Press release: ‘Open HMRC’ – Alexa helps tax credits customers

HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) today (10 July 2018) launched new and innovative technology to help more than 3 million customers renew their tax credits by 31 July.

HMRC has developed a customer-focused service through Amazon Alexa specifically for those seeking help with their tax credits renewals.

Customers with Amazon Alexa-enabled devices can ask Alexa to ‘open HMRC’ and ask for help and information with a change of circumstances, payment information, or a renewal. No personal information is stored on Alexa and customers cannot renew their tax credits using Alexa.

It’s just one part of HMRC’s growing online services. Tech-savvy customers can also use the HMRC App on their smartphone to:

  • renew their tax credits
  • check their tax credits payments schedule
  • find out how much they have earned for the year

Tax credits help working families with targeted support, and more than 65,000 customers this year have already used the app to renew their tax credits, compared to 38,411 customers in 2017.

All online customers can now log into GOV.UK to check the progress of their renewal so they can be reassured it’s being worked on and know when they’ll hear back from HMRC.

Angela MacDonald, HMRC’s Director General for Customer Services, said:

We know our customers have hectic lives – full of interruptions and distractions – which is why HMRC’s online services are available at all times of the day and night.

As the 31 July deadline for tax credits renewals approaches, customers can feel reassured that they can renew their benefits online or via the HMRC App at a time that suits them. And if they need to access help and support, Alexa can help customers find out about what to do when they receive a renewal pack, how to change their circumstances, or how to find out about payment information.

We’ve improved our services so customers can renew their tax credits at a time that’s convenient for them.

Online help and information on renewing tax credits is available on GOV.UK and via HMRC’s customer service Twitter feed @HMRCcustomers.

Support is also available on the tax credits helpline (0345 300 3900).

Further information

The deadline for people to renew their tax credits is 31 July 2018. Failure to renew before the deadline will mean payments are stopped and customers may have to repay the money they have received since April.

If a customer requests further information through an SMS, the mobile phone number is stored for 6 hours and then automatically deleted.

Claimants can get help and information on renewing tax credits:

  • on GOV.UK
  • by tweeting @HMRCcustomers or posting on our Facebook page with general queries
  • using HMRC’s App, which is available on the App Store or Google Play Store
  • using HMRC service on Amazon Alexa
  • using the online forum (click on Tax Credits and You)
  • through HMRC’s webchat help service

Link: Press release: ‘Open HMRC’ – Alexa helps tax credits customers
Source: Gov Press Releases

Press release: Justice Secretary launches fresh crackdown on crime in prison

  • Safety, security and decency will be improved across the prison estate
  • Criminal lynchpins operating behind bars will be targeted through new digital technology
  • In-cell phones to incentivise good behaviour and boost rehabilitation

Criminal lynchpins who orchestrate gangs from behind bars will be identified, targeted and disrupted thanks to the use of new technology.

As part of action to enhance safety, security and decency across the estate, a new digital tool will enable prisons to build a more detailed picture of the kind of risk an offender is likely to present – including the likelihood of involvement in organised crime.

Following a successful trial, the digital tool – which assesses information from various law enforcement databases to create a central ‘risk rating’ for each prisoner – will be rolled out across the country over the next year, thanks to a £1m injection.

While the current system relies on offence type and sentence length to categorise prisoners, the new technology will help staff to assess the risks an offender is likely to pose – including violence, escape, or becoming involved in organised crime. This intelligence will allow police and prison staff to better target their activity to prevent, disrupt and disable criminal networks, including moving prisoners when necessary.

This smarter approach to categorisation is already having an impact and has led to 12 of the most prolific criminals being moved to different prisons, disrupting their control over criminal networks.

Justice Secretary David Gauke said:

We must make it clear to these gangs that criminality stops at the prison gate.

…We have already identified some of the worst offenders coordinating drug supply from the inside and moved them to other prisons to cut them off from their market. This includes people using drones and visitors to smuggle drugs and mobile phones into prisons, and those seeking to corrupt prison staff and coerce other prisoners – through intimidation or fear – to get involved in criminal activity.

Removing these individuals disrupts supply routes and, just like any organisation, this lack of leadership paralyses the gangs and stops them from getting business done.

The £30m package announced today includes an overall £7m investment in safety. This will fund a range of new security measures, including airport-security style scanners, improved searching techniques and phone-blocking technology.

The Justice Secretary also announced that the MOJ will be working with the prison service, police and CPS to update the ‘Crime in Prisons Protocol’, to enhance the response to crime behind bars. New training for prison staff, due to be rolled out by Autumn, will focus on crime scene preservation to make sure investigators and prosecutors have the evidence they need to pursue offenders wherever possible.

The remainder of the £30m will be spent on:

  • £16m to improve the fabric of prisons, targeting establishments with the most pressing maintenance issues and to ensure that they are brought back up to acceptable standards. This is on top of the existing maintenance budget.
  • £7m on in-cell telephones for more prisons. Currently most prisoners queue for public phones on the landings, which can be the trigger for violence or fuel demand for illicit mobile phones. Some of our modern prisons have in-cell phones with strict security measures, meaning calls to family can take place in private. Prisoners will continue to pay to make these calls.

The Justice Secretary added:

Once in prison, offenders deserve to live in decent, safe and secure environments.. In too many parts of our prison estate today cells are dirty with peeling paint and exposed wiring, shower and toilet facilities are filthy or broken, and food serving and eating areas do not meet modern food hygiene standards.

…Decency also extends to how we treat prisoners – fairly and consistently, with time out of their cells, activities, and the opportunity to maintain family relationships. As Lord Farmer made clear in his ground-breaking review last year, supportive relationships are critical to achieving rehabilitation.

As part of his drive to improve opportunities for compliant prisoners who want to reform and turn their backs on crime, the Justice Secretary outlined plans for an enhanced ‘incentives and earned privileges’ scheme.

Under this scheme, governors will be given the autonomy to identify what works best in the context of their prison – for instance, if they have excellent gym facilities, prisoners could be given extra access if they engage in education and employment programmes. Likewise, these privileges can be revoked if prisoners do not behave well.

The existing scheme is run centrally and this has been identified as a flaw by governors and inspectors.

The MOJ will also explore plans for enhanced drug-free wings where prisoners can live in better conditions if they agree to undergo regular testing.

As well as helping offenders to keep on track, we also need to give them hope for the future and the tools to build a bright one. So, we need to create prison regimes that encourage offenders to engage positively with clear pathways to progress,” the Justice Secretary said.

…By using this type of incentives and sanctions model, l I believe we can change the dynamic within prisons, creating environments built on mutual respect and trust – where prisoners know what is expected of them and what they can expect in return.

Link: Press release: Justice Secretary launches fresh crackdown on crime in prison
Source: Gov Press Releases

Press release: Prime Minister’s meeting with Chancellor Kurz of Austria: 9 July 2018

A Downing Street spokesperson said:

The Prime Minister welcomed Chancellor Kurz of Austria for dinner at Downing Street this evening.

Their warm and constructive conversation touched on the Chancellor’s priorities for Austria’s presidency of the EU, Brexit negotiations, migration and the NATO summit.

The Prime Minister gave an update on the UK’s Brexit negotiating position and advised that the UK would be publishing a white paper on the UK’s future relationship with the EU on Thursday. She urged the EU to give this serious consideration.

Chancellor Kurz noted that a good UK-EU relationship was in the interests of both sides.

On wider issues, the leaders also agreed it was important to work together to tackle illegal migration to Europe. Chancellor Kurz advised that this would be a focus of the informal EU Council which he would host in Salzburg in September. The two leaders also touched on NATO ahead of the Summit in Brussels on Wednesday and on the importance of building ties between the UK and Austria in the digital field.

They closed the dinner by looking ahead to the Western Balkans Summit that the Prime Minister will host with EU and Western Balkan leaders tomorrow. They agreed that the stability and prosperity of the region was a shared priority for the UK and Austria.

Link: Press release: Prime Minister’s meeting with Chancellor Kurz of Austria: 9 July 2018
Source: Gov Press Releases

Press release: PM reveals package of measures to promote a more peaceful, prosperous and democratic Western Balkans

Prime Minister Theresa May today announces a package of measures to help the Western Balkans prosper by improving the collective security and economic stability of the region.

The Prime Minister will welcome the six Western Balkan leaders to London today, alongside other European figures such as German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, and the Polish Prime Minister, Mateusz Morawiecki, for the 5th annual Western Balkans Summit under the Berlin Process.

The Berlin Process, established in 2014, has already achieved a great deal in the region – advancing the economic integration, building energy and transport links, and forging connections between civil society and young people.

The package announced today will complement this progress, helping build a more peaceful, prosperous and democratic Western Balkans.

It will help the region to address complex security challenges, particularly around serious and organised crime and drug smuggling, which in turn will help prevent illicit activity on the streets in the UK.

Organised Crime Groups from the Western Balkans have a significant nationwide presence in the UK. UK cooperation with the region and European partners has previously delivered positive results, including bringing down a crime network which was estimated to have imported an average of more than 8,000kg of cocaine a year into the UK, with an estimated street value of £800m.

Encouraged by these results and recognising the importance of the Western Balkans, the Prime Minister wants to go further to strengthen the security and economic integrity of the region.

Prime Minister, Theresa May said:

I am proud to host this year’s Western Balkans Summit, bringing together leaders from across the region with European partners to look at how we can ensure the economic stability and collective security of the Western Balkans.

For history shows that a stable and secure Western Balkans region means a more stable and secure Europe. We are leaving the EU next March, but we remain fully committed to improving the prosperity and security of the Western Balkans, and Europe, both now and in the years to come.

The package that I have announced today will help the Western Balkans tackle threats to their progress, such as serious and organised crime, drug trafficking and terrorism, while also having a positive effect in the UK by cutting off criminal activity at the source and helping prevent crime from reaching British streets.

The new package, which demonstrates the government’s enduring commitment to the region, includes:

  • increasing UK funding to the region by over 95% from £41 million in 18/19 to £80 million in 20/21 from the Conflict, Security and Stability Fund
  • doubling the number of UK staff working in the region on the security issues affecting the UK and the Western Balkans. These experts will help stop crime reaching UK streets and also help strengthen the region’s own response to serious and organised crime, terrorism and violent extremism, corruption and money laundering
  • launching the Balkans Organised Crime Observatory, jointly with the Austrian and Norwegian governments which will enable civil society to play a more effective role in tackling organised crime and corruption. Led by the Global Initiative Against Transnational Organised Crime, this will serve as a virtual network for key civil society actors to work together to monitor, report on and expose Serious and Organised Crime and corruption, share research and good practice and improve strategic and operational coordination
  • improving the region’s cyber capability through a £1m investment in training and advisory activities. This includes direct support to Computer Emergency Response Teams in Serbia and Montenegro, launching a Security Fellowships course on cyber security, and providing strategic support to Governments across the region, and establishing a UK-Western Balkans Security Discourse on Cyber Security to enhance UK bilateral and regional relationships and information sharing among senior cyber officials
  • agreeing a Joint Declaration on the Principles of Information-Exchange in the Field of Law Enforcement that will help law enforcement agencies in the region share information more easily in the fight against serious and organised crime and terrorism. Countries will also commit to concrete actions to tackle corruption
  • chairing a senior-level Security Commitments Steering Group to push for better exchange of information and best practice, including through establishing regional forums, the first of which for customs officers. These will meet regularly at senior and operational level to discuss strategic approaches and complex transnational financial criminal investigation
  • extending the Pan Balkans Strategic Reserve Force (SRF) for another year which is held at readiness in the UK to move into the Western Balkans if the security situation deteriorates or the UK needs to support stability in the region. The current UK commitment to maintain the SRF ends on 31st December. We are extending this for another year as a demonstration of our commitment to maintain security and stability in the Western Balkans
  • committing £10 million to help build digital skills and employment prospects for young people in the Western Balkans. The British Council will provide training to children in over 4,500 schools, to bolster digital literacy and core skills across the region. By providing access to a digital education, this funding will help foster the next generation of innovators and entrepreneurs
  • providing an additional £1million to help the region address difficult legacy issues, including supporting the organisations working to find and identify the 12,000 victims still missing from the conflicts of the 1990s

Link: Press release: PM reveals package of measures to promote a more peaceful, prosperous and democratic Western Balkans
Source: Gov Press Releases

Press release: New funding for innovative projects to build stronger communities

A new £7 million fund to support trailblazing approaches to building more integrated communities in England was launched today (9 July 2018) by Secretary of State for Communities Rt Hon James Brokenshire MP.

The Integrated Communities Innovation Fund will help drive forward the proposals to tackle the key causes of poor integration set out in the government’s Integrated Communities Strategy green paper launched in March 2018.

The Secretary of State launched the fund while giving evidence to the Housing, Communities and Local Government Committee at Parliament at a session outlining his priorities as the Secretary of State for Communities.

The new Innovation Fund aims to support similar trailblazing projects that will share their learning more widely, allowing other areas to develop proven approaches to tackling the key causes of poor integration.

We are inviting applications to support approaches which help build integrated communities. This includes projects that use sport and physical activity to encourage integration. The government will be working in partnership with Sport England, which is contributing to the new Integrated Communities Innovation Fund, to support projects of this type.

The consultation on the government’s Integrated Communities Strategy green paper closed on 5 June 2018. Over 3,500 responses were received from a wide variety of organisations and individuals clearly demonstrating the widespread commitment to building stronger communities across the country. The government will respond to the consultation later this year.

Speaking after the session, Secretary of State for Communities Rt Hon James Brokenshire MP said:

Britain is on the whole a well integrated society, but we have been clear that we need to tackle the persistent challenges of integration in some communities across the country.

The trailblazing projects supported by the fund announced today will drive forward our work to bring all levels of society together, from business leaders to grassroots charities, to tackle the key causes of poor integration.

Jennie Price, CEO of Sport England, said:

I’m very pleased that Sport England is working closely with the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government to achieve our shared objective of improving integration to strengthen communities.

We believe sport and physical activity is a powerful way of bringing together people from all backgrounds and strengthening the bonds between them.’

The green paper sets out that organisations that work closely with communities must be bold and innovative in order to tackle some of the most difficult integration challenges and that knowledge of what works should be shared.

To support this aim the government is today also announcing support for a new Cohesion and Integration Network. This will bring together organisations and individuals from across national and local government, business, and voluntary and community groups to share their ideas, knowledge and experience.

Professor Ted Cantle, a trustee of the new network, said:

The Cohesion and Integration Network announced today is a great opportunity to boost integration across the country, and ensure that proven ideas and projects can be easily shared replicated elsewhere and not re-invented or lost altogether.

We will be developing toolkits and guidance and making these resources accessible to everybody and as well as investing in skills and training to build the capacity of communities

The Integrated Communities Innovation Fund builds upon steps already taken to tackle the key causes of poor integration in collaboration with a wide range of partners.

It will complement the government’s ongoing work to develop ambitious local integration plans with 5 integration areas across England:

  • Blackburn with Darwen
  • Bradford
  • Peterborough
  • Walsall
  • Waltham Forest

These 5 local authorities have already demonstrated a keen grasp of the challenges they face and shown a desire to try new things and learn from what works. This learning will be shared more widely as the programme develops.

Office address and general enquiries

2 Marsham Street


Media enquiries

Link: Press release: New funding for innovative projects to build stronger communities
Source: Gov Press Releases

Press release: UK nuclear safeguards on track for EU exit

  • government sets out the details of new nuclear safeguards regime
  • nuclear safeguards legislation receives Royal Assent – UK on track to be able to meet international commitments once Euratom arrangements cease to apply in the UK
  • progress provides certainty to the civil nuclear industry and international partners as the UK prepares for Euratom exit

New proposals on the detail of a new UK nuclear safeguards regime to replace the current regime provided by Euratom, have been set out in a consultation launched today (Monday 9 July 2018).

The consultation sets out nuclear safeguards regulations that would be made using the powers granted by the Nuclear Safeguards Act, which last month became one of the first pieces of EU Exit legislation to complete its passage through Parliament and receive Royal Assent.

Business and Industry Minister, Richard Harrington said:

The Nuclear Safeguards Act is one of the first pieces of legislation to go through Parliament in preparation for EU Exit and is yet another major milestone in our work to prepare the civil nuclear industry for Euratom exit, ensuring continuity from day 1.

We are setting out proposals for the detail of our own UK framework for safeguards, demonstrating our readiness for EU Exit.

The Nuclear Safeguards Act addresses the United Kingdom’s departure from the European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom), an international organisation that governs the peaceful use of nuclear energy within the EU. The passing of the Act and today’s consultation on a new safeguards regime provide a clear signal to the public, industry and international partners that the UK is on track to meet its international commitments from day one of exit.

Nuclear safeguards are important processes through which the UK demonstrates to the international community that civil nuclear material is not diverted into military or weapons programmes.

Today’s announcement comes just weeks after the UK’s commitment to international safeguards and nuclear non-proliferation was reaffirmed in Vienna, with the signing of 2 new safeguards agreements with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

These key agreements with the IAEA – of which the UK is a founding member – are another major milestone in Euratom exit preparations and provide the basis for civil nuclear trading arrangements. This step will be welcomed by the industry in the UK and trading partners around the world.

Further progress towards Euratom Exit has been set out in a Quarterly update to Parliament published on 28 June, which outlines several key achievements, including the Office for Nuclear Regulation’s good progress on preparations for implementing the UK’s safeguards regime and the confirmation that all Euratom specific text in the Withdrawal Agreement has now been agreed.

The UK signed a new Nuclear Cooperation Agreement (NCA) with the United States of America in May, which will allow the UK and US to continue their mutually beneficial civil nuclear cooperation when the current Euratom arrangements cease to apply to the UK.

This US-UK NCA is expected to be the first in a series of new international agreements ensuring uninterrupted cooperation and trade following the UK’s exit from Euratom.

Details on how to respond to the consultation and to register interest for the workshops, can be found on the consultation web page.

Notes to editors

The Nuclear Safeguards Act 2018 amends the Energy Act 2013 to:

  • provide the Office for Nuclear Regulation with a new safeguards function
  • create new powers for the Secretary of State to put in place regulations setting out the detail of the domestic safeguards regime

The Act also creates a limited power for the Secretary of State to amend 3 existing pieces of legislation to update references to the new IAEA agreements.

The UK’s Voluntary Offer Agreement and Additional Protocol were signed in Vienna on 7 June.

The UK has been a member of the IAEA since its formation in 1957.

The signing of new bilateral agreements with the IAEA, a Voluntary Offer Agreement and Additional Protocol, will replace existing trilateral arrangements between the IAEA, Euratom and the UK.

The new agreements ensure that the IAEA retains its right to inspect all civil nuclear facilities, and continues to receive current safeguards reporting, thereby ensuring that international verification of our safeguards activity continues to be robust. Such agreements have been put in place on a voluntary basis by the 5 nuclear-weapon states parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons.

The new safeguards regime to be established in the UK will be operated by the Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR). The ONR already regulates nuclear safety and security in the UK and has been making preparation to replace Euratom as the regulator of safeguards.

Link: Press release: UK nuclear safeguards on track for EU exit
Source: Gov Press Releases

Press release: Foreign flagged ships detained in the UK during June 2018

During June, there were seven new detentions of foreign flagged vessels in a UK port, four vessels remained under detention from previous months. A total of five vessels remain under detention at the end of June.

  1. In response to one of the recommendations of Lord Donaldson’s inquiry into the prevention of pollution from merchant shipping, and in compliance with the EU Directive on Port State Control (2009/16/EC as amended), the Maritime and Coastguard agency (MCA) publishes details of the foreign flagged vessels detained in UK ports each month.
  2. The UK is part of a regional agreement on port state control known as the Paris Memorandum of Understanding on Port State Control (Paris MOU) and information on all ships that are inspected is held centrally in an electronic database known as THETIS. This allows the ships with a high risk rating and poor detention records to be targeted for future inspection.
  3. Inspections of foreign flagged ships in UK ports are undertaken by surveyors from the Maritime and Coastguard Agency. When a ship is found to be not in compliance with applicable convention requirements, a deficiency may be raised. If any of their deficiencies are so serious they have to be rectified before departure, then the ship will be detained.
  4. All deficiencies should be rectified before departure if at all possible.
  5. When applicable, the list includes those passenger craft prevented from operating under the provisions of the EU Directive on Mandatory Surveys for the safe operation of regular Ro-Ro ferry and high speed passenger craft services (1999/35/EU).

Notes on the list of detentions

  • Full details of the ship.
    The accompanying detention list shows ship’s International Maritime Organization (IMO) number which is unchanging throughout the ship’s life and uniquely identifies it. It also shows the ship’s name and flag state at the time of its inspection.
  • Company.
    The company shown in the vessel’s Safety Management Certificate (SMC) or if there is no SMC, then the party otherwise believed to be responsible for the safety of the ship at the time of inspection.
  • Classification Society.
    The list shows the Classification Society responsible for classing the ship only.
  • Recognised Organisation.
    Responsible for conducting the statutory surveys: and issuing statutory certificates on behalf of the Flag State
  • White (WL), Grey (GL) and Black lists (BL) are issued by the Paris MoU on 01 July each year and shows the performance of flag State.


Vessel Name: DOUWENT

GT: 1311

IMO: 8703139

Flag: Liberia (White list)

Company: Sky Mare Navigation Co

Classification Society: IRS

Recognised Organisation: IRS

Recognised Organisation for ISM Doc: IRS

Recognised Organisation for ISM SMC: IRS

Date and Place of Detention: 26th June 2018 at Avonmouth

Summary: Six deficiencies with one ground for detention

Defective item Nature of defect Ground for Detention
02109 – Permanent means of access Not as required No
01201 – Certificates of Master and officers Missing No
10127 – Voyage or Passage Plan Not as required No
01225 – Seafarer’s employment agreement (SEA) Invalid No
04109 – Fire Drills Lack of training, Lack of knowledge No
15150 – ISM Not as required Yes

This vessel was still detained on 30th June 2018


GT: 2611

IMO: 9318230

Flag: Malta (White list)

Company: Pallas Shipping AS

Classification Society: RINA

Recognised Organisation: RINA

Recognised Organisation for ISM Doc: RINA

Recognised Organisation for ISM SMC: RINA

Date and Place of Detention: 25th June 2018 at Ipswich

Summary: Twenty deficiencies with three ground for detention

Defective item Nature of defect Ground for Detention
01209- Manning specified by the minimum safe manning doc Not as required No
04102 – Emergency fire pump and it’s pipes Inoperative Yes
10135 – Monitoring of voyage or passage plan Not as required No
10106 – Compass correction log Not as required No
18318 – Food temperature Not as required No
01310 – Signs, indications Not as required No
07108 – Ready availability of fire fighting equipment Not properly stowed No
07105 – Fire doors/openings in fire resisting divisions Not as required Yes
18315- Provisions quality and nutritional value Not as required No
01308 – Records of seafarers’ daily hours of work or rest Incorrect entries No
11129 – Operational readiness of lifesaving appliances Not as required No
11117 – Lifebuoys incl. provision and disposition Not as required N0
07111 – Personal equipment for fire safety Not as required No
14104 – Oil filtering equipment Not as required No
01218 – Medical certificate Not as required No
07120 – Means of escape Blocked No
04103 – Emergency, lighting, batteries and switches Not as required No
09232 – Cleanliness of engine room Insufficient No
10101 – Pilot ladders and hoist/pilot transfer arrangements Damaged No
15150 – ISM Not as required Yes
13105 – UMS – Ship Inoperative No

This vessel was still detained on 30th June 2018

Vessel Name: NEW HYDRA

GT: 92944

IMO: 9579781

Flag: Panama (White list)

Company: New Shipping Ltd

Classification Society: ABS

Recognised Organisation: ABS

Recognised Organisation for ISM Doc: ABS

Recognised Organisation for ISM SMC: ABS

Date and Place of Detention: 16th June 2018 at Port Talbot

Summary: Nine deficiencies with two ground for detention

Defective item Nature of defect Ground for Detention
07106 – Fire detection and alarm system Not as required Yes
07106 – Fire detection and alarm system Not as required No
01139 – Maritime Labour Certificate Entries missing No
01140- Declaration of Maritime Labour Compliance (Part I and II) Invalid No
01315 – Oil record book Entries missing No
01220 – Seafarers’ employment agreement (SEA) Expired No
01218 – Medical certificate Expired No
10133 – Bridge operation Lack of familiarity No
15150 – ISM Not as required Yes

This vessel was released on 17th June 2018


GT: 1814

IMO: 8883290

Flag: Russian Federation (Grey list)

Company: Tecoil Shipping Ltd

Classification Society: RMRS

Recognised Organisation: RMRS

Recognised Organisation for ISM Doc: RMRS

Recognised Organisation for ISM SMC: RMRS

Date and Place of Detention: 6th June 2018 at Immingham

Summary: Twenty seven deficiencies with eight ground for detention

Defective item Nature of defect Ground for Detention
01123 – Continuous synopsis record Entries missing No
01218 – Medical certificate Missing No
01320 – Garbage record book Incorrect No
01308 – Record of seafarers’ daily hours of work or rest False No
04110 – Abandon ship drill Insufficient frequency No
10105 – Magnetic compass Inoperative Yes
10128 – Navigation bridge visibility Not as required No
10104 – Gyro compass Inoperative Yes
11122 – Radio life-saving appliances Inoperative No
11129 – Operational readiness of lifesaving appliances Not as required Yes
04109 – Fire drills Lack of communication No
10127 – Voyage or passage plan Not as required Yes
10123 – International code of signals – SOLAS Missing No
15150 – ISM Not as required Yes
05110 – Facilities for reception of marine safety inform. Not as required No
05199 – Other (radiocommunication) Other No
11104 – Rescue boats Not properly maintained Yes
11101 – Lifeboats Not ready for use Yes
10101 – Pilot ladder and hoist/pilot transfer arrangements Unsafe No
06105 – Atmosphere testing instrument Not properly maintained No
07105 – Fire doors/openings in fire resisting divisions Not as required No
01117 – International Oil Pollution Prevention (IOPP) Invalid Yes
14604 – Bunker delivery note Not as required No
01315 – Oil record book Not properly filled No
02105 – Steering gear Not properly maintained No
02108 – Electrical installations in general Not properly maintained No
11134 – Operations of life saving appliances Lack of familiarity No

This vessel was still detained on 30th June 2018

Vessel Name: YEOMAN BANK

GT: 24870

IMO: 7422881

Flag: Liberia (White list)

Company: SMT Shipping Poland

Classification Society: DNV-GL

Recognised Organisation: DNV-GL

Recognised Organisation for ISM Doc: DNV-GL

Recognised Organisation for ISM SMC: DNV-GL

Date and Place of Detention: 5th June 2018 at Glasgow

Summary: Fourteen deficiencies with four ground for detention

Defective item Nature of defect Ground for Detention
18410- Gas instruments Not as required Yes
04118 – Enclosed space entry and rescue drills Not as required Yes
04109 – Fire drills Lack of knowledge No
11108 – Inflatable liferafts Not ready for use No
04110 – Abandon ship drills Lack of knowledge Yes
11117 – Liefebuoys incl. provision and disposition Not ready for use No
03103 – Railing, gangway, walkway and means of safe passage Damaged No
02101 – Closing devices/watertight door Not as required No
18202 – Legal documentation on work and rest hours Not as required No
07109 – Fixed fire extinguishing installation Not as required No
03110 – Manholes/flush scuttles Not as required No
99101 – Other safety in general Other No
15150 – ISM Not as required Yes

This vessel was released on 7th June 2018

Vessel Name: BURHOU I

GT: 674

IMO: 7726897

Flag: Panama (White list)

Company: Great Glen Shipping Co Ltd

Classification Society: INSB

Recognised Organisation: INSB

Recognised Organisation for ISM Doc: INSB

Recognised Organisation for ISM SMC: INSB

Date and Place of Detention: 2nd June 2018 at Campbelltown

Summary: Eight deficiencies with two ground for detention

Defective item Nature of defect Ground for Detention
02106 – Hull damage impairing seaworthiness Not as required Yes
18420 – Cleanliness of engine room Not as required No
18103 – Medical fitness Not as required Yes
07105 – Fire doors/openings in fire-resisting divisions Not as required No
7114 – Remote means of control (opening, pumps, ventilation, etc) machinery spaces Inoperative No
10105 – Magnetic compass Not as required No
07105 – Fire doors/openings in fire-resisting divisions Missing No
07120 – Means of escape Not marked No

This vessel was released on 21st June 2018

Vessel Name: EPIC CORFU

GT: 3818

IMO: 9227118

Flag: Singapore (White list)

Company: Epic Shipmanagement PTE

Classification Society: LR

Recognised Organisation: LR

Recognised Organisation for ISM Doc: NKK

Recognised Organisation for ISM SMC: NKK

Date and Place of Detention: 15th May 2018 at Shearness

Summary: Sixteen deficiencies with two ground for detention

Defective item Nature of defect Ground for Detention
01139 – Maritime Labour Certificate Not properly filled No
01140 – Declaration of Maritime Labour Compliance (Part I & II) Entries missing No
01220 – Seafarers’ employment agreement (SEA) Invalid No
05110 – Facilities for reception of marine safety inform. Inoperative No
11112 – Launching arrangements for survival craft Not properly maintained Yes
14104 – Oil filtering equipment Not properly maintained No
07105 – Fire doors/openings in fire-resisting divisions Not as required No
07114 – Remote means of control (opening pumps, ventilation, etc.) Machinery spaces Not as required No
18312 – Galley, handling room (maintenance) Damaged No
04102 – Emergency fire pump and its pipes Not properly maintained No
02108 – Electrical installations in general Not as required No
18304 – Lighting (Accommodation) Damaged No
18311 – Messroom and recreational facilities Not as required No
06199 – Other (cargo) Other No
18421-Guards – fencing around dangerous machinery parts Damaged No
15150 – ISM Not as required Yes

This vessel was released on 5th June 2018


Vessel Name: ATLANTIC

GT: 2195

IMO: 8002731

Flag: St Kitts and Nevis (Black list)

Company: JMB Bjerrum & Jensen Aps

Classification Society: RINA

Recognised Organisation: RINA

Recognised Organisation for ISM Doc: DNV GL

Recognised Organisation for ISM SMC: RINA

Date and Place of Detention: 15th May 2018 at Sheerness

Summary: Nineteen deficiencies with seventeen ground for detention

Defective item Nature of defect Ground for Detention
18314 – Provisions quantity Insufficient Yes
18315 – Provisions quality and nutritional value Not as required Yes
01123 – Continuous synopsis record Missing Yes
01315 – Oil record book Incorrect Yes
01220 – Seafarers’ employment agreement (SEA) Not as required Yes
01199 – Other (certificates) Other Yes
10105 – Magnetic compass Not as required Yes
10111 – Charts Expired Yes
05103 – Main installation Not as required Yes
18201 – Fitness for duty – work and rest hours Not as required Yes
18203 – Wages Not according SEA Yes
18326 – Laundry, Adequate Locker Not as required Yes
18413 – Warning notices Missing No
07110 – Fire fighting equipment and appliances Not properly maintained Yes
07108 – Ready availability of fire fighting equipment Missing Yes
07115 – Fire dampers Not as required Yes
99101 – Other safety in general Other No
15150 – ISM Not as required Yes
10116 – Nautical publications Expired Yes

This vessel was released on 1st June 2018

Vessel Name: CELTICA HAV

GT: 1537

IMO: 8422022

Flag: Bahamas

Company: HAV Ship Management NorRus AS

Classification Society: DNV GL

Recognised Organisation: DNV GL

Recognised Organisation for ISM Doc: DNV GL

Recognised Organisation for ISM SMC: DNV GL

Date and Place of Detention: 4th April 2018 at Swansea

Summary: Three deficiencies with two ground for detention

Defective item Nature of defect Ground for Detention
02106 – Hull damage impairing seaworthiness Holed Yes
10127 – Voyage or passage plan Not as required Yes
10111 – Charts Not updated No

This vessel was released on 5th June 2018

Vessel Name: SEA TRIDENT

GT: 964.

IMO No: 7393169.

Flag: PANAMA (white list)


Classification Society: Expired

Recognised Organisation: Expired

Recognised Organisation for ISM DOC:

Recognised Organisation for ISM SMC:

Date and Place of Detention: 17 June 2016, West Cowes

Summary: Seventeen deficiencies with seventeen grounds for detentions

Defective item Nature of defect Ground for Detention
01101 – Cargo ship safety equipment cert Expired Yes
01102 – Cargo Ship safety construction cert Expired Yes
01104 – Cargo ship safety radio cert Expired Yes
01108 – Loadline cert Expired Yes
01117 – IOPP (International Oil Pollution Prevention cert Expired Yes
01119 – International Sewage Pollution Prevention cert Expired Yes
01124 – International Air Pollution Prevention cert Expired Yes
01137 – Civil liability for bunker oil pollution damage cert Expired Yes
01199 – Other certs (Certificate of class) Expired Yes
01201 – Certificates for master and officers Missing Yes
10111 – Charts Not updated Yes
10116 – Publications Nautical Not updated Yes
11108 – Inflatable liferafts Expired Yes
11116 – Distress flares Missing Yes
07109 – Fixed fire fighting extinguishing installation Not as required Yes
07110 – Fire fighting equipment & appliances Not as required Yes
01140 – Declaration of Maritime Labour Compliance Missing Yes

This vessel was still detained on 30th June 2018

Vessel Name: CIEN PORCIENTO (General Cargo)

GT: 106.

IMO No: 8944446.

Flag: Unregistered.

Company: Open Window Inc.

Classification Society: Unclassed.

Recognised Organisation: Not applicable.

Recognised Organisation for ISM DOC: Not applicable.

Recognised Organisation for ISM SMC: Not applicable

Date and Place of detention: 4 March 2010, Lowestoft

Summary: Thirty deficiencies including seven grounds for detention

This vessel was still detained on 30th June 2018

Notes to Editors
• The MCA is a partner in the Sea Vision UK campaign to raise awareness and understanding of the sea and maritime activities. Sea Vision promotes the importance and economic value of the sector and works to highlight the exciting range of activities and career opportunities available to young people within the UK growing maritime sector at

• Follow us on Twitter: @MCA_media

For further information please contact
Maritime and Coastguard Agency Press Office, on:
+44 (0) 2380 329 401
Press releases and further information about the agency is available here.

Link: Press release: Foreign flagged ships detained in the UK during June 2018
Source: Gov Press Releases

Press release: Defence is important for Welsh prosperity, independent review concludes

Former Defence Minister Philip Dunne has today released a wide-ranging report which highlights the integral role of defence to British prosperity.

  • It says defence invests £945 million in Welsh industry
  • Wales benefits from MOD expenditure of £300 per person each year
  • Defence supports over 6,000 industry jobs

The review was commissioned by the Defence Secretary Gavin Williamson after he launched the Modernising Defence Programme (MDP) to strengthen the Armed Forces in the face of intensifying threats, alongside the Prime Minister and the Chancellor.

The independent review of defence’s contribution to national economic and social value by Philip Dunne looks right across the Armed Forces and industry to provide an in-depth picture to inform proposals for reform into the MDP.

Defence Secretary Gavin Williamson said:

Philip Dunne’s review shows how vital defence is, not only protecting us from global dangers and safeguarding our national prosperity, but also to our economy by creating thousands of specialist and highly-skilled jobs and creating billions in exports.

He paints a clear picture of how defence and defence industry reaches every corner of the UK and is central to employment in so many cities and towns.

He lays down some key challenges to consider as our Modernising Defence Programme continues to ensure defence is the best it can be in a post-Brexit Britain.

Secretary of State for Wales Alun Cairns said:

Today’s review shows the valuable impact of the defence sector both to our security, but also to the Welsh economy, supporting thousands of jobs and millions of pounds of investment across the country.

Last month’s Armed Forces Day in Llandudno was a proud display of Wales’ military association, and I’ve witnessed first hand the incredible spirit of our Welsh Guards on the ground in Afghanistan. The UK Government is working hard to ensure that defence continues to play a crucial part in the fabric of Wales’ communities and national economy.

The report also includes a number of recommendations for review, including: further research into the impact of significant procurements on national prosperity; building on the strong relationships with industry suppliers; and considering how the UK’s world-leading institutions could be given greater entrepreneurial freedoms.

Wales plays an important role in UK Defence providing over 3,000 regulars and reserves to the Armed Forces, supporting over 6,000 industry jobs and is renowned for its vast training areas which enable the British Army and RAF to perfect their skills to ensure they maintain their military edge over adversaries.

The country benefits from MOD expenditure of £300 per person each year and a huge investment in local industry and commerce of £945 million. The largest MOD industry group expenditure in the nation is with weapons and ammunition totalling £246 million. Key suppliers include Airbus, General Dynamics, GE Aviation, QinetiQ and Raytheon

Wales features some of the most important national defence infrastructure by creating future Army leaders at the Infantry Battle School in Brecon, securing the UK’s reputation as a leading global air power with its fast jet pilot training at RAF Valley and of course, the pride of having the second of the Royal Navy’s cutting-edge aircraft carriers named HMS Prince of Wales.

Defence Minister Guto Bebb said:

Wales has a proud and historic relationship with our Armed Forces which is clearly demonstrated in the Dunne Review. For centuries, the Welsh have supplied cutting-edge military hardware, world-leading training facilities and some of the finest men and women in our military. I want to see every single aspect of Wales’ contribution to Defence expand and develop in the coming years to the benefit of our Armed Forces and our nation.

Philip Dunne said:

I am pleased to have been able to undertake this review and am grateful for the help of all those in and outside the Department who have contributed.

This is the first time for some years that an independent report has sought to look at the whole impact of Defence on the UK economy, its devolved nations and regions in England.

Defence has made a number of important steps in meeting its prosperity objective. It makes a major contribution to our economic well-being, with 500,000 people working directly and indirectly in Defence and over 25,500 apprentices developing skills. In several local communities Defence is one of the leading providers of high skilled jobs.

But there is more that can be done as Defence has to adapt to rapidly evolving technological threats, so too should it seize the opportunities to adapt and improve its own processes to help meet the challenges of the high-tech defence future.

I look forward to seeing how the MOD responds to this report and have confirmed to the Defence Secretary that I am willing to revisit in some months’ time how the Department has considered and where it has decided to implement these ideas.

Defence makes a huge contribution across all regions of the UK whether as a major employer, a large investor or as a hub for local communities. Defence is the third largest landowner in the country with 220,000 hectares often benefiting remote and rural communities.

The report reveals that around 500,000 people support defence across the UK. It outlines that the UK’s defence industry is one of the world’s strongest with an annual turnover of £22 billion supporting 260,000 jobs, many of which are highly skilled and well-paid. Most importantly, he acknowledges that defence is a major contributor to the nation’s skills and one of the largest employer of apprentices with over 25,500 currently enrolled.

Dunne also acknowledges that, in addition to the MOD budget of almost £37 billion, defence’s direct contribution to GDP features over £7 billion of exports generated each year on average. Just recently a shipbuilding contract worth up to £20 billion was signed between BAE Systems and the Australian government for British-designed Type 26 frigates – the biggest Naval defence contract for a decade.

Defence’s relationship as a customer and industrial partner with many high growth sectors in the economy generates more activity, particularly in the aerospace, space, cyber, and increasingly the knowledge economy and creative sectors.

Defence is also driving investment in British industry through the National Shipbuilding Strategy, which was launched last year to transform the UK maritime industry and boost the prosperity of regions, shipyards and maritime supply chains across the country. The MOD is also set to launch a Combat Air Strategy to ensure Britain maintains a world-leading combat air capability.

The MOD will now consider the findings of Philip Dunne’s report as work continues on the MDP.


Link: Press release: Defence is important for Welsh prosperity, independent review concludes
Source: Gov Press Releases

Press release: Biscathorpe residents meet regulators of oil and gas industry

Communities in and around Biscathorpe are being invited to learn more about how the oil and gas industry is regulated.

The public information session for the proposed exploratory oil well in Biscathorpe is being held at Donington on Bain village hall, from 1pm until 8pm on Wednesday 18 July.

Local people will be able to meet with the authorities responsible for ensuring that oil and gas operations are carried out in a way that protects people and the environment.

Regulators attending the event include the Environment Agency, Lincolnshire County Council, Public Health England, the Health and Safety Executive, and the Oil and Gas Authority.

The event comes after Egdon Resources received environmental permits and planning permission to carry out drilling in search for oil at Biscathorpe, near Louth.

A spokesperson for the Environment Agency said:

The UK is recognised globally as a leading example for oil and gas industry regulation. We have some of the strictest controls in the world, as well as some of the toughest penalties and safeguards.

We regulate a huge number of industrial sites across England, and have decades of expertise in the assessment and mitigation of environmental risk, as well as the protection of local communities and their environment. We’d welcome the opportunity to speak with anyone who wants to find out more.

Link: Press release: Biscathorpe residents meet regulators of oil and gas industry
Source: Gov Press Releases

Press release: Foreign Secretary to announce £10 million commitment to build digital skills in the Western Balkans

Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson will today (9 July) announce that the UK will commit £10 million to help build digital skills and employment prospects for young people in the Western Balkans.

The Foreign Secretary will make the announcement at the first day of the Western Balkans Summit, joined by European and Western Balkans Foreign Ministers.

The funding will see the British Council provide training to children in over 4,500 schools, to bolster digital literacy and core skills across the region. By providing access to a digital education, this funding will help foster the next generation of innovators and entrepreneurs, both in the Western Balkans and UK.

The Foreign Secretary will reiterate the UK’s commitment to the Western Balkans by announcing an additional £1 million to help the region address difficult legacy issues of the past, this includes working to find and identify the 12,000 victims still missing from the conflicts of the 1990s.

Speaking ahead of the Summit, the Foreign Secretary said:

This new funding demonstrates the UK’s enduring commitment to the Western Balkans region.

We are working internationally to provide young people, particularly young women, with the digital skills necessary to participate in the future economy and fulfil their potential.

Importantly it also shows our desire to help the region overcome some of the most difficult chapters in their history and pave the way to an even more prosperous future.


  • This £10 million project will run over three years. It expands the British Council 21st Century Schools pilot, enabling primary school age children to develop critical thinking, problem-solving and digital literacy skills. It will run in each of the six Western Balkan countries – Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia – reaching 4,500 primary schools and up to one million children. It will help foster the next generation of digital innovators and entrepreneurs by providing computer programming and coding training.
  • The British Council is the UK’s international organisation for cultural relations and educational opportunities. It works with over 100 countries in the fields of arts and culture, English language, education and civil society. Last year it reached over 65 million people directly and 731 million people overall including online, broadcasts and publications. It makes a positive contribution to the countries it works with – changing lives by creating opportunities, building connections and engendering trust. Founded in 1934 it is a UK charity governed by Royal Charter and a UK public body. It receives 15 per cent core funding grant from the UK government.

Further information

Media enquiries

For journalists

Link: Press release: Foreign Secretary to announce £10 million commitment to build digital skills in the Western Balkans
Source: Gov Press Releases