Press release: NIO Ministers mark 102nd anniversary of the battle of the Somme

The Rt Hon Karen Bradley MP will represent the UK Government in France, whilst her Ministerial colleague, Shailesh Vara MP will attend the commemorative service at Belfast City Hall.

The Secretary of State will lead tributes at the Royal British Legion service at Thiepval and the Somme Association services at the Ulster Tower and Guillemont. She will pay tribute to those soldiers from the volunteer Divisions raised in Ireland who made the supreme sacrifice on the battlefields of the Somme in 1916.

Ahead of travelling to today’s ceremonies in France, Karen Bradley said:

I am truly honoured to be in this most beautiful part of France to represent Her Majesty’s Government at today’s ceremonies to commemorate the Battle of the Somme. It is important that we remember all those from across the island of Ireland who gave their lives for our freedom during the First World War. The Battle of the Somme in particular has an indelible link with Northern Ireland given the remarkable bravery shown, and the scale of the sacrifice made, by the 36th (Ulster) Division and the 16th (Irish) Division.

We are indebted to organisations such as the Royal British Legion and the Somme Association and Somme Heritage Centre who work tirelessly to ensure that their heroic contribution is always remembered.

Across the UK and Ireland we continue to commemorate the wider decade of centenaries, in which we have learned about our shared history, in a spirit of mutual respect and inclusivity. This year in November we will mark the centenary of Armistice and the ending of the Great War, and we will take a further step on our path towards a shared future.

It is difficult for us to comprehend the horror that these men faced as they went forward into battle, but their contribution and sacrifice was immense and we should never, ever forget it.

Link: Press release: NIO Ministers mark 102nd anniversary of the battle of the Somme
Source: Gov Press Releases

Press release: UK Government calls for more international support for Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh

Minister Mark Field and Joanna Roper have held talks with senior ministers in Dhaka and have called for greater humanitarian assistance for the Rohingya refugee community, particularly to help support the provision of education for refugees and host communities.

Over 706,364 people have fled from their homes in Burma’s Rakhine State into Bangladesh since August 2017, joining around 340,000 Rohingya who had previously fled.

In a visit to Kutupalong refugee camp in Cox’s Bazar, where over a million refugees are living in crowded and unsafe refugee camps, Minister Field and Joanna Roper met refugee families and community leaders to learn about the persecution they suffered in Rakhine, and to hear about the challenges that life in the camps presents. They saw first-hand the damage caused by recent monsoon rains, and the work of the Government of Bangladesh and humanitarian agencies to protect the refugees.

They visited a UNICEF child-friendly site where they saw the efforts being made to keep young people safe and heard about efforts to provide education for refugee children. They also visited community and health centres, and met with a site management team to hear about the UK’s contribution to monsoon preparedness. Joanna Roper was invited to see a safe space for women at the camp, and heard about their experiences of displacement.

Tomorrow (1st July) in Dhaka, Minister Field and Joanna Roper will hold talks with senior ministers on the Rohingya crisis, and the wider situation in Bangladesh. They will hear how Bangladesh is making strong inroads into providing twelve years of quality education for women and girls, and visit a factory where they will speak to the female workforce about labour rights.

Minister of State for Asia and the Pacific, Mark Field MP said:

What I witnessed today was truly heartbreaking, and only redoubles my determination to support the refugees and keep up the pressure on the Burmese authorities.

I call on the international community to work with Bangladesh to step up support for the refugees, both during this monsoon season and in the longer term through the provision of education and livelihoods.

The UK remains a leading donor to the crisis, committing £129m since September last year to support the refugees and vulnerable host communities.

We will continue to use international pressure and dialogue with the Burmese authorities to make progress, including through our support for the EU sanctions measures announced on 25 June.

UK Special Envoy for Gender Equality Joanna Roper said:

The stories we heard in the camps of violence against the Rohingya in Burma are deeply disturbing, but I was moved by the efforts being made to provide support to women and girls in the camps, as well as the learning centres for Rohingya children, displaying a thirst for education despite all that they have endured at such a young age.

Girls’ education is the right thing to do: women and girls have the right to be educated, equal, empowered and safe. As the Foreign Secretary said at the UN Human Rights Council on 18 June, we must leave no girl behind and enable all girls to receive 12 years of quality education. That message is equally important for Rohingya girls to hear.

Further information

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For journalists

Link: Press release: UK Government calls for more international support for Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh
Source: Gov Press Releases

Press release: Armed Forces Day 2019 to be held in Salisbury

The announcement will come as over 300 events are set to be held today to mark this year’s Armed Forces Day, from the national event in Llandudno to street parties and military parades across the country to say thank you to our sailors, soldiers and airmen and women.

Following the nerve agent attack, military teams worked tirelessly, alongside the emergency services, to help ensure the city is safe and can return to normal for visitors, businesses and everyone to enjoy. Their work to safely remove contaminated vehicles, testing the nerve agent and their ongoing efforts supporting the recovery, has enabled the city to return to the vibrant and welcoming place it is.

As well as this heroic response, Salisbury is a city steeped in military history, home to many Army bases including Bulford Camp and Tidworth Camp. While Salisbury Plain, one of the UK’s biggest military training areas, has been used for more than a century.

Prime Minister Theresa May is due to say:

Armed Forces Day is a way to thank our incredible servicemen and women for their dedication, for the many sacrifices they make and for their extraordinary service and courage. I can think of no more suitable a place than Salisbury to show our gratitude next year.

The military response to the nerve agent attack here has been remarkable. In the days immediately following the attack, expert military teams helped to safely move contaminated vehicles, the Defence Science and Technology Library at Porton Down then expertly tested the nerve agent and today around 200 specialist military personnel from the Army and RAF continue to support the recovery.

By holding Armed Forces Day here next year, we are also celebrating the tremendous resilience and great spirit of Salisbury and showing clearly it is open for business. It’s a great city, enriched by military history and a wonderful place to visit.

It is expected hundreds of thousands of people will descend on the city for the day, supported by a £25,000 grant from the Ministry of Defence to host the event. This is on top of the £2.5m given to support businesses, assist with tourism and meet unexpected costs involved in the recovery effort in Salisbury.

Defence Secretary Gavin Williamson is due to say:

Salisbury was a natural choice to host Armed Forces Day in 2019.

The city has a historic link with our Armed Forces and our troops demonstrated once again their bravery, dedication and skill during the central role they played following the reckless nerve agent attack here this year.

Our extraordinary service men and women continue to help Salisbury and the people of this beautiful cathedral city through the clear up and investigation, and it’s extremely fitting that next year the city and the entire nation will be able to thank them here for their commitment and unwavering service to protecting our nation from the deadliest of threats.

Baroness Scott of Bybrook OBE, leader of Wiltshire Council, is due to say:

I am absolutely delighted that Salisbury has been selected to host the Armed Forces Day national event next year. Wiltshire is proud to be a military county and the armed forces and their families make up a significant proportion of Wiltshire’s population. This is a fantastic opportunity, on behalf of the whole country, to recognise and celebrate what they do.

It will also be an opportunity to all say thank you for the work they have undertaken in Salisbury to ensure that the city is safe and can return to normal.

The event is the national focal point for celebrations and recognises the hard work and sacrifice of those that serve this country.

During recent months in Salisbury, we have seen how strong the links are between the city and our armed forces community. To be selected to host the national event in 2019 is a wonderful way to thank our service men and women for their contribution and for the job they do to keep us all safe.

Link: Press release: Armed Forces Day 2019 to be held in Salisbury
Source: Gov Press Releases

Press release: British athletic games launched for wounded Armed Forces

Organised in partnership with Help for Heroes and the Royal British Legion, this will see over 400 British veterans and personnel participate, helping those with injury or illness overcome mental and physical hurdles.

Participants will be able to take part in sports including athletics, wheelchair basketball, powerlifting, swimming and sitting volleyball.

The Prime Minister will make the announcement while attending Armed Forces Day, held in Llandudno this year. At the event, she will meet with men and women from the Royal Navy, British Army and Royal Air Force, both regulars and reserves and cadets and veterans.

Prime Minister Theresa May is due to say:

I am proud to be in Llandudno for Armed Forces Day, celebrating our brilliant servicemen and women. Speaking on behalf of the nation, I want to thank them for their dedication, for the many sacrifices they make and for their extraordinary service and courage.

As our brave armed forces face dangers on our behalf, it is only right that we do everything we can to help their recovery when they suffer injuries or illness during combat or training.

Through these new British athletic games and the rehabilitative power of sport, we can help those who have sacrificed so much for our country to lead full and rewarding lives.

Now in its 10th year, this year’s Armed Forces Day will see a record number of flypasts and displays. The crowds will enjoy air shows from the Red Arrows and the Typhoons, while HMS Somerset will be docked in Llandudno Bay and Challenger battle tanks and Warrior armoured vehicles will be displayed in the military village.

The event in Llandudno is just one of over 300 events across the country to mark Armed Forces Day. From street parties to military parades, these events will say thank you to our sailors, soldiers and airmen and women.

At sea, on land and in the air, at home and around the globe, there are over 5,000 members of the British armed forces deployed currently in over 20 operations in 30 countries. From fighting against terrorism in the Middle East to providing peacekeeping and humanitarian assistance in Africa and the Caribbean while also being ready to defend our homeland in the event of a crisis 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Link: Press release: British athletic games launched for wounded Armed Forces
Source: Gov Press Releases

Press release: Record number of fake HMRC websites deactivated

New figures show that HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) requested a record 20,750 malicious sites to be taken down in the past 12 months, an increase of 29% on the previous year.

Despite a record number of malicious sites being removed, HMRC is warning the public to stay alert as millions of taxpayers remain at risk of losing substantial amounts of money to online crooks. The warning comes as Scam Awareness month, run by Citizens Advice, draws to a close.

HMRC has brought in cutting edge technology to tackle cyber-crime and target fraudsters. However, the public needs to be aware and report phishing attempts to truly defeat the criminals. Today (30 June 2018), ministers are urging people to take action to protect themselves as well.

Genuine organisations like banks and HMRC will never contact people out of the blue to ask for their PIN, password or bank details. So people should never give out private information, download attachments, or click on links in emails and messages they weren’t expecting.

People should forward suspicious emails claiming to be from HMRC to and texts to 60599.

They can also contact Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040 to report any suspicious calls, or use its online fraud reporting tool.

Treasury Minister Mel Stride MP, the Financial Secretary to the Treasury, said:

The criminals behind these scams prey on the public and abuse their trust in government. We’re determined to stop them.

HMRC is cracking down harder than ever, as these latest figures show. But we need the public’s help as well. By doing the right thing and reporting suspicious messages you will not only protect yourself, you will protect other potential victims.

The most common type of scam is the ‘tax refund’ email and SMS. HMRC does not offer tax refunds by text message or by email.

HMRC has also been trialling new technology which identifies phishing texts with ‘tags’ that suggest they are from HMRC, and stops them from being delivered. Since the pilot began in April 2017, there has been a 90% reduction in people reporting spoof HMRC-related texts.

This innovative approach netted the cyber security team with the Cyber Resilience Innovation of the Year Award in the Digital Leaders (DL100) Awards.

In November 2016, the department implemented a verification system, called DMARC, which allows emails to be verified to ensure they come from a genuine source. The system has successfully stopped half a billion phishing emails reaching customers.

HMRC has also saved the public more than £2.4 million by tackling fraudsters that trick the public into using premium rate phone numbers for services that HMRC provide for free. Scammers create websites that look similar to HMRC’s official site and then direct the public to call numbers with extortionate costs.

HMRC has successfully challenged the ownership of these websites, masquerading as official websites, and taken them out of the hands of cheats.

HMRC is working with the National Cyber Security Centre to further this work and extend the benefits beyond HMRC customers.

Further Information

HMRC has taken a range of action to protect the public from scams including:

  • since June 2017 HMRC requested 20,750 website links to be removed, compared to 16,069 between June 2016 and May 2017
  • during the financial year 2017 to 2018, responded to nearly 1 million phishing referrals
  • since 2016 blocked half a billion phishing emails through DMARC
  • reduced spoofed phishing texts by 90% due to new technology
  • during financial year 2017 to 2018 provided up to date information and support on the GOV.UK website, which was visited 1.4 million times last year

Check GOV.UK for information on how to avoid and report scams and recognise genuine HMRC contact.

The National Cyber Security Centre’s report ‘Active Cyber Defence – one year on’ states that HMRC is consistently the most abused government brand.

DMARC (Domain-Based Message Authentication, Reporting and Conformance) is the internet standard that is used to allow domain owners to have more control over who can use their email addresses as ‘from’ addresses.

HMRC won the Cyber Resilience Innovation of the Year award at the Digital Leaders (DL100) Awards last week – the premier list identifying individuals and teams leading Digital Transformation in the UK.

Link: Press release: Record number of fake HMRC websites deactivated
Source: Gov Press Releases

Press release: Charges in suspected people smuggling investigation

The operation targeted seven addresses in London and Kent aimed at dismantling a suspected organised crime group (OCG) believed to be involved in the facilitation of Georgian nationals into the UK through Ireland.

The investigation, which started in June 2017, is being led by Immigration Enforcement CFI in the UK and supported by the Joint Agency Task Force (JATF). The JATF comprises Immigration Enforcement, the Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI), the Garda National Immigration Bureau (GNIB) and other law enforcement partners. The task force enables cross-border cooperation across a range of policing areas, as well as intelligence sharing, which helps keep communities safe and secure.

The seven appeared at Uxbridge Magistrate’s Court on Wednesday 27 June.

The following were each charged with conspiracy to facilitate illegal immigration:

  • George Kupatadze, aged 43, of Windmill Street, Gravesend, DA12
  • Gurami Shariashvili, aged 26, of Carlton Avenue, Bedfont, TW14
  • Givi Shariashvili, aged 44, of New Road, Bedfont, TW14
  • Mikheil Tchotashvili, aged 34, of Market Street, Newham, E6
  • Leri Mgaloblishvili, aged 45, of Talbot House, Ladbroke Crescent, W11

Ilia Diasamidze, aged 34, of Lewisham High Street, SE13, was charged with assisting unlawful immigration. Sidonia Gulbani, aged 26, of Market Street, Newham, E6, was charged with identity document offences.

They have all been remanded in custody to appear at Isleworth Crown Court on 25 July 2018.

Deputy Director Dave Magrath, from Immigration Enforcement CFI said:

Our investigation is targeting an organised network suspected of being involved in a systematic attempt to help individuals evade the UK’s immigration controls.

We have been working closely with the PSNI in Northern Ireland and the GNIB in the Republic of Ireland and that vital co-operation will continue as the investigation proceeds with the evidence we have seized today.

Detective Chief Superintendent David Dowling of the Garda National Immigration Bureau said:

This is an example of the continued cooperation between the relevant agencies in our efforts to target all types of criminal activity, including illegal immigration in both jurisdictions.

In addition to the six men and one woman charged, two further arrests were made for identity document offences. The two Georgian men, aged 28 and 31, were given police cautions and detained pending their removal from the UK.

Officers also arrested four people, two men and two women, all Georgian nationals, who immigration checks found had either entered the UK illegally or overstayed. They will have their cases progressed in accordance with the immigration rules and if it is found that they have no right to remain in the UK, steps will be taken to remove them from the country. Approximately £1,800 in Russian currency was seized under the Proceeds of Crime Act.

Anyone with information about suspected immigration abuse can contact Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 anonymously or visit the Crimestoppers website.

Link: Press release: Charges in suspected people smuggling investigation
Source: Gov Press Releases

Press release: Troika statement on South Sudan on 29 June

The members of the Troika (the UK, US and Norway) commend the Intergovernmental Authority on Development’s (IGAD) efforts to drive forward the South Sudan peace process, and take note of the Khartoum Declaration of Agreement Between Parties of the Conflict of South Sudan agreed between President Salva Kiir, Dr Riek Machar, and other opposition parties in Khartoum on 27 June. We welcome the Government of Sudan’s role in hosting the latest round of discussions.

We hope that the principles outlined in the declaration will help to build confidence between the parties and guide the difficult discussions that must follow to reach a credible and comprehensive wider agreement.

While we welcome the renewed commitment to a ceasefire, all sides must stop fighting now – that is the only secure foundation upon which any agreement can be built. The effects of the renewed commitment to a permanent ceasefire must be seen on the ground. It must allow the return of South Sudan’s refugees and displaced people, and the safe delivery of humanitarian assistance. It must lead to improved security for communities and an end to the horrendous abuses endured by civilians at the hands of security forces. “Self-monitoring” will not be sufficient to assess adherence to the ceasefire. The Ceasefire and Transitional Security Arrangements Monitoring Mechanism (CTSAMM) must continue to play a central role, with full access throughout the country and support in publishing timely reports.

The new ceasefire does not negate the need to respond to the continued and repeated serious violations by all sides of the December 2017 Cessation of Hostilities Agreement (COHA). We will continue to seek measures at the UN Security Council to return the region to peace and security, including consequences for spoilers to the peace process. The international community therefore stands ready to support action by IGAD and the African Union to signal an end to impunity by delivering punitive measures against those responsible.

The parties must work to solidify this agreement. They need robust security and enforcement mechanisms, inclusion of a wide range of constituencies, and clear limits to executive power. There is a need for specific and realistic benchmarks throughout the transitional period, which lead to free and fair elections that allow for a peaceful transition in leadership in the most expeditious and responsible manner. The international community will encourage any oil arrangement to include transparency and accountability and ensure that new oil revenues directly benefit the South Sudanese people, rather than fuel more conflict.

All this will be critical to ensure that the failures of past agreements are not repeated and the confidence of international donors is secured.

We appreciate IGAD’s ongoing efforts and look forward to further progress in the next phase of talks.

Further information

Media enquiries

For journalists

Link: Press release: Troika statement on South Sudan on 29 June
Source: Gov Press Releases

Press release: Media advisory notice – Hillsborough proceedings

Criminal proceedings against six individuals arising out of the investigations into the tragic events at Hillsborough on the 15th of April 1989 and its aftermath are currently active. The first of three criminal trials is due to start in 10 weeks’ time.

The Attorney General Jeremy Wright QC MP wishes to draw attention to the requirement not to publish material, including online, which could create a substantial risk that the course of justice in these proceedings may be seriously impeded or prejudiced, thereby jeopardising the defendants’ right to a fair trial.

In particular, the Attorney General draws attention to the requirement not to publish material that asserts or assumes, expressly or implicitly, the guilt of any of those who face trial, whether in relation to the events of the 15th of April 1989 or to subsequent events. That is an issue to be determined solely by the three juries on the evidence that they hear in court.

The risks may also arise by commentary which prejudges issues that witnesses may give evidence about or which asserts or assumes wrongdoing on the part of organisations by whom the defendants were employed.

The Attorney General’s Office will be monitoring the coverage of these proceedings.

Editors, publishers and social media users should take legal advice to ensure they are in a position to fully comply with the obligations they are subject to under the Contempt of Court Act.

They are also reminded of the terms of the order made under section 4(2) of the Contempt of Court Act 1981 by Sir Peter Openshaw DL on 29th June 2018.

Link: Press release: Media advisory notice – Hillsborough proceedings
Source: Gov Press Releases

Press release: Change of Her Majesty’s Ambassador to the United Arab Emirates


Full name: Patrick Moody

Married to: Atalanta Moody

Children: Two

2017 to present FCO, Additional Director, Asia-Pacific Directorate
2014 to 2017 Islamabad, Deputy High Commissioner
2012 to 2014 FCO, Head, Pakistan and Afghanistan Department and Acting Director South Asia and Afghanistan Directorate
2011 to 2012 Home Office, Head, Border Security Unit
2010 to 2011 Home Office, Director of International Policy, UK Border Agency
2010 Higher Command and Staff Course, UK Defence Academy
2006 to 2009 Kuala Lumpur, Deputy High Commissioner
2003 to 2006 FCO, Deputy Head, Africa Department (Equatorial)
1998 to 2002 Brussels, Head, External Relations Team, UKDEL NATO
1997 to 1998 FCO, Head, Policy Team, Joint Export Promotion Department
1996 to 1997 FCO, Head, Money Laundering and Financial Crime Team
1994 to 1996 FCO, Head, Bosnia Team
1990 to 1993 Mexico City, Second Secretary (Press and Political)
1988 to 1990 FCO, Assistant Desk Officer, Gibraltar and Cyprus

Further information

Media enquiries

For journalists

Link: Press release: Change of Her Majesty’s Ambassador to the United Arab Emirates
Source: Gov Press Releases

Press release: Work on Northumberland flood defence complete

Work on a new £65,000 flood embankment which protects homes in Hexham from flooding is complete.

Storm Desmond saw flooding to 15 properties at Tyne Green, Hexham, on 5 December 2015.

Properties flooded as a result of water from the River Tyne flowing through an underpass beneath the Newcastle-Carlisle railway line near to Tyne Green Golf Course.

The Environment Agency prioritises delivery of new and improved flood defences using government funding over a rolling six year programme, to schemes which provide the greatest benefits to protect properties from flooding.

Due to the small number of properties that would benefit, against the cost of delivering a flood scheme at Tyne Green, the Environment Agency had been unable to deliver new flood defences in the area.

Funded by residents

The new flood bank has been uniquely funded by residents who pooled individual government grants made available to them following flooding over the winter period of 2015/16.

The Environment Agency and Northumberland County Council worked closely with Tyne Green residents, Northumbrian Water and Network Rail to provide a creative solution.

The work started on 11 June and was finished this week. Some fencing still needs to be put in place and this will take place early in July.

The flood embankment, built by Breheny Civil Engineering, has been designed to protect against a flood event similar to that experienced by Tyne Green residents during Storm Desmond. Chris Hood, Project Manager for the Environment Agency, said:

I’m delighted we’ve been able to complete this flood defence which is great news for the residents of Tyne Green.

They have been on a long and difficult journey and ultimately used their initiative and all worked together to pool their grants which has allowed us to build this new flood defence.

I’d like to thank them for their support and continued patience while we have worked together with Network Rail and others to find the best and most cost-effective solution at Tyne Green.

We hope this protection afforded by the new defence will now provide local residents with peace of mind when bad weather threatens in the future.

Agencies working together

Northumberland County Councillor Glen Sanderson, Cabinet member for Environment and Local Services, said:

This is another fine example of agencies working with local communities to find innovative solutions to improve their areas and prevent flooding events damaging their homes in the future.

County Councillor for Hexham Central with Acomb Trevor Cessford added:

This is great news for local residents and should hopefully provide peace of mind and security for the future.
I would also like to say a huge thanks to all the residents for their patience and understanding in this drawn out matter and for the selfless financial contributions they themselves have made towards the project.”

The Environment Agency is urging people to ‘Prepare, Act, Survive’ by visiting the Floods Destroy website and do three things to prepare for flooding.

  • check your postcode and find out if you are at risk of flooding
  • sign-up for free flood warnings if you are at risk
  • view and save the 3-point flood plan so you know how to ‘Prepare, Act, Survive’ in a flood

Link: Press release: Work on Northumberland flood defence complete
Source: Gov Press Releases