Press release: PM hails biggest Naval defence contract for a decade: 28 June 2018

BAE Systems has been chosen as the preferred bidder for the ‘SEA 5000’ Future Frigate competition, with a design based on Britain’s Type 26 Global Combat Ship. It will involve BAE Systems building nine British-designed warships in Adelaide, the first export of a British design for new-build frigates since the 1970s. The UK was chosen over bids from Italy and Spain for the contract.

The agreement will secure more than 4000 jobs in Australia and also boost Britain’s export economy for generations to come, with huge opportunities set to arise which the Government believes the specialist knowledge and capability of British firms will be best placed to fulfil.

In turn, it is hoped that this will benefit the UK economy, with exports having the potential to drive regional growth, create new jobs and showcase the strength of British innovation on the world stage.

The deal is a result of four years of intensive government engagement involving a number of departments across Whitehall. The Prime Minister has been directly involved in making the case for the UK bid, including in bilateral talks with Prime Minister Turnbull at Chequers earlier this year.

Over the past 18 months the Foreign Secretary, Defence Secretary, and International Trade Secretary have visited Australia to extol the benefits of the UK’s world class design, engineering and innovation.

Prime Minister Theresa May said:

The sheer scale and nature of this contract puts the UK at the very forefront of maritime design and engineering and demonstrates what can be achieved by UK industry and Government working hand-in-hand.

We have always been clear that as we leave the EU we have an opportunity to build on our close relationships with allies like Australia. This deal is a perfect illustration that the Government is doing exactly that.

And while this is an enormous boost for the UK economy, it will also cement our strategic partnership with one of our oldest and closest friends for decades to come.

International Trade Secretary Dr Liam Fox said:

The UK and Australia already enjoy a strong trading relationship worth more than £13 billion a year. Today’s announcement is a further boost to this relationship which will create significant opportunities for companies in both countries to deepen their trading ties.

As an international economic department, we are excited for the opportunities this will bring to both our nations including increased data and information sharing, high-end technology transfer, and collaboration at the cutting-edge of maritime expertise. We look forward to further discussion on future trade through our joint UK-Australia trade working group.

The news builds on the century-long ties between the two national forces, and will allow interoperability between Australian and Royal Navy ships amid a climate of intensifying threats around the world, especially in the Middle East and the Asia-Pacific regions.

It comes after the Royal Navy further boosted its role in securing the Asia-Pacific when the Defence Secretary announced that HMS Argyll would deploy to the region, marking the first time three British warships have been sent there after HMS Sutherland and HMS Albion set sail.

Defence Minister Guto Bebb said:

BAE Systems’ winning bid highlights the best of British shipbuilding design and our world-leading anti-submarine warfare technology. Australian forces have stood should-to-shoulder with our military for generations and this deal will build on our strength as allies as our two great Navies operate this cutting-edge frigate around the globe.

The 6,900 tonne multi-mission warships are designed to support anti-submarine warfare and a whole range of other operations anywhere in the world. They will form a key part of Australia’s hugely respected Navy.

The contract was secured with the UK committed to getting eight of the Type 26 warfare frigates, which are currently in-build on the Clyde in Scotland and set to enter service with the Royal Navy in the 2020s.

The news comes ahead of key engagements next month, including the Defence Industrial Dialogue between the nations, as well as the annual AUKMIN talks between the Defence Secretary, the Foreign Secretary and their Australian Counterparts.

BAE Systems Chief Executive, Charles Woodburn, said:

BAE Systems’ selection as preferred tenderer for SEA 5000 reinforces our position as a leading designer and builder of complex maritime platforms.

I am proud that our world class anti-submarine warfare design and our approach to transferring technology and skills to the nations in which we work is expected to contribute to the development of an enduring world-class naval shipbuilding industry in Australia.

Link: Press release: PM hails biggest Naval defence contract for a decade: 28 June 2018
Source: Gov Press Releases

Press release: BIIGC Announcement

The BIIGC is a consultative forum established by Strand Three of the Belfast Agreement with the aim of bringing ‘together the British and Irish Governments to promote bilateral co-operation on all matters of mutual interest within the competence of both governments’.

The BIIGC is not an executive body and as the Belfast Agreement states explicitly, “there will be no derogation from the sovereignty of either government”.

As the BIIGC is ‘concerned with non-devolved Northern Ireland matters’, the focus of the meeting will be on East-West issues. It will take place in London and be chaired by the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, with the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland in attendance.

Link: Press release: BIIGC Announcement
Source: Gov Press Releases

Press release: Biometrics Commissioner’s response to the Home Office Biometrics Strategy

The long awaited Home Office Biometrics Strategy published today is to be welcomed as the basis for a more informed public debate on the future use of biometrics by the Home Office and its partners.

The strategy lays out the current uses of biometric data and the development of new multi-user data platforms. Unfortunately the strategy says little about what future plans the Home Office has for the use of biometrics and the sharing of biometric data. A debate is needed given the rapid improvements in biometric matching technologies and the increasing ability to hold and analyse large biometric databases.

While the use of biometric data may well be in the public interest for law enforcement purposes and to support other government functions the public benefit must be balanced against loss of privacy. Biometric data is especially sensitive because it is most intrusive of our individual privacy and for that reason who decides the balance is as important as what is decided. Legislation carries the legitimacy that Parliament decides that crucial question.

It is disappointing that the Home Office document is not forward looking as one would expect from a strategy. In particular it does not propose legislation to provide rules for the use and oversight of new biometrics, including facial images.

This is in contrast to Scotland where such legislation has been proposed. Given that new biometrics are being rapidly deployed or trialled this failure to set out more definitively what the future landscape will look like in terms of the use and governance of biometrics appears short sighted at best.

What the strategy does propose is an oversight and advisory board to make recommendations about governance just short of legislation. If that results in the development of a set of principles to inform future legislation then it is also welcome. However, the advisory board is mainly described as concerned with the use of facial images by the police.

What is actually required is a governance framework that will cover all future biometrics rather than a series of ad hoc responses to problems as they emerge. I hope that the Home Office will re-consider and clearly extend the advisory board’s remit to properly consider all future biometrics and will name the board accordingly.

Link: Press release: Biometrics Commissioner’s response to the Home Office Biometrics Strategy
Source: Gov Press Releases

Press release: Action plan to accelerate remediation of private high-rise residential buildings with ACM cladding

A package of measures to drive forward swifter action by building owners to remove potentially unsafe cladding on private sector high-rise residential buildings was announced today (28 June 2018) by Secretary of State for Communities, Rt. Hon James Brokenshire MP.

Since the Grenfell Tower tragedy, local authorities have been working hard to identify affected buildings in their areas and have carried out the large-scale, complex task of assessing more than 6,000 buildings.

Monthly data published today show that 297 private sector high-rise residential buildings have unsafe cladding – with a small additional number expected to be confirmed.

Building owners are responsible for ensuring the safety of their buildings and their residents, and government and councils will continue to monitor and hold them to account where they have unsafe cladding systems.

Local fire and rescue services have been informed about all of these buildings to ensure appropriate interim measures are in place so residents are safe now.

Ministers have been clear that building owners are responsible for making buildings safe and local authorities have also started enforcement action in all but a handful of cases to compel them to take action.

Whilst remediation work has begun on 21 of these buildings, of which 4 have been completed, the government is determined to accelerate the pace of this work and has announced a number of steps to progress this work:

  • A new taskforce which will oversee a national programme of remediation in the private sector and ensure plans are in place for every single building affected. The taskforce will be chaired by ministers and membership will include Local Government Association (LGA), National Fire Chiefs Council (NFCC), London Councils, local authorities who have experienced the largest degree of impact and industry representatives.
  • A new inspection team, backed by £1 million government funding, consisting of experts from environmental health, building control and fire inspection who will provide support to individual councils boosting their capacity and expertise to undertake enforcement action and ensure building owners take the necessary action and speed up the remediation process.
  • A follow-up industry roundtable next month so representatives can present their proposals on solutions to remove unsafe cladding from high-rise buildings without passing on the costs to leaseholders. In the meantime, MHCLG will continue to explore other routes for protecting leaseholders, such as supporting local authorities to take more targeted action to identify and remediate affected buildings and recovering costs from those responsible for ensuring the safety of buildings; and supporting leaseholder enfranchisement.
  • Letters will be sent to all relevant private sector building owners to remind them of their responsibility to make their buildings safe.

Secretary of State for Communities, Rt. Hon James Brokenshire MP said:

The safety of residents is my main priority and fire and rescue services are working with building owners to ensure residents are safe now. But I want to see swifter progress in removing unsafe cladding which is why I have announced further action to support councils as they work with owners of high-rise blocks.

I have been clear that leaseholders should be protected from unfair costs and we expect the industry to do the right thing. If they don’t, I will continue to explore other routes and I am not ruling anything out.

Further information

You can find the latest monthly data release on the building safety programme.

Secretary of State for Communities, Rt. Hon James Brokenshire MP, provided an update to Parliament.

To identify affected buildings, the government has already provided £1.3 million to the authorities most affected. With this funding they were able to assess more than 6,000 high-rise private sector buildings.

Office address and general enquiries

2 Marsham Street


Media enquiries

Link: Press release: Action plan to accelerate remediation of private high-rise residential buildings with ACM cladding
Source: Gov Press Releases

Press release: Highways England goes on the road with A30 upgrade plans for Cornwall

Highways England aims to dual an eight-mile stretch of the A30 between Chiverton and Carland Cross.

This will help to improve journey times for residents, businesses and visitors, as well as unlocking one of the last bottlenecks in Cornwall.

After opening the plans up for public consultation earlier this year the company is now continuing its community engagement, attending the Stithians Show on 16 July and the Camborne Show on 21 July. It will also be participating in live web chats with the first planned this Friday, 29 June (1pm-3pm) and a second on Friday, 27 July.

Project Manager Josh Hodder said:

We were at the Golowan Festival in Penzance last weekend and received plenty of interest from both communities local to the scheme and holiday-makers, and we are keen to keep communities updated on our plans.

Since consultation, we have been progressing with details of the design, working to reduce impact on the environment, and continuing our engagement and discussions with local communities.

I’d urge anyone with an interest to come and chat with us to find out more and answer any questions they have.

The dualling plan follows the opening of Cornwall Council’s A30 Temple to Higher Carblake dualling scheme last year.

Highways England is now finalising the details of the scheme, before submitting its planning application in late summer at which point people will also have the opportunity to register with the Planning Inspectorate to have their say.

Transport Secretary Chris Grayling MP visited the site last week.

He was updated on the county’s improving transport links and services by Cornwall Council, and he also saw first hand the heavy traffic on the A30 and heard from the project team for the planned A30 Chiverton to Carland Cross improvement scheme.

The cost of developing the scheme is being partly funded by an £8 million contribution from the European Regional Development Fund, with an additional £12 million for the construction phase. The remainder of the cost of developing and delivering the scheme will be funded by central Government.

Subject to statutory approval, construction is planned to start in spring 2020.

In the meantime, anyone wanting further information on accessing the web chats can go to the web page.

General enquiries

Members of the public should contact the Highways England customer contact centre on 0300 123 5000.

Media enquiries

Journalists should contact the Highways England press office on 0844 693 1448 and use the menu to speak to the most appropriate press officer.

Link: Press release: Highways England goes on the road with A30 upgrade plans for Cornwall
Source: Gov Press Releases

Press release: The democratic pioneers shortlisted for first ever National Democracy Week Awards

The National Democracy Week Awards will be held for the first time next Monday 2 July at the People’s Museum in Manchester, to kick off celebrations for National Democracy Week.

The awards recognise pioneering individuals and organisations who have demonstrated exceptional service in increasing democratic engagement in the UK. Nominees have been shortlisted across four national categories:

Young Advocate of the Year Award:

  • Staffordshire’s UK Youth Parliament Representatives for democratic services to young people in the region
  • Rachael Farrington from South London for democratic services in launching Voting Counts website
  • Matteo Bergami from Stanmore for founding, a platform to engage young people in the political process
  • Dan Lawes from Manchester for promoting youth voter registration

Diversity Champion of the Year Award:

  • Easton and Lawrence Hill Neighbourhood Management (Up Our Street) for helping give its diverse community a voice in politics
  • Harrow Mencap for helping to empower people with learning disabilities to engage with politicians and candidates
  • Harris Bokhari from Epsom for his drive to engage diverse communities in the political process
  • Sara Livadeas from Oxford for her campaign to help people in care homes vote

Changemaker of the Year Award:

  • Mehala Osborne from Bristol for her campaign to help domestic abuse survivors register to vote
  • 50:50 Parliament #AskHerToStand for their campaign to increase the number of female candidates for Parliament
  • My Life My Say for opening cafes nationwide where young people can engage in political discussion in a safe space
  • Harriet Andrews from Manchester for running digital surgeries to connect young people with their elected representatives

Collaboration of the Year Award:

  • The People’s History Museum in Manchester for working with communities to tell the story of the fight for LGBT+ rights
  • Situation Novoville in the West Midlands for using innovative online chat interfaces to engage the public in digital services
  • National Adult Learners’ Forum (Scotland) for promoting adult learning services in disadvantaged communities in Scotland.

National Democracy Week is being held in July to coincide with and celebrate the 90th anniversary of the 1928 Equal Franchise Act – a further historic constitutional milestone which granted equal voting rights to men and women.

Over the course of the week, a series of nationwide events are being held by charities and community groups across the country, aimed at inspiring people of all ages and backgrounds to participate in democracy.

Winners of the awards will be announced next Monday 2 July.

Further details on National Democracy Week can be found here.

Notes to editors

  • The criteria to be shortlisted for each of the awards can be found here.
  • The Prime Minister answered a question at Prime Minister’s Question Time on 6 June about National Democracy Week. Read the full transcript here.
  • National Democracy Week events will take place on a national and local level to encourage members of the public to get involved with our democracy, in particular those from under-registered groups, including young people, BAME groups, British ex-pats, and people with disabilities. Events can be found here.
  • The week will celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Representation of the People Act 1918 when the first British women over 30 (who met a property qualification) won the right to vote and the 90th anniversary of the Equal Franchise Act 1928 which granted equal voting rights to men and women.
  • The week is being delivered in collaboration with the National Democracy Week Council members, the Cabinet Office and partners across the country. Council members can be found here.
  • Follow us on social media at #talkdemocracy
  • You can find out more about National Democracy Week on the website:
  • For further information on National Democracy Week, contact the Cabinet Office Press Office on 0207 276 0436.
  • It takes about 5 minutes to register to vote online. To find out more visit

Link: Press release: The democratic pioneers shortlisted for first ever National Democracy Week Awards
Source: Gov Press Releases

Press release: Humber habitat creation scheme plans on show

Residents are being invited to learn more about the Outstays to Skeffling Managed Realignment Scheme by attending the surgery at Patrington Village Hall, Church Lane, 11am to 3.3pm on Thursday 5 July.

Being delivered in partnership with Associated British Ports, the scheme will see a new inter-tidal environment created that offsets habitat losses from future coastal development and climate change.

It is a legal obligation for the Environment Agency to rebalance the reduction in habitats caused by ‘coastal squeeze’, which occurs when fixed hard flood defence structures, built to protect people and properties along the coast, reduce the inter-tidal land between low and high tide as a result of rising sea levels.

As part of the proposed scheme a 900 acre natural habitat site will be created for estuarine and terrestrial wildlife and an improved landscaped flood defence will surround this area to help reduce the risk of flooding to the local community.

The Environment Agency and Associated British Ports say they are hoping to announce the final design and plans this autumn, with the planning application being submitted before the end of the year and construction starting in spring 2019.

Link: Press release: Humber habitat creation scheme plans on show
Source: Gov Press Releases

Press release: One million married couples still eligible for £900 tax boost

Around three million couples across the UK have boosted their finances with Marriage Allowance, HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) announced today.

More than a million married and civil partnered couples are still eligible for the free tax break worth up to £238 a year. And thanks to the start of the new tax year couples can backdate their allowance and boost their payment up to £900 – just in time for the summer holidays.

Applying for Marriage Allowance is quick and easy and once an application is complete it’s processed immediately. The new online form takes fewer than ten minutes to fill out and eligible customers will receive backdated claims of up to £662 as a lump sum. Over 300,000 couples have signed up for the Marriage Allowance tax break since March 2018.

Mel Stride MP, the Financial Secretary to the Treasury, said:

It’s great news that so many couples are now benefitting from Marriage Allowance. This is a really important tax relief and reflects the social importance of marriages and civil partnerships.

And I’d urge those that haven’t yet managed to claim the money to do so right away – it’s quick and easy to apply. Just search online for Marriage Allowance and go to the GOV.UK site.

Mel Stride on Marriage Allowance

Further Information

  • Everyone has a tax-free personal allowance of £11,850 and no tax is due on income up to this amount. The Marriage Allowance allows a spouse or civil partner who is a non-taxpayer to transfer £1,190 of it to their partner.
  • About four million married couples, including around 15,000 civil partnerships, stand to benefit from the Marriage Allowance, which was introduced in April 2015.
  • Couples have four years to claim their backdated allowance and can apply online

Link: Press release: One million married couples still eligible for £900 tax boost
Source: Gov Press Releases

Press release: Highways England releases first sections of updated road design manual

Highways England today paved the way for improved road building with the much anticipated release of the first suite of new design standards.

The publication of the first sections of the new ‘Design Manual for Roads and Bridges’ (DMRB) will ensure roads are designed, built and maintained to the very highest and safest standards.

Accepted as the cornerstone of the delivery and management of motorway and all-purpose trunk roads across the UK, and a respected document worldwide, the DMRB was first published in 1992.

Highways England, the Government company responsible for maintaining, operating and improving the country’s motorways and major A roads, is currently updating it to make it clearer, more consistent and easier to understand and implement. The update puts design requirements at its core and it will also make it easier to incorporate developments in design best practice. This will result in greater efficiency and innovation throughout the lifecycle of the assets, fewer departures from the requirements, and reduced time and associated cost.

Highways England Chief Highway Engineer, Mike Wilson said:

“This is an exciting time for the highways sector as we continue to successfully deliver the record £15bn investment in roads. The updated DMRB documents mark a historic moment for the design of the UK’s motorways and major A-roads.

“I would like to thank the Devolved Administrations and our supply chain who have supported this significant review, which will ensure our roads are designed, built and maintained to the very highest, safest standards for the millions of drivers that use these roads every day.”

image of Mike Wilson, Highways England’s Chief Highways Engineer

The first four documents of the updated “Design Manual for Roads and Bridges” (DMRB) are:

  • Introduction to the Design Manual for Roads and Bridges
  • Requirements for safety risk assessment
  • Use of Compressive Membrane Action in Bridge Decks
  • Management of Corrugated Steel Buried Structures

Experts at Highways England began the task of updating the complete suite of over 350 documents and associated interim advice notes (IANs) that make up the manual in April 2017 with the review due for completion by March 2020. This is a specific requirement of the Protocol attached to the Highways England Licence as part of the Government’s Road Investment Strategy.

Changes in the updated document include:

  • a new structure of the volumes to be aligned to asset life-cycle stages, from appraisal to design up to disposal
  • new numbering systems of documents reflecting the relevant asset life-cycle stage and the specific discipline covered by the document
  • new style of individual clauses to make a clear distinction between requirements and advisory material
  • incorporation of interim advice notes (IANs) into the DMRB as relevant
  • consolidation of DMRB ‘A’ (advisory) documents with related ‘D’ (design) documents
  • introduction of National Application Annexes attached to the DMRB to cover the specific requirements of the Overseeing Organisations

Several leading UK consultants have supported Highways England with the update, and a new set of drafting rules has been used, which follows best practice from national and international standardisation organisations.

The updated DMRB supports Highways England’s “The road to good design” vision.

The DMRB re-drafting is being completed using a revolutionary online authoring tool purposefully built for the refresh of the document. This signals an important move to digital technology and unlocks the potential of digital innovations.

The updated DMRB documents will be released in phases with completion due by March 2020.

General enquiries

Members of the public should contact the Highways England customer contact centre on 0300 123 5000.

Media enquiries

Journalists should contact the Highways England press office on 0844 693 1448 and use the menu to speak to the most appropriate press officer.

Link: Press release: Highways England releases first sections of updated road design manual
Source: Gov Press Releases

Press release: Welsh language scheme to widen access to justice

  • staff and judicial vacancy adverts in Wales will be bilingual
  • programme covers prison, probation, legal and courts services

The Ministry of Justice (MOJ) has today improved the way services will be delivered in the Welsh language.

Approved by the Welsh Language Commissioner the scheme will cover each of the MOJ’s delivery bodies – Her Majesty’s Courts and Tribunals Service, Her Majesty’s Prison and Probation Service, the Legal Aid Agency, the Office of the Public Guardian, and the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority. Each body will adopt their own version of the programme.

The Department will also now advertise vacancies for staff judges and magistrates in Wales bilingually and place adverts in Welsh language publications.

Ministry of Justice Permanent Secretary Richard Heaton said:

This change supports one of our most fundamental aims – making access to justice easier for everyone.

We listened carefully to the feedback from our public consultation and these improvements will allow us to deliver a service that works better for Welsh speakers.

Delivering our services in Welsh

We will deliver Welsh language services to the same quality and consistency as those provided in English, including by:

  • responding in Welsh to correspondence received in Welsh within the same timescale as correspondence in English
  • ensuring events in Wales are publicised in Welsh and that participants can contribute in Welsh
  • publishing Welsh language content on MOJ website

The scheme was developed following a public consultation with feedback from members of the public, businesses and legal professionals.

For more information on the Welsh Language Scheme visit GOV.UK.

Link: Press release: Welsh language scheme to widen access to justice
Source: Gov Press Releases