local communities want from their high streets. Their review will look at the current challenges and work out options to ensure our town centres remain vibrant.

The panel of experts have a wealth of experience and include representatives from the retail, property and design sectors.

Welcoming the establishment of the expert advisory panel, High Streets Minister Jake Berry MP said:

High streets and small businesses are the backbone of our economy and we want to see them thrive now and in the future.

People care about their local high streets because they are the centres of their community. But our high streets are changing, and the government is committed to helping communities adapt.

High streets of the future will still be commercial centres but consumers now look for a wider range of experiences, from leisure to health services. Our future high streets may well feature more homes, childcare centres and gyms to bring people back and ensure that they keep returning.

I want to thank Sir John who is bringing 50 years of direct retail experience to the review.

Sir John Timpson said:

Throughout my career, high streets and city centres have continually changed to fulfill the needs of society, but the recent shift towards more out of town and online shopping threatens the future of many high streets.

The panel cannot offer an instant, quick fix, solution but we hope to identify practical and common sense decisions that will help the government provide the support that local communities and businesses need to provide the leisure and shopping facilities people will want 25 years from now.

Later this summer the expert panel in conjunction with the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) will put out a call for evidence seeking what members of the public and young people in particular want from the high streets of the future.

The announcement comes at the start of Great British High Street Week, a week of celebratory activity to promote The Great British High Street Awards 2018. The awards, run by MHCLG, and sponsored by Visa, are currently open for nominations.

The deadline for entries is 22 August 2018.

The awards not only celebrate the best high streets across the nation, but will also champion ‘Rising Stars’ – the most ambitious high streets which are taking a lead and working together to revive, adapt and diversify.

By shining a light on great examples of how high streets can meet the challenges of changing consumer behaviour and a changing retail environment, the awards will provide all communities with top tips for success.

There will be 26 short-listed entries in the ‘Champion High Street ‘category, 13 for England, 6 for Scotland, 4 for Wales and 3 for Northern Ireland, and 12 short-listed entries for the ‘Rising Star’ category. The Shortlisted entries will be announced in September, and the winners announced in November 2018.

Further information

Members of the Expert Advisory Panel on High Streets:

Sir John Timpson (Chair)

Chairman of Timpson, the UK retail service chain with over 2,000 shops.

Vidhya Alakeson – CEO, Power to Change

Vidhya Alakeson is Chief Executive of Power to Change, the independent trust dedicated to supporting community businesses to create better places across England. Vidhya was formerly Deputy CEO at the independent think-tank, the Resolution Foundation.

Gi Fernando MBE, Founder & CEO, Freeformers

Gi Fernando is an engineer, social impact entrepreneur and investor, who founded Freeformers in 2012. Freeformers is a workforce technology and transformation company.

Councillor Graham Galpin (Cons) from Ashford council

Graham Galpin has been a councillor in Ashford since 2011 and a Cabinet member since 2013. He has had responsibility for the town centre’s economic vitality for almost all of that time.

Emma Mackenzie, Director, NewRiver

NewRiver is a property investor, asset manager and developer specialising in the UK retail and leisure sector. Emma MacKenzie is a member of the Executive Committee sits on the NewRiver REIT (UK) Limited Board and is principally responsible for NewRiver’s Scotland and Northern Ireland Portfolio which includes acquisition, asset management, development and disposal.

Eric Reynolds – Founding Director of Urban Space Management

Eric Reynolds established and ran some of the most significant regeneration projects in London since the early 1970’s including Camden Lock Market, Merton Abbey Mills, Spitalfields Market, Gabriels’ Wharf, Bishopsgate Goodsyard and Trinity Buoy Wharf. He won the Regeneration & Renewal “Lifetime Achievement Award” for Regeneration in 2012.

Stephen Robertson

Stephen Robertson has spent most of his working life in retailing, including roles at B&Q and Screwfix, before becoming Director General of the British Retail Consortium. He is now a non-executive director of a number of companies including Hargreaves Lansdown plc. and Timpson Group.

Sophia de Sousa, CEO, The Glass-House

Sophia de Sousa is Chief Executive at The Glass-House Community Led Design, a national charity that supports communities, organisations and networks to work collaboratively on the design of buildings, open spaces, homes and neighbourhoods.

The government is taking measures to support high streets and reduce the burden of business rates – including introducing over £10 billion worth of business rate support by 2023.

In addition to providing business rate support, we’ve taken further action including:

  • co-chairing the Retail Sector Council with industry to increase productivity and growth in the sector
  • establishing the Future High Street Forum, providing joint business and government leadership to better enable our high streets and town centres to adapt and compete
  • supporting the industry led group that produced the Digital High Street 2020 report, which made recommendations on the key role digital can play in helping places to thrive digitally
  • introducing planning reforms to support varied town centres that provide a mix of retail, residential and leisure uses

We’re supporting small businesses by:

  • launching the new £8 million Business Basics Fund to boost the productivity and performance of small businesses in England, unlocking £100 million of untapped benefit to our economy
  • appointing the UK’s first Small Business Commissioner to champion the voice of small business by encouraging a culture change in payment practices and how businesses deal with each other

To find out more, visit Great British High Street and follow on social media #myhighstreet.

Office address and general enquiries

2 Marsham Street


Media enquiries

Link: Press release: Expert panel appointed to advise on the future of the high street
Source: Gov Press Releases

Press release: Change of Her Majesty’s Ambassador to Lebanon in September 2018

Mr Chris Rampling MBE has been appointed Her Majesty’s Ambassador to Lebanon in succession to Mr Hugo Shorter who will be transferring to another Diplomatic Service appointment. Mr Rampling will take up his appointment in September 2018.


Full name: Christopher Maxwell Rampling MBE

Married to: Lies Lauwers

Children: Two

2014 to 2018 UK Permanent Representation to the EU’s Political and Security Committee, & Foreign, Defence and Development Counsellor
2013 to 2014 FCO: Head Corporate Services Programme
2013 Secondment to The Prince’s Trust
2009 to 2013 British Embassy Amman: Deputy Head of Mission
2007 to 2009 FCO: Deputy Head, Counter Proliferation Department
2005 to 2007 FCO: Team Leader, Turkey Team
2002 to 2005 British Embassy Tripoli: Political and Press Officer
2000 to 2002 FCO: Arabic language training
1999 to 2000 FCO: Desk Officer, Turkey/Malta
1999 Joined FCO

Further information

Media enquiries

For journalists

Link: Press release: Change of Her Majesty’s Ambassador to Lebanon in September 2018
Source: Gov Press Releases

Press release: Making it easier to drive through roadworks – responding to driver feedback

Drivers could be allowed to travel at increased speed through motorway roadworks depending on what day of the week they are travelling, under new plans from Highways England.

Following earlier trials to increase the speed limit through roadworks from 50mph to 55mph or even 60mph, the company is going to test if varying speed limits could safely be operated within a set of roadworks without increasing the risks to either drivers or road workers.

For example the speed could be increased to 60mph on a Sunday if there is less activity taking place, and then brought back down to 50mph when road workers are working within a few feet of passing traffic.

It is also exploring if different speed limits could operate within one set of roadworks. This could mean people commute to work on one carriageway at 50mph as they are nearer the workforce, but drive home on the other carriageway at 60mph as the road workers are further away.

Jim O’Sullivan, Chief Executive of Highways England, said:

People understand roadworks are necessary but are also frustrated by them. At the same time we have to ensure as they drive through them that they, and our road workers, are safe.

So we are always thinking of new ways to improve journeys at the same time as keeping everyone as safe as we can. That is why over the next 12 months we will test changes to the design and operation of roadworks.

We are also working hard to give drivers more and better information about their journeys and to prepare our network for the future, for example the testing of roadside and vehicle technology, so we can continue to keep people, and the country, connected.

During roadworks narrow lanes are installed to provide a safe working area for the workforce. Doing this means as many lanes as possible can remain open to traffic. Currently Highways England operates a 50mph (or lower) limit in narrow lanes but this year they will test whether it is safe to operate at 60mph in certain circumstances. This might include consideration of the width of the narrow lanes or the type of temporary safety barriers that are used.

Locations for the trials are yet to be agreed. Once underway Highways England will monitor the speed of vehicles, flow of traffic, look at incident data and gather customer feedback to determine its success.

The trials are outlined in the company’s Delivery Plan Update for 2018/19, published today.

The Plan sets out how the company is continuing to deliver the Government’s £15 billion road investment programme (2015 to 2020).

It also includes:

  • making roads safer – planned major road projects and targeted safety schemes are forecast to prevent 200 deaths or serious injuries by 2020;
  • improving services to drivers by telling them what is going on in roadworks or traffic jams;
  • delivering major road schemes to create extra space for more traffic, ease congestion, and improve the reliability of journeys: during this year eight are due to open to traffic, work will start on six projects and 16 will be in construction;
  • maintaining and renewing the existing strategic road network – this will include resurfacing 1,118 lane miles of road surface: nearly the same number of lane miles as the entire M1 carriageway (1,248 lane miles);
  • keeping the network open to traffic by maximising lane availability so that it does not fall below 97% in one rolling year;
  • working overnight to reduce the impact on road users during the day – last year (March 2017 to Feb 2018) 85% of roadworks were completed overnight, a five per cent increase from the year before (April 2016 to November 2017);
  • clearing at least 85% of motorway incidents within one hour to give road users back the lanes they need;
  • reducing the impact of the strategic road network on its surroundings, be that on people living near the roads or the environment, such as through the special funds for noise mitigation (free double-glazing), air quality, biodiversity schemes, and investing in new litter bins at motorway service areas;
  • recruiting – growing Highways England as a company and working with the supply chain to retain and attract the skills needed. This includes increasing the number of apprentices and graduates.
  • looking to the future – continuing to explore and seek innovative approaches which could change the way roads are operated and maintained. Highways England will also progress the work with its industry partners on the research and testing into connected and autonomous vehicles.

General enquiries

Members of the public should contact the Highways England customer contact centre on 0300 123 5000.

Media enquiries

Journalists should contact the Highways England press office on 0844 693 1448 and use the menu to speak to the most appropriate press officer.

Link: Press release: Making it easier to drive through roadworks – responding to driver feedback
Source: Gov Press Releases

Press release: Consultation on revised guidance for goods and passenger transport industries

The Senior Traffic Commissioner for Great Britain is today (16 July 2018) launching a [consultation] ( on proposed changes to the Statutory Documents.

The publications describe how commissioners apply the law and take a proportionate approach to their regulatory powers.

They are reviewed regularly to provide clearer guidance and show transparency in the way traffic commissioners come to their decisions.

Many of the amendments recognise changes in the law and appeal decisions made by the Upper Tribunal.

13 of the 15 documents have been reviewed, with the changes covering key areas of operator licensing, including:

• Stronger guidance on the practice of ‘fronting’ (document 1 – good repute & fitness)
• Greater emphasis on the importance of completing applications (document 1 – good repute & fitness)
• Improved guidance around continuous and effective management and disqualification (document 3 – transport managers)
• A new section on support for tribunal users (document 9 – case management)
• Improved guidance on the main occupation criteria (document 13 – small PSVs)
• Updated guidance on what happens when periods of grace expire (several documents)
• A new section on driver employment status (document 5 – legal entities)

Richard Turfitt, the Senior Traffic Commissioner for Great Britain, said:

“The traffic commissioners are justifiably proud of our efforts to modernise. The Statutory Documents are necessarily based on legal developments but few regulators are able to demonstrate the same level of transparency in their decision making as that achieved through their publication.

“Although many of the proposed amendments reflect changes in the law and decisions made at appeal, we want industry to have a chance to review the Documents before we re-issue them.”

The consultation will run from 16 July 2018 to 27 August 2018.

Press enquiries

Media office
Office of the Traffic Commissioner

Suite 6

Stone Cross Place

Stone Cross Lane North




Link: Press release: Consultation on revised guidance for goods and passenger transport industries
Source: Gov Press Releases

Press release: Lockheed Martin and Orbex to launch UK into new space age

  • Lockheed Martin to establish vertical launch operations in Sutherland, Scotland and develop innovative technologies in Reading, Berkshire with support from two UK Space Agency grants totalling £23.5 million
  • A further £5.5 million will go to British company Orbex to build an innovative new rocket for launch from Sutherland, as part of Government’s modern Industrial Strategy
  • This builds on awards of £2.5m to Highlands and Islands Enterprise to develop a vertical launch spaceport in Sutherland and a £2m development fund for horizontal spaceports such as those planned in Cornwall, Glasgow Prestwick and Snowdonia
  • Government support for launch is the first step towards a potential Space Sector Deal and the development of a national space programme

Lockheed Martin: UK spaceflight programme

Under the plans, global space leader Lockheed Martin and innovative spaceflight company Orbex will launch rockets into space from the north coast of Scotland.

The grants from the UK Space Agency consist of:

  • Two separate grants worth a combined £23.5 million to Lockheed Martin to establish vertical launch operations at Sutherland using proven technology and to develop an innovative new system in Reading for deploying small satellites. Known as an orbital manoeuvring vehicle, this will be the upper stage of Lockheed Martin’s rocket and will deploy up to six small satellites to separate orbits.
  • £5.5 million to UK-based Orbex to build an innovative new rocket for launch from Sutherland, with the support of British manufacturing operations and supply chains. Their orbital launch vehicle, called Prime, will deliver small satellites into Earth’s orbit, using a single renewable fuel, bio-propane, that cuts carbon emissions by 90% compared to hydrocarbon fuels.

The companies will work together with Highlands and Islands Enterprise, which has been awarded £2.5 million to develop a vertical launch site in Sutherland.

Business Secretary Greg Clark said:

“As a nation of innovators and entrepreneurs, we want Britain to be the first place in mainland Europe to launch satellites as part of our Industrial Strategy. The UK’s thriving space industry, research community and aerospace supply chain put the UK in a leading position to develop both vertical and horizontal launch sites.

“This will build on our global reputation for manufacturing small satellites and help the whole country capitalise on the huge potential of the commercial space age.”

Horizontal launch sites have significant potential in a future UK spaceflight market, which could attract companies from all over the world to invest in Britain. Sites such as Newquay, Glasgow Prestwick and Snowdonia will be boosted by a new £2m fund to grow their sub-orbital flight, satellite launch and spaceplane ambitions.

Chris Grayling, Secretary of State for Transport, said:

“The UK’s space sector is thriving and satellite benefits our lives every day, from banking to transport, and agriculture to entertainment.

“Our Space Industry Act will allow the UK to tap into and develop new commercial space opportunities, with the potential for hundreds of new regional jobs and billions of revenue for British business across the country.

“Today’s announcement is not only exciting for Sutherland, but with industry expertise up and down the country it will drive growth and further regional opportunities in England, Scotland and Wales.”

Britain’s Space Sector has set out ambitious plans to build on its global leadership in satellites and applications using space data to create a hub in the UK for new commercial space services, as set out in the Prosperity from Space report published in May.

The Government’s modern Industrial Strategy identified spaceports as a key economic opportunity and a priority for the UK’s space strategy. The UK is an attractive destination for space businesses and the north of Scotland is well-placed to reach in-demand satellite orbits.

Patrick Wood, Lockheed Martin’s UK Country Executive for Space, said:

“The UK Space Agency’s strategic vision for a world-class launch market will position the nation for a very bright future in space. Lockheed Martin will apply its 50 years of experience in small satellite engineering, launch services and ground operations, as well as a network of UK-based and international teammates, to deliver new technologies, new capabilities and new economic opportunities.”

Chris Larmour, CEO of Orbex, said:

“We’re delighted to have been selected after a highly competitive and detailed process. Orbex is one of the very few private spaceflight companies with credible practical experience in the development of launch vehicles and rocket engines. With the support of this grant from the UK Space Agency, we will soon be launching small satellites into orbit from British soil and helping to transform the UK into an important hub for commercial space launch operations.”

Following its call for grant proposals in Spring 2017, the UK Space Agency assessed 26 proposals to determine what would deliver the best value for money and strategic opportunity for the growth of the UK space sector.

A number of sites across the UK are developing their spaceport plans and engaging with regulators, demonstrating the scale of the industry’s ambition and confidence in a future UK spaceflight market, which could attract companies from all over the world to invest in Britain. Launches will be regulated under the Space Industry Act 2018.

The UK and US will also soon begin formal negotiations towards a Technology Safeguards Agreement, which will establish the legal and technical safeguards that can support U.S. space launch vehicles to operate from UK launch sites. Attracting US operators to the UK will enhance our space capabilities and boost the whole market.

Link: Press release: Lockheed Martin and Orbex to launch UK into new space age
Source: Gov Press Releases

Press release: One giant leap: Vertical launch spaceport to bring UK into new space age

  • Industrial Strategy funding awarded to proposed vertical launch spaceport in Sutherland, Scotland
  • Horizontal launch sites such as those planned in Cornwall, Glasgow Prestwick and Snowdonia to be boosted by new £2 million development fund
  • Commercial vertical and horizontal launch demand is worth a potential £3.8 billion to the UK economy over the next decade and will support further growth of Britain’s space sector
  • Additional grants to be announced at next week’s Farnborough International Airshow will see leading commercial spaceflight operators launching from Sutherland

UK spaceports

The UK Space Agency has selected the first vertical launch site in Sutherland on the north coast of Scotland and is making available a new £2 million fund to boost horizontal spaceport development across Britain, Business Secretary Greg Clark will announce today (Monday 16 July).

Scotland is the best place in the UK to reach in-demand satellite orbits with vertically launched rockets. Initial funding of £2.5 million will go to Highlands and Islands Enterprise to develop the vertical launch site in Sutherland which will use a combination of proven and innovative rocket technologies to pave the way for a world-leading spaceflight market.

This will grow the UK space economy through regular, reliable and responsible access to space.

Business Secretary Greg Clark said:

“As a nation of innovators and entrepreneurs, we want Britain to be the first place in mainland Europe to launch satellites as part of our Industrial Strategy.The UK’s thriving space industry, research community and aerospace supply chain put the UK in a leading position to develop both vertical and horizontal launch sites.

“This will build on our global reputation for manufacturing small satellites and help the whole country capitalise on the huge potential of the commercial space age.”

Horizontal launch sites have significant potential in a future UK spaceflight market, which could attract companies from all over the world to invest in Britain. Sites such as Newquay, Glasgow Prestwick and Snowdonia will be boosted by a new £2m fund to grow their sub-orbital flight, satellite launch and spaceplane ambitions.

Secretary of State for Transport Chris Grayling said:

“The space sector is an important player in the UK’s economy and our recent Space Industry Act has unlocked the potential for hundreds of new jobs and billions of revenue for British business across the country.

“Today’s announcement is exciting for places like Newquay in Cornwall too, paving the way for further potential space ports in the future.”

The £50 million UK Spaceflight Programme is also considering leading proposals for horizontal spaceplane operations from across Britain, submitted as part of its call on low cost access to space.

Secretary of State for Scotland David Mundell said:

“The UK Government is driving the commercial space age and Scotland is leading the way. We are investing £2.5 million in a vertical launch site in Sutherland which will create hundreds of new jobs. And we will invest a further £2 million in horizontal launch sites – Prestwick is in the running for that and I wish them well.

“Scotland is uniquely positioned to pilot the UK’s commercial space sector and the UK Government recognises this pot.”

Secretary of State for Wales Alun Cairns said:

“The UK Government has an exciting ambition to take the UK into the commercial space age by enabling small satellite launch and spaceflight from UK spaceports. Wales now has an exciting window of opportunity to take a leading role in shaping that future.

“We have the right geography and a skilled engineering base in aerospace, electronics and the software industries, standing ready to diversify and to flourish in the fast-developing space market. The opportunities are vast – for Britain’s strategic capabilities and for Wales in terms of job creation, cross border synergies through the Northern Powerhouse, linking to our strong academic institutions and the potential economic impact. We must now stand ready to grasp them.”

The UK has a thriving space sector with significant capability in manufacturing satellites and using the information they collect to drive innovation in other sectors ranging from healthcare to finance.

Graham Turnock, Chief Executive of the UK Space Agency, said:

“This spaceport grant will help to kick-start an exciting new era for the UK space industry, and this is only the beginning of our LaunchUK campaign. We are committed to supporting a commercial market for access to space in the UK, and we will continue to engage with any company who seeks to operate here.”

A number of sites across the UK are developing their spaceport plans and engaging with regulators, demonstrating the scale of the industry’s ambition and confidence in a future UK spaceflight market, which could attract companies from all over the world to invest in Britain.

Low cost access to space is important for the UK’s thriving space sector which builds more small satellites than any other country, with Glasgow building more than any other city in Europe.

Will Whitehorn, Non-Executive Chairman of Clyde Space said:

“From designing and building the very first satellite in Scotland, Clyde Space has grown and become a front runner in small-satellite manufacturing. Having a spaceport located in Scotland will bring about a whole host of commercial advantages and not only to our operations in Glasgow, but to the entire space sector in the whole of the UK.”

Peter Platzer, CEO of Spire Global, said:

“A spaceport in Scotland and the UK is fantastic news! Launch continues to be the most unpredictable part of the overall supply chain, with delays, often for months and sometimes years, being the norm. In Spire, Scotland already sports Europe’s most advanced and prolific satellite manufacturing capability, and with a space port right next door, enabling clockwork like launches, we can finally get our space sector supply chain to be truly integrated!”

The UK’s thriving space industry, research community and aerospace supply chain also put the UK in a strong position to further develop horizontal launch sites. The Government’s decision to make available a £2 million strategic development fund, subject to business case, will help accelerate this early-stage market further.

Small-satellite launch and sub-orbital flight from the UK will support organisations across the country to remain at the forefront of commercial space services. It will drive new highly skilled jobs and boost local economies – not only in the communities around spaceport sites, but in the UK’s space sector as a whole.

Charlotte Wright, Chief Executive of Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE), said:

“The decision to support the UK’s first spaceport in Sutherland is tremendous news for our region and for Scotland as a whole. The international space sector is growing and we want to ensure the region is ready to reap the economic benefits that will be generated from this fantastic opportunity.”

Link: Press release: One giant leap: Vertical launch spaceport to bring UK into new space age
Source: Gov Press Releases

Press release: Heathrow’s flying visit to West Cumbria

Heathrow is creating four regional support hubs, in various locations, in order to spread the economic benefits of their expansion around the UK.

We submitted an expression of interest in turning the former Alcan site at Lillyhall into a ‘Heathrow Hub’ on behalf of our supply chain and local stakeholders, including Cumbria’s Local Enterprise Partnership, Allerdale Borough Council, Copeland Borough Council, Britain’s Energy Coast Business Cluster, Sue Hayman MP (Workington) and Trudy Harrison MP (Copeland).

If successful the site could be used as a base for logistics, manufacturing and construction. It has already made the ‘long-list’ after initial expressions of interest were whittled down from 121 to 65.

A delegation from Heathrow has been visiting each of the 65 sites over several months – today was our turn. As well as the Alcan site, the delegation visited the Port of Workington.

Our head of community and development, Jamie Reed, and our head of community relations, Gary McKeating, hosted the visit, which was also attended by stakeholders including Sue Hayman, Mark Fryer, deputy leader of Allerdale Borough Council, Pat Graham, the Chief Executive of Copeland Borough Council and John Grainger, from Britain’s Energy Coast Business Cluster.

What has Heathrow’s expansion got to do with Sellafield?

Creating resilient economies is one of the objectives of our Social Impact Strategy – that means we’ve made a commitment to helping drive new economic opportunities for the region (as well as increasing the scale, diversity and development of existing sectors).

In short that means that we have a strategic aim to help improve the short and long term economic prospects of the region – and an opportunity like the one presented by Heathrow’s expansion could have a significant and sustainable positive impact.

What happens next?

Heathrow will take some time to further consider the next steps, and will come back to those long-listed to seek more information and invite formal bids after shortlisting.

If successful we’ll work in collaboration with partners in West Cumbria to develop a formal bid.

Link: Press release: Heathrow’s flying visit to West Cumbria
Source: Gov Press Releases