Press release: Culture Secretary Matt Hancock confirms next steps for return of Bayeaux Tapestry to the UK

  • Memorandum of Understanding signed by UK Culture Secretary and French Minister of Culture in Paris
  • Agreement includes commitment to Tapestry’s English translation and joint Anglo-French initiative to ‘enrich and broaden international and public understanding’ of tapestry through digital technology

The Bayeux Tapestry is a step closer to returning to the UK for the first time in almost a thousand years after the Government signed a landmark agreement today.

Following his attendance at the Digital Colloque in Paris, Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Matt Hancock signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with French Minister of Culture Françoise Nyssen. The agreement is a key milestone in securing the Tapestry’s loan in 2022.

Both countries have agreed to collaborate to broaden international and public understanding of the Tapestry and work towards its full English translation.

The deal sets out a period of cross-Channel cooperation between universities and research institutes, who will consider how to use digital technology to make the Tapestry more accessible to future generations. They will also prepare for its conservation and safe transportation to the UK.

The move will ensure the British public will be able to see one of the world’s major historical artefacts for the first time in more than 900 years.

Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Matt Hancock said:

The Bayeux Tapestry is a world treasure and a symbol of the deep ties between Britain and France.

This agreement takes us a step closer to bringing the Tapestry to our shores for the first time in almost a millennium. It also underlines the ongoing commitment from both nations for greater cultural, digital and scientific collaboration now and into the future.

We are incredibly excited about the potential of the loan, to enhance further the bonds that tie us to our neighbours across the water.

The unique 70 metre long tapestry depicts the 1066 Norman Conquest of Britain. It was created in England in the eleventh century, shortly after the Battle of Hastings and has been on display in various locations in France since its completion.

The Tapestry is now part of the UNESCO Memory of the World Register and depicts the Battle which saw William the Conqueror take the English throne in 1066.

Its loan forms part of a wider cultural exchange taking place between Britain and France over the next four years and marks a key milestone in the celebration of our shared history.

The Tapestry will come to the UK while its current home, the Bayeux Museum, undergoes refurbishment in 2022. Further details of the exhibition, including exact dates and locations, will be released in due course.


For more information call the DCMS press office: 0207 2112210

Link: Press release: Culture Secretary Matt Hancock confirms next steps for return of Bayeaux Tapestry to the UK
Source: Gov Press Releases

Press release: Blood pressure and heart medication recalled from Pharmacies

Pharmacies in the UK are being advised to recall all batches of valsartan containing medicines made by Dexcel Pharma Ltd and Accord Healthcare (previously known as Actavis Group) as a precaution, the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency’s (MHRA) has warned today. This follows an urgent investigation in to medicines containing valsartan used to treat high blood pressure and heart conditions.

A recall is underway across Europe following recent and emerging information that an impurity has been identified as part of the manufacturing process in a valsartan active substance manufactured at one facility based in China. This facility has supplied the manufacturers with the valsartan active substance. The impurity (N-nitrosodimethylamine), which may have carcinogenic potential, is a result of a change in the manufacturing process. This active substance is used in a number of medicines marketed in Europe.

The European Medicines Agency and other EU regulators are working together to investigate the extent of the issue and any possible impact for patients.

If you are taking any of the affected valsartan products, it is vital that you do not stop taking your medication but you should get in touch with a doctor or healthcare professional as soon as possible. Alternative valsartan containing products, that are unaffected by this issue, are available in the UK.

Patient safety is our top priority and we will provide further updates as the investigation progresses.

Dr Sam Atkinson, MHRA’s Director of the Inspection, Enforcement and Standards Division said:

People taking valsartan medication affected by this recall are advised to not stop taking their medication, but to speak to their doctor or healthcare professional who can advise on alternative treatment.

We continue to undertake an urgent review of all these products that may pose a low risk to public health.

We will communicate the outcome of our investigations and ensure that any other affected products are recalled.

Our highest priority is to ensure that the medicines you take are safe.

If you are concerned, please speak to your GP, pharmacist or other healthcare professional.

We strongly encourage anyone taking Valsartan medicines to report any suspected side effects, to us via our Yellow Card Scheme.

Notes to Editor

  1. MHRA is responsible for regulating all medicines and medical devices in the UK. All our work is underpinned by robust and fact-based judgments to ensure that the benefits justify any risks. MHRA is a centre of the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency which also includes the National Institute for Biological Standards and Control (NIBSC) and the Clinical Practice Research Datalink (CPRD). The Agency is an executive agency of the Department of Health.
  2. Link to Yellow Card Scheme
  3. [MHRA Drug Alerts](

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Link: Press release: Blood pressure and heart medication recalled from Pharmacies
Source: Gov Press Releases

Press release: Government leads energy charge across public sector, saving up to £340 million

At a speech celebrating the Northern Powerhouse in Newcastle today (Thursday 5 July), the Business and Energy Secretary Greg Clark announced a range of measures to place the UK at the forefront of the global shift towards clean growth as part of our Industrial Strategy.

Following a speech by the Prime Minister last month, Greg Clark outlined how the government will deliver the Clean Growth Grand Challenge’s first ‘mission’ to halve the energy use of new buildings by 2030, saving families money.

Building on the momentum of ambitious energy efficiency measures within the public sector, the Secretary of State announced that central government will work towards a more stretching target with a reduction of 43% greenhouse gas emissions by 2019 to 2020 compared to 2009 to 2010 levels, potentially delivering £340 million in savings. We will also be publishing guidance on targets for the wider public and higher education sectors.

Business and Energy Secretary Greg Clark said:

Our new, ambitious target for reducing emission across our central estate shows how this government is continuing to lead the world and rise to the challenge of tackling climate change. We have made significant progress so far, meeting our previous target 3 years early and saving just over £100 million last financial year as a result.

The potential savings from this can make a big difference across the wider public sector, with the NHS saving £2 billion over the last decade; money that can be put straight back into frontline services where it’s needed most.

Industry energy efficiency

We need to revolutionise the way we heat our homes and businesses, to support this, the Business Secretary announced that government will be launching the £18 million Industrial Heat Recovery Support programme with applications invited in the autumn. This is intended to encourage industry to invest in heat recovery technologies, harnessing the power of heat which would otherwise go to waste to help improve the efficiency of industry and reduce costs.

Speaking today, Greg Clark said:

Of the more than £11 trillion investment expected in global power in the next three decades, 86% – is expected to be in low carbon. And by 2040, electric vehicles could make up over half of global car sales, compared to 1% today.

We will be working with businesses to highlight these opportunities during the first ever annual Green GB Week starting on the 15 October.

The Business Secretary also launched the Construction Sector Deal will bring together the construction, manufacturing, energy and digital sectors to deliver innovative approaches that improve productivity in construction and accelerate a shift to building safer, healthier and more affordable places to live and learn that use less energy.

Notes to editors

  1. The Greening Government Commitments require central government departments to adopt sustainable practices, including greenhouse gas emissions.
  2. We have announced a new target to reduce emissions by 43% by 2020, compared with 2009 to 2010 levels. This has the potential to deliver savings of £340 million in 2020 compared to a 2009 to 2010 baseline.
  3. The previous target for government, as a whole, was to reduce emissions by 32% by 2019 to 2020, compared with 2009 to 2010 levels. This was exceeded 3 years early with a 33% reduction by the end of 2016 to 2017, resulting in a saving of £104 million in 2016 to 2017 compared to the 2009 to 2010 baseline.
  4. We are also publishing guidance for wider public and higher education sectors to report against a voluntary target of more than 30% reduction in emissions by 2020 to 2021: Emissions Reduction Pledge 2020: emissions reporting in public and higher education sectors
  5. The Industrial Heat Recovery Programme will open for applications in Autumn 2018.
  6. The successful applicants from the 2 £10 million innovation competitions include northern companies such as Free Running Buildings in Leeds who are pioneering low energy ventilation technology, and Hull University who will develop a high efficiency, low carbon heating system for public buildings in Yorkshire.

Link: Press release: Government leads energy charge across public sector, saving up to £340 million
Source: Gov Press Releases

Press release: New appointments to the Board of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

Defra Ministers have appointed Krishnan Guru-Murthy to the Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens. They have also reappointed Catherine Dugmore and Nick Baird for second terms.
RBG Kew is an Executive Non-Departmental Public Body created under the National Heritage Act 1983, is sponsored by Defra. The Board of Trustees comprises a Chairman and eleven members.

Trustees provide non executive leadership and support to the executive through regular Board meetings, committees and groups.

Krishnan Guru-Murthy’s appointment is for 3 years and will run from 1 July 2018 to 30 June 2021. Catherine Dugmore’s and Nick Baird’s reappointments are for 3 years and will run from 1 June 2018 to 31 May 2021 and from 1 November 2018 to 31 October 2021, respectively.

The appointments have been made in accordance with the Ministerial Governance Code on Public Appointments. All appointments are made on merit and political activity plays no part in the selection process.

There is a requirement for appointees’ political activity (if significant) to be made public. The appointees have not declared any significant political activity in the past five years.

Trustees do not receive any direct remuneration for their services, although reasonable travel and subsistence expenses can be reimbursed.

Biographical details of Trustees

Krishnan Guru-Murthy

Krishnan Guru-Murthy is a presenter and reporter on Channel 4 News and on Channel 4’s Unreported World. He was previously a presenter and reporter for the BBC. He is a member of the executive committee of the Edinburgh Television Festival and a patron of Duchenne Children’s Trust.

Catherine Dugmore

Catherine Dugmore is a qualified Chartered Accountant. From 1988 to 2002 Catherine worked at PricewaterhouseCoopers, latterly as an audit partner based in Johannesburg. In addition to her role as a Trustee of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Catherine is a Board Member of Natural England and a Trustee of WWF-UK. She has worked in the NHS since 2012 and currently holds a non-executive role at Hertfordshire Partnership Foundation Trust. She was formerly Vice-Chair and Trustee of Action for Children and Chair of Victim Support.

Nick Baird

Nick Baird is currently Group Corporate Affairs Director of Centrica plc. He previously had a long and varied career in Government, his roles including CEO of UK Trade and Investment, Director General in the Foreign and Commonwealth Office leading its work on Europe, the global economy and consular issues, and British Ambassador to Turkey from 2006 to 2009.

Link: Press release: New appointments to the Board of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
Source: Gov Press Releases

Press release: M4 smart motorway plans to go on show this weekend

32 miles of the M4 will have an extra lane created in both directions, with upgraded signs, signals and technology to inform drivers about conditions ahead.

Plans about the upgrade are going on show this weekend, Saturday 7 July, with the first of six public events ahead of main construction starting later this year.

Drivers, business owners and local residents are invited to find out more about the plans, which will add an extra lane in each direction to the M4 between junction 3, near Hayes, and junction 12 at Theale, to upgrade it to an all-lane-running smart motorway. New technology will help to manage traffic to reduce delays and give drivers up to date information about conditions on the road ahead.

Work is due to start this autumn on the stretch between junctions 8/9 and 10, between Maidenhead and Wokingham. Six public information events are being held in the area, starting in Maidenhead this weekend, and visiting Wokingham, Theale and Reading over the next two weeks.

The M4 smart motorway scheme has already been through a comprehensive consultation as part of the complex planning process, and people interested in finding out more about the plans are encouraged to attend an event and put any questions directly to the project team. Further events will take place early next year between junctions 8/9 and junction 3 (Hayes).

Highways England delivery director Mike Grant said:

Upgrading the M4 to a smart motorway between junctions 3 and 12 is a massive job and will provide huge benefits not only to the 130,000 drivers using it each day by tackling congestion and improving journey times, but also for business travellers and holiday makers using the corridor to get to and from the airports in the south, as well as residents and businesses based in the area.

Smart motorways add vital capacity to our motorway network and are central to our ambitious plans for modernising the motorway network, adding 120 miles of new lanes to motorways in the South East by 2020. Drivers will also see better information about conditions through new smart motorway technology which helps us to manage incidents, smooth traffic flow, make journeys more reliable and improve journey times, while maintaining high levels of safety.

The public exhibitions starting this weekend are an ideal place for anyone interested in the upgrade of the M4 to a smart motorway to meet the project team and find out more.

The M4 is the main strategic route between London, the west of England and Wales.

Under the plans, the hard shoulder will be permanently converted into a live running lane between junctions 3 and 12 in both directions. New signs and signals will be used to vary the speed limit to reduce congestion at busy times, and to control traffic if there is an obstruction on the road ahead.

Work is scheduled to start in September this year, and will be carried out in phases, with the smart motorway being fully operational in spring 2022.

Public information events are starting this weekend (Saturday 7 July, Holyport War Memorial Hall, near Maidenhead) with a further five events running until Thursday 19 July in Reading. People are encouraged to attend to find out more about the plans and put any questions directly to the project team. Further events will be held over the next few months along the route of the scheme.

Anyone interested in the scheme can visit the project page on the Highways England website.

General enquiries

Members of the public should contact the Highways England customer contact centre on 0300 123 5000.

Media enquiries

Journalists should contact the Highways England press office on 0844 693 1448 and use the menu to speak to the most appropriate press officer.

Link: Press release: M4 smart motorway plans to go on show this weekend
Source: Gov Press Releases

Press release: Government leads energy charge across public sector, saving up to £320 million

At a speech celebrating the Northern Powerhouse in Newcastle today (Thursday 5 July), the Business and Energy Secretary Greg Clark announced a range of measures to place the UK at the forefront of the global shift towards clean growth as part of our Industrial Strategy.

Following a speech by the Prime Minister last month, Greg Clark outlined how the government will deliver the Clean Growth Grand Challenge’s first ‘mission’ to halve the energy use of new buildings by 2030, saving families money.

Building on the momentum of ambitious energy efficiency measures within the public sector, the Secretary of State announced that central government will work towards a more stretching target with a reduction of 43% greenhouse gas emissions by 2019 to 2020 compared to 2009 to 2010 levels, potentially delivering £340 million in savings. We will also be publishing guidance on targets for the wider public and higher education sectors.

Business and Energy Secretary Greg Clark said:

Our new, ambitious target for reducing emission across our central estate shows how this government is continuing to lead the world and rise to the challenge of tackling climate change. We have made significant progress so far, meeting our previous target 3 years early and saving just over £100 million last financial year as a result.

The potential savings from this can make a big difference across the wider public sector, with the NHS saving £2 billion over the last decade; money that can be put straight back into frontline services where it’s needed most.

Industry energy efficiency

We need to revolutionise the way we heat our homes and businesses, to support this, the Business Secretary announced that government will be launching the £18 million Industrial Heat Recovery Support programme with applications invited in the autumn. This is intended to encourage industry to invest in heat recovery technologies, harnessing the power of heat which would otherwise go to waste to help improve the efficiency of industry and reduce costs.

Speaking today, Greg Clark said:

Of the more than £11 trillion investment expected in global power in the next three decades, 86% – is expected to be in low carbon. And by 2040, electric vehicles could make up over half of global car sales, compared to 1% today.

We will be working with businesses to highlight these opportunities during the first ever annual Green GB Week starting on the 15 October.

The Business Secretary also launched the Construction Sector Deal will bring together the construction, manufacturing, energy and digital sectors to deliver innovative approaches that improve productivity in construction and accelerate a shift to building safer, healthier and more affordable places to live and learn that use less energy.

Notes to editors

  1. The Greening Government Commitments require central government departments to adopt sustainable practices, including greenhouse gas emissions.
  2. We have announced a new target to reduce emissions by 43% by 2020, compared with 2009/2010 levels. This has the potential to deliver savings of £340 million in 2020 compared to a 2009/2010 baseline.
  3. The previous target for government, as a whole, was to reduce emissions by 32% by 2019/2020, compared with 2009/2010 levels. This was exceeded 3 years early with a 33% reduction by the end of 2016/2017, resulting in a saving of £104 million in 2016/2017 compared to the 2009/2010 baseline.
  4. We are also publishing guidance for wider public and higher education sectors to report against a voluntary target of more than 30% reduction in emissions by 2020/2021: Emissions Reduction Pledge 2020: emissions reporting in public and higher education sectors
  5. The Industrial Heat Recovery Programme will open for applications in Autumn 2018.
  6. The successful applicants from the two £10 million innovation competitions include northern companies such as Free Running Buildings in Leeds who are pioneering low energy ventilation technology, and Hull University who will develop a high efficiency, low carbon heating system for public buildings in Yorkshire.

Link: Press release: Government leads energy charge across public sector, saving up to £320 million
Source: Gov Press Releases

Press release: Attacker who attempted to burn Milton Keynes mum to death is jailed for life

A man who set a young mother alight and watched her burn has today been jailed for life after the Solicitor General, Robert Buckland QC MP, personally argued at the Court of Appeal that his original sentence was too low.

The victim Kirsten Ashby, 27, had known the offender Raymond Bowen, 24, for about a week through her friendship with Mr Bowen’s girlfriend. On the night of the offence, Ms Ashby had wanted to check on her friend, who she was concerned was having a diabetic fit.

When Ms Ashby suggested calling an ambulance, Mr Bowen attacked her, pouring petrol over her before throwing a lighter at her. He then stood back and watched as she tried to put out the fire.

Ms Ashby sustained such severe burns to her face, arms, and torso that doctors were unsure she would survive the night. She faces many years of surgery and permanent disfigurement, as well as suffering serious psychological trauma.

Mr Bowen was originally sentenced at Luton Crown Court in April, where he was given a sentence of 19 years’ imprisonment with a licence extension of 5 years. Today, after the Solicitor General argued at the Court of Appeal, he was given a life sentence with a minimum term of 12 years.

Commenting on the sentence increase, the Solicitor General said:

This was an appalling, unprovoked attack which nearly led to the death of a young woman. The victim will live with the physical and psychological impact of Bowen’s actions for years to come. I am pleased that the Court of Appeal has today decided to increase Bowen’s sentence, and hope it goes some way to righting this atrocious wrong.

Link: Press release: Attacker who attempted to burn Milton Keynes mum to death is jailed for life
Source: Gov Press Releases

Press release: Natural flood management scheme for Yorkshire Dales communities

Running through the dale from just south of Kidstones to its confluence with the River Ure just down from Aysgarth Falls, Bishopdale Beck can quickly overtop and cause flooding in heavy rain.

The main road through the dale, the B6160, can become impassable and result in local residents in villages, such as Kidstones and Newbiggin, being unable to access vital infrastructure including schools, doctors’ surgeries and shops.

But now a natural flood management (NFM) scheme aims to better protect the community in Bishopdale, which was chosen as one of three schemes in Yorkshire to benefit from an equal share of £501,000 of Government funding NFM initiatives.

Measures will be selected from a range of NFM interventions, including run-off management, using earth bunds and leaky wooden dams, peatland restoration, woodland creation, riparian buffer strips and management of floodplain grazing.

Simon Stokes, of the Environment Agency, said the scheme has been made possible by partner organisations coming together.

He said:

We look forward to working with the Yorkshire Dales Rivers Trust, the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority and the local community in delivering this project.

We hope that this project will really showcase partnership working and deliver a noticeable increase in resilience to flooding for the communities in the Bishopdale Beck catchment as well as improving the environment for both people and wildlife.

The Yorkshire Dales Rivers Trust has been working with landowners to create individual farm plans, something which the partner organisations say they are keen to do more of in the Dales.

Tarja Wilson, of Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority (YDNPA), said:

The idea is simple: farmers in the hills can take measures to slow down flood waters, both benefitting their businesses and lowering the risk of homes being flooded downstream.

In Bishopdale farmers are working collaboratively through the Wensleydale Facilitation Fund to consider how they can carry out natural flood management on their holdings.

Natural flood management isn’t a silver bullet which will solve flooding downstream, but it has multiple benefits for farmers, such as improving water quality and reducing flood risk. It can be a genuine win-win, for farmers and the wider community.

The scheme will be developed in close consultation with communities and landowners to ensure interventions complement existing agricultural businesses.

Local famer and landowner Robert Brown said:

It’s great to see investment in the uplands for natural flood management. Previous projects have been very successful and it’s good to see lots of local farmers and landowners getting involved.

Dan Turner, of the Yorkshire Dales Rivers Trust, said:

The Yorkshire Dales Rivers Trust is really looking forward to working in partnership with the YDNPA and EA on the Bishopdale natural flood management project.

We believe that this could be a real flagship project, delivering natural flood management on a catchment scale while also providing other benefits, such as wildlife, and reducing diffuse pollution.

We have been working closely with farmers in the catchment for many years, so it’s great to once again, work together to creating a more resilient catchment, that’s both profitable, sustainable and working with the natural environment.

The scheme will complement peatland restoration work delivered through Pennine PeatLIFE, an EU LIFE project co-funded by the Environment Agency and water companies.

The project delivery partners, the Yorkshire Peat Partnership, have been working with land owners in Bishopdale to restore upland blanket bog habitat in the area.

These habitats are vital for water storage, with healthy bogs storingg and holding more water and sediment.

The two other areas to get a share of the £501,000 Government funding announced in the 2016 autumn budget for natural flood management schemes in Yorkshire are Brompton Beck, near Northallerton, and Backstones Beck in Ilkley.

The funding was part of a national £15million NFM programme which, in addition to delivering flood risk reduction and environmental enhancements, aims to contribute to the growing evidence base for NFM.

Link: Press release: Natural flood management scheme for Yorkshire Dales communities
Source: Gov Press Releases

Press release: Government announces landmark Town Deal for Greater Grimsby

Over 8,800 new jobs and nearly 10,000 new homes will be delivered in Greater Grimsby thanks to a new, ground-breaking Stage 1 Town Deal worth £67 million, the government announced today (5 July 2018).

Local Growth Minister, Jake Berry MP and Business Minister, Lord Henley, unveiled the new Stage 1 Town Deal partnership with the Greater Grimsby Project Board while visiting the Marine Operating Centre in Grimsby and seeing first-hand some of the transformative projects the Deal will help deliver.

The Stage 1 Town Deal marks the beginning of a stronger relationship between central government and local partners to support the regeneration of Greater Grimsby.

The Deal will give Grimsby major investment to improve key roads and establish Enterprise Zones which will attract and support businesses to the area increasing further investment and employment. One example of this is Ørsted, who are building the UK’s largest operations base for offshore wind at Grimsby’s Royal Dock providing a total of 350 jobs for local people.

The new Stage 1 Town Deal recognises the government’s commitment in the Industrial Strategy White Paper to work hand-in-hand with local communities which have strong local partnerships, ambition, and a commitment to regenerate their areas. It will provide:

  • £2 million more to the area from the government’s local growth fund¹ to support major road improvements to Moody Lane and Woad Lane that connect to key South Humber Industrial Investment Programme Enterprise Zone sites.
  • A further £65 million of investment already being provided by North East Lincolnshire Council (£35 million) and government (£30 million) to support the regeneration plans for Greater Grimsby
  • Government expertise and support including through Homes England and Historic England’s Heritage Action Zone initiative to help develop the housing and town centre with a focus on heritage-led regeneration and the development of the South Humber Industrial Investment Programme sites.

These interventions will help accelerate the delivery of jobs and new homes set out in the council’s adopted local plan, which set out ambitious targets for 8,800 jobs and over 9,700 new homes by 2032.

The Greater Grimsby Project Board, under the leadership of David Ross and North East Lincolnshire Council, brought together local MPs, local enterprise partnerships (LEPs) and leaders from the public and private sectors to develop a vision for Greater Grimsby’s future which successfully secured the Town Deal announced today.

Local Growth Minister, Jake Berry, said:

This once-in-a-generation Town Deal signals a new dawn for Greater Grimsby with millions of pounds in Government funding supporting the delivery of thousands of new jobs, significant local investment in regeneration, and nearly 10,000 new homes by 2032.

The new Town Deal delivers on Government’s promise to give communities the tools and resources they need to kick-start growth and regeneration while presenting new and exciting economic opportunities for the local community.

Business Minister, Lord Henley, said:

As part of our modern Industrial Strategy we committed to working with the local community in Grimsby to build a viable long term plan for the town. The landmark agreement we are signing today delivers on this ambition with a plan that will boost the local economy by creating high quality jobs and spreading wealth across the area.

Minister for Arts, Heritage and Tourism Michael Ellis said:

This exciting Town Deal will help Grimsby use its rich history to revitalise key areas, create local jobs and bring in new business.

Heritage can be a catalyst for growth. These projects will help regenerate the town centre and promote Grimsby as a place where people want to live, work and visit.

Business Secretary Greg Clark said:

For Britain to prosper our towns and cities must prosper – this is a big opportunity for Grimsby, Cleethorpes and the surrounding area to participate in the revival of the area and puts it back in the driving seat to create skilled jobs and build new homes.

Cllr Ray Oxby, Leader of North East Lincolnshire Council, said the announcement was a hugely significant piece in the Town Deal jigsaw:

Last year, we pitched an ambitious plan to central government to show them who we are and what we can do.’’

The focus of that plan was that Greater Grimsby has the capacity to accomplish so much more than it has and that by bringing together key people with shared aspirations we can work with the community to build a prosperous and sustainable future for our town.

I’m particularly grateful for the considerable amount of work that members and officers have put in- ably supported by our local MPs and our partners on the Greater Grimsby Board- to take forward and cement this unique deal with government which has been confirmed today.

Lord Haskins, Chair of the Humber LEP, said:

The Town Deal is great news for Grimsby, and I welcome the strong partnership between business, local government and national government that is driving it forward.

Grimsby, as the gateway to the Energy Estuary, and the South Humber Bank will play an important part in the industrial strategy we are developing for the Humber and the LEP is committed to their success.

We are already investing in projects and businesses across the borough, and today I am pleased to announce that we plan to provide £2.1 million Growth Deal funding towards road and cycle improvements on Moody Lane and Woad Lane – improving access to key employment sites.

There are many opportunities ahead for Grimsby and the Humber, and I am confident that all of the partners involved will continue to build on the progress that has been made.

ABP Humber Ports Director Simon Bird said:

These are exciting times for Grimsby and the whole of North East Lincolnshire. The Council have done some tremendous work bringing key partners together in support of proposals that will transform to town. Linked to this, we are playing our part at ABP with the heritage led regeneration of the Kasbah area within the Port of Grimsby which will preserve what is special about the area whilst bringing in new jobs and business.

Matthew Wright, Managing Director for Ørsted UK, said:

Grimsby is fast becoming a world-leading hub for renewable energy and this Town Deal can only help the area continue to grow. I’m delighted to see this partnership signed as it will help unlock further investment, drive regeneration and deliver jobs.

At Ørsted we’re proud of our role within the community and we remain absolutely committed to Grimsby and the Humber. Our East Coast Hub in the Royal Dock will be the UK’s largest operations base for offshore wind and with two more huge projects now under construction, we’re here for the long term.

Further information

The Government is clear that if the Project Board puts forward any new proposals to regenerate Greater Grimsby further, it is open to discussions on progressing the current Town Deal.

Today’s Stage 1 Town Deal announcement – alongside opportunities in new energy industries, stronger civic leadership, and the profile of the Great Grimsby Project Board – provides a real opportunity to shape a successful future for Greater Grimsby.

“Local Growth Fund”

Local Enterprise Partnerships are playing a vital role in driving forward economic growth across the country, helping to build a country that works for everyone.

That’s why by 2021 government will have invested over £12 billion through the Local Growth Fund, allowing LEPs to use their local knowledge to get all areas of the country firing on all cylinders.

¹Subject to Humber LEP Board approval and final business case.

Office address and general enquiries

2 Marsham Street


Media enquiries

Link: Press release: Government announces landmark Town Deal for Greater Grimsby
Source: Gov Press Releases

Press release: New Housing Administration regime

The Regulator of Social Housing has welcomed the coming into force of the Housing Administration regime from today (5 July 2018).

The regime has been introduced under the Housing and Planning Act 2016 in response to concerns that the regulator’s existing moratorium provisions would not be suitable for managing insolvency in a larger or more complex provider of social housing. The legislation allows the Secretary of State or RSH with the consent of the SoS, to apply to Court to appoint a housing administrator in the event of a social housing provider becoming insolvent.

Fiona MacGregor, Executive Director of Regulation, said:

The survey provides a regular source of information regarding the financial health of PRPs, in particular with regard to their liquidity position. The March survey includes additional annual data, particularly relating to private finance. Where any information received through the Quarterly survey indicates a potential concern, this is followed up with providers.

As a regulator we will continue to proactively regulate providers’ governance and financial viability, ensure that we identify and manage any viability issues as they emerge, and intervene before any financial difficulties of a provider reach the insolvency stage. While the Housing Administration regime provides a vital safeguard, prevention remains the best cure.

Further information

The regulation of social housing is the responsibility of the Regulation Committee, a statutory committee of the Homes and Communities Agency. The organisation refers to itself as the Regulator of Social Housing in undertaking the functions of the Regulation Committee. Homes England is the trading name of the HCA’s non-regulation functions.

The regulator’s purpose is to promote a viable, efficient and well-governed social housing sector able to deliver homes that meet a range of needs. It does this by undertaking robust economic regulation focusing on governance, financial viability and value for money that maintains lender confidence and protects the taxpayer. It also sets consumer standards and may take action if these standards are breached and there is a significant risk of serious detriment to tenants or potential tenants.

For more information visit the RSH website.

Our About the Regulator of Social Housing page has contact details for media enquiries.

For general queries to RSH, please email or call 0300 124 5225.

Link: Press release: New Housing Administration regime
Source: Gov Press Releases