Press release: UK welcomes His Highness the Aga Khan for the opening of new academic centre in London

Foreign Office Minister for Human Rights Lord Tariq Ahmad of Wimbledon attended the official opening of the new Aga Khan Centre in King’s Cross today (26 June) as part of the Diamond Jubilee tour of His Highness the Aga Khan.

The centre is a positive symbol of diversity, cross-cultural learning and shows Britain as a multicultural, multi-faith and tolerant nation.

The new development will be home to institutions and agencies including those of the non-profit Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN), a group of international agencies dedicated to improving the quality of life in in the poorest countries of the world.

The UK Government works closely with the AKDN in Central Asia and Tanzania, as well as in Afghanistan where the Aga Khan Foundation implement Department for International Development (DfID) programmes including delivering an education programme under the Girls’ Education Challenge.

Speaking at the opening, Lord Tariq Ahmad said:

The opening of this spectacular new building in London is a concrete example of the privileged relationship the UK enjoys with the Aga Khan and the Ismaili community and is the ideal way to mark the Diamond Jubilee tour of His Highness the Aga Khan.

The work we do together makes a huge difference to people’s lives, not least in Afghanistan where 300,000 more girls are going to school thanks to our girls’ education programme there.

One of the Foreign Secretary’s key priorities is ensuring the world’s poorest girls receive 12 years of quality education. Appallingly, 90% of world’s poorest children leave school unable to read and write. That’s why we’ve committed £500 million of UKaid to help over 1.5 million vulnerable girls to learn.

Also in attendance for the official opening were His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales and the Mayor of London.

The new centre in King’s Cross, designed by Pritzker Prize-winning Japanese architect Fumihiko Maki includes gardens, terraces and courtyards inspired by different Muslim civilisations, although the centre will serve as an academic centre only and will not have a religious function. It brings together under one roof the

Aga Khan Foundation (UK), Institute of Ismaili Studies (IIS) and Aga Khan University’s Institute for the Study of Muslim Civilisations (AKU-ISMC).

Tomorrow His Highness will be attending a lunch at Lancaster House in his honour hosted by the International Development Secretary, Penny Mordaunt, with Foreign Office Permanent Under-Secretary, Sir Simon McDonald, attending.

Notes to editors:

  • The Aga Khan is celebrating 60 years as Imam of Shia Ismaili Muslims during 2017-18 by conducting official visits to countries where there are significant Ismaili communities including the UK, USA, Canada, Uganda, Tanzania, India, Pakistan and UAE.

  • The UK office of the Aga Khan Foundation (AKF) was established in 1973 to support the broader AKDN by forming strategic partnerships with UK and European institutional partners including government agencies, policy institutes, corporations, foundations, NGOs, universities, associations and professional networks.

  • The Aga Khan University (AKU) is an autonomous, not-for-profit university that promotes human welfare through research, teaching and community service. It operates in Pakistan, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Afghanistan and the UK. The AKU’s Institute for the Study of Muslim Civilisations (ISMC) was established in 2002 and provides research and teaching on the heritage of Muslim societies including in contemporary environments, with a Master’s programme in Muslim Cultures. The institute is listed with UKVI as an Overseas Provider as the degree is an AKU degree under its Pakistani charter. The AKU works with scholars abroad and in the UK including at Oxford, Cambridge and the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS).

  • The Institute for Ismaili Studies (IIS) was established in 1977 to promote scholarship and learning of Muslim cultures and societies, historical and contemporary, and encourage a better understanding of their relationship with other societies and faiths. IIS collaborates with universities around the world and has two graduate programmes: Islamic Studies and Humanities and a joint double-Master’s Degree Programme in partnership with University College London’s Institute for Education.

Further information

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For journalists

Link: Press release: UK welcomes His Highness the Aga Khan for the opening of new academic centre in London
Source: Gov Press Releases

Press release: UK aid to help provide Gazans with access to clean water and sanitation

UK aid will help provide Palestinians living in Gaza with clean water, the Middle East Minister Alistair Burt announced today (Tuesday 26 June).

Today’s support, an allocation of £2 million to UNICEF, will help ensure that the two million Palestinians in Gaza have access to safe water to drink and cook with.

There is a dire shortage of water in Gaza, where just 4 per cent of water in the strip is fit for human consumption and many families rely on buying dirty water from unregulated vendors.

This UK aid package will help:

  • install over 1,000 roof water tanks to help families store clean water
  • provide over 3,000 communal water drums so that households can collect clean water
  • provide chlorine to treat water in 280 wells and 38 water treatment plants.

Minister Burt, who made the announcement in a Westminster Hall debate in Parliament earlier today, said:

With only 4 per cent of the water in Gaza fit for human consumption, people are left with no choice but to drink dirty water and risk falling victim to deadly water borne diseases.

Today’s UK aid package will help provide the 2 million Palestinians in Gaza with access to safe, clean water and sanitation so they can feed and wash themselves and their children without fear of falling seriously ill.

But aid alone isn’t enough and the rest of the international community must do all it can to help ease the people of Gaza’s suffering. The UK is committed to helping achieve a peaceful two-state solution and we call on parties to urgently redouble their efforts to bring this suffering to an end.

In addition to today’s package of support, UK aid in Gaza is already helping to repair water and wastewater pipes, provide chlorine for 70 wells and 20 desalination plants. It will also provide 1,300 water storage tanks and give 15,000 of the most vulnerable families essential hygiene items, such as soap, sanitary towels and shampoo as well as water treatment kits.

On a recent visit to Gaza Minister Burt also announced £1.5 million for the International Committee of the Red Cross to keep hospitals open and functioning following the recent surge in violence.

Notes to editors

The UK has allocated £2 million to UNICEF from the DFID OPTs 2018/19 budget.

In November 2017 the UK provided £1.9 million to UNICEF through the 2017 Gaza Crisis Urgent Appeal from the DFID OPTs 2017/18 budget.

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Link: Press release: UK aid to help provide Gazans with access to clean water and sanitation
Source: Gov Press Releases

Press release: Secretary of State welcomes FinTrU announcement

Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, the Rt Hon Karen Bradley MP said:

Today’s announcement is fantastic news for Belfast, Derry-Londonderry and indeed the entire Northern Ireland economy.

Over the next five years, more than 600 new jobs will be created and over £15million in additional annual salaries will be generated for the local economy. On top of this, FinTrU will benefit from a projected £20million in additional export sales.

This significant investment is testament to the exceptional talent and attractive locations the North West and Belfast has to offer and once again goes to prove that Northern Ireland is leading the way in Financial Services.

Link: Press release: Secretary of State welcomes FinTrU announcement
Source: Gov Press Releases

Press release: CSSP Brazil

O encontro aconteceu em Exeter, Inglaterra, e foi organizado pelo programa Climate Science for Services Partnership (CSSP), no âmbito do Fundo Newton. O evento integra o calendário do Ano Brasil-Reino Unido de Ciência e Inovação 2018/19.

O uso da ciência climática para auxiliar em políticas públicas de prevenção e mitigação de desastres naturais foi debatido entre cientistas do Brasil e do Reino Unido em um encontro em Exeter, na Inglaterra, no dia 25 de junho. Esta discussão integra o workshop anual do programa Climate Science for Services Partnership (CSSP), programa de pesquisa climática que visa desenvolver modelos científicos conjuntos para análise de mudanças climáticas.

Este acordo bilateral de parcerias científicas para estudos climáticos é financiado pelos governos do Reino Unido e do Brasil, por meio do Fundo Newton, em parceria entre o UK Met Office Hadley Centre e três institutos subordinados ao Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia, Inovações e Comunicações (MCTIC): o Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia (INPA), o Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE) e o Centro Nacional de Monitoramento e Alertas de Desastres Naturais (CEMADEN).

O objetivo da reunião foi estudar os resultados dos programas de cooperação atuais, e investigar formas de integrá-los às decisões políticas para auxiliar no planejamento contra possíveis ocorrências de desastres naturais. Nos próximos dois dias, o workshop estudará como aperfeiçoar os modelos científicos existentes para análise de mudanças climáticas para contribuir com a prevenção e redução de desastres associados à influência humana sobre o clima. “É essencial que os tomadores de decisão, do planejamento de contingência até os que respondem aos desastres, sejam capazes de utilizarem as melhores e mais robustas ferramentas científicas, e o CSSP Brasil está trabalhando para fornecer isso”, disse o diretor do Met Office Hadley Centre, o Prof. Albert Klein Tank. “O projeto está apoiando a Quarta Comunicação Nacional do Brasil para a Convenção-Quadro das Nações Unidas sobre Mudança do Clima. As melhorias da compreensão do que gera ganhos e perdas de carbono no Brasil fornecerão evidências que sustentem os esforços em direção às metas do Acordo de Paris”, explica Tank.

Estiveram presentes em Exeter representantes de todos os parceiros citados: o diretor do UK Met Office Hadley, Professor Albert Klein-Tank, a supervisora de Meteorologia e Clima, também do UK Met Office Hadley, Dra. Kirstine Dale, o diretor do Centro Nacional de Monitoramento e Alertas de Desastres Naturais (Cemaden), Dr. Osvaldo Luiz Leal de Moraes, o diretor do Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia (INPA), Luiz Renato França, e o diretor do Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE), Ricardo Magnus Osório Galvão.

O Fundo Newton, que financia o CSSP Brasil, tem como objetivo construir parceiras igualitárias em ciência e inovação e é administrado pelo Departamento de Negócios, Meio Ambiente e Estratégia do Reino Unido (BEIS). O evento em Exeter é parte do calendário do Ano Brasil-Reino Unido de Ciência e Inovação: uma oportunidade para que os países aprofundem seus laços em pesquisa e desenvolvimento ao longo de um ano de eventos, conferencias e workshops onde pesquisadores, organizações cientificas e centros de pesquisa podem estreitar parcerias. O calendário tem atividades nas áreas de Saúde & Ciências da Vida, Clima & Biodiversidade, Agricultura Sustentável e Energia.

Link: Press release: CSSP Brazil
Source: Gov Press Releases

Press release: Lengthy disqualification for director with a string of charity failures

Christopher John Stoddard, 68, from Ross on Wye, Herefordshire, was the director of CS Fundraising Limited (CSF).

CSF was incorporated in June 2008 and commenced to trade in late 2012 as a professional fundraiser for charities from premises in Ross-on-Wye, Herefordshire.

The company took over the assets and contracts of an associated professional fundraising company that entered into formal insolvency proceedings in June 2012.

At its peak the company was sending out approximately 150,000 mail donation letters each month, on behalf of charities, for whom it acted as a direct marketing agency.

However, under sustained pressure from various sources, Mr Stoddard took the decision to cause the company to cease trading in November 2014 and on 19 December 2014 the company was placed into creditor’s voluntary liquidation (CVL).

This brought to nine, the number of companies where Mr Stoddard had a significant role, to have gone into some form of insolvency.

An Insolvency Service investigation, which followed CSF’s insolvency found, and Mr Stoddard admitted:

  • causing CSF to solicit money from the general public in a way that was contrary to laws governing charities
  • causing and/or allowing CSF to mislead the public in that the solicitation statement of the company did not comply with the requirements of charity laws
  • between July 2013 and September 2014 he caused CSF to retain public donations of at least £125,634, which the company had received in its capacity as a professional fund-raiser on behalf of a charity
  • that between July 2013 and December 2014 he breached the duty of trust owed to CS Fundraising in that he failed to act in the best interest of the company. He did so by allowing a conflict of interest to arise which caused a separate company, which he controlled, to earn revenues from the renting out of the mailing list of CS Fundraising without accounting for money due to CSF for the income earned. In addition, It has not been possible to ascertain the income received by the associated company

On 13 June 2018, the Secretary of State for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy accepted a disqualification undertaking from Christopher John Stoddard, which prevents him from directly or indirectly becoming involved, without the permission of the court, in the promotion, formation or management of a company or limited liability partnership, for nine and a half years.

Commenting on the ban, Martin Gitner, Martin Gitner, Deputy Head, Insolvent Investigations, part of the Insolvency Service, said:

Members of the public who donate their money to worthy causes need to be confident that all funds, less agreed costs, are forwarded by the professional fundraising companies employed by the charities.

In this case, Mr Stoddard failed to fully adhere to legislation directly relevant to the business of his company, he failed to ensure that all due funds due to a charity were paid over and he failed to act in the best interests of the creditors of CS Fundraising Limited.

Directors who engage in such conduct will be investigated and by the Insolvency Service and enforcement action taken to remove them from the market place.

Since 15 June 2010 Mr Stoddard has been director and/or major shareholder in nine companies that have entered into formal insolvency:

  • CSDM: appointed as a director 13 Jan 2005; company entered administration 15 June 2010; company placed in CVL 15 June 2011
  • Millfield Concepts: appointed as a director 8 May 1997; company placed into CVL 15 March 2011
  • CSDM Response LLP: appointed as a director 11 June 2007; company placed into CVL 27 April 2011
  • C S Incentive: appointed as a director 26 April 2007; company placed into CVL 3 July 2012
  • CSDM Fundraising: appointed as a director 7 Dec 2009; company entered into administration 26 June 2013; placed into CVL 18 June 2014
  • Listening People: appointed as a director 2 Oct 2012; resigned as director 27 June 2013; company placed into CVA 2 April 2014; company placed into CVL 13 November 2014
  • CS Fundraising: appointed as a director 4 June 2008; company placed into CVL 19 Dec 2014
  • Inspire Fundraising: appointed as director 18 March 2011; company entered administration 20 Jan 2015; company placed into CVL 22 Sept 2015
  • Cleardata Direct Media: appointed as a director 28 July 2010; company placed into CVL 23 Oct 2015

Notes to editors

Christopher John Stoddard is of Ross-on-Wye and his date of birth is January 1950.

CS Fundraising Limited (Company Reg no. 06611490) was placed into creditor’s voluntary liquidation on 19 Dec 2014.

In signing the undertaking, Mr Stoddard admitted:

  • causing CS Fundraising Ltd to solicit monies from the general public in a way that was contrary to Section 59(1) of the Charities Act 1992
  • causing and/or allowing CS Fundraising to mislead the public in that the solicitation statement of the company did not comply with the requirements of Section 60(1) of the Charities Act 1992
  • between July 2013 and September 2014 he caused CS Fundraising to retain public donations of at least £125,634, which the company had received in its capacity as a professional fund-raiser on behalf of a charity
  • that between July 2013 and December 2014 he breached the fiduciary duty owed to CS Fundraising in that he failed to act in the best interest of the company by allowing a conflict of interest to arise which caused a separate company that he controlled to earn revenues from the renting out of the mailing list of CS Fundraising without accounting for monies that were due to CS Fundraising for the income earned. In addition. It has not been possible to ascertain the income received by the associated company

A disqualification order has the effect that without specific permission of a court, a person with a disqualification cannot:

  • act as a director of a company
  • take part, directly or indirectly, in the promotion, formation or management of a company or limited liability partnership
  • be a receiver of a company’s property

Disqualification undertakings are the administrative equivalent of a disqualification order but do not involve court proceedings. Persons subject to a disqualification order are bound by a range of other restrictions.

The Insolvency Service administers the insolvency regime, investigating all compulsory liquidations and individual insolvencies (bankruptcies) through the Official Receiver to establish why they became insolvent. It may also use powers under the Companies Act 1985 to conduct confidential fact-finding investigations into the activities of live limited companies in the UK. In addition, the agency deals with disqualification of directors in corporate failures, assesses and pays statutory entitlement to redundancy payments when an employer cannot or will not pay employees, provides banking and investment services for bankruptcy and liquidation estate funds and advises ministers and other government departments on insolvency law and practice.

Further information about the work of the Insolvency Service, and how to complain about financial misconduct, is available.

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Media enquiries for this press release – 020 7674 6910 or 020 7596 6187

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The Insolvency Service

4 Abbey Orchard Street

This service is for journalists only. For any other queries, please contact the Insolvency Enquiry line on 0300 678 0015.

For all media enquiries outside normal working hours, please contact the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Press Office on 020 7215 1000.

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Link: Press release: Lengthy disqualification for director with a string of charity failures
Source: Gov Press Releases

Press release: The EU (Withdrawal) Bill receives Royal Assent

Today the EU (Withdrawal) Bill received Royal Assent from Her Majesty the Queen and became an Act of Parliament.

This historic Act will make sure the UK’s laws – entwined with over 40 years of EU law – continue to work from the day we leave, ensuring a smooth and orderly exit.

It does this by transferring EU law into UK law where appropriate and creating temporary powers to correct the laws that will no longer operate appropriately.

Now that the Act has become law, the Government can start to use the powers in the Act to prepare our statute book for our exit from the EU. Work on this will begin in the coming weeks as Departments start to lay the relevant secondary legislation in Parliament.

This marks the next essential step in ensuring that the UK is ready for life after we have left the European Union.

Secretary of State for Exiting the EU, David Davis said:

This is a landmark moment in our preparations for leaving the European Union.

The EU (Withdrawal) Act is a vital piece of legislation that will ensure we have a functioning statute book for exit.

Since the Bill was introduced in Parliament last year, MPs and peers have spent more than 250 hours debating its contents and more than 1,400 amendments have been tabled.

We will now begin the work of preparing our statute book, using the provisions in this Act, to ensure we are ready for any scenario, giving people and businesses the certainty they need.

In total, it’s expected that around 800 pieces of secondary legislation will be needed. As part of the first tranche to be laid, the Government will use powers in the Bill to repeal the European Union Act 2011 as agreed by Parliament.

Alongside this programme of secondary legislation, Departments are delivering on a further package of Bills which will deliver the more significant policy changes needed as a result of our exit from the EU.

Link: Press release: The EU (Withdrawal) Bill receives Royal Assent
Source: Gov Press Releases

Press release: Online guides will help renters and leaseholders to know their rights

Landlords, leaseholders and tenants will be armed with vital information on their rights and responsibilities thanks to new online rental guides published by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government today (26 June 2018).

These guides form a key part of government’s continuing crackdown on poor practice by a minority of landlords and agents in the private rented and leasehold sectors. Evidence shows that Citizens Advice helped 65,000 private renters with more than 100,000 problems about their tenancy in 2017.

As part of government’s commitment to ensure everyone has a decent, safe place to live, the ‘how to’ guides include checklists for new and existing tenants, landlords and letting agents to ensure they are complying with their legal responsibilities.

Published on GOV.UK today the guides have been produced in partnership with landlord, tenant and letting and managing agent groups, professional bodies and local housing authorities and aim to drive up living standards in the sector.

The ‘how to’ series comprises:

How to let

This new guide will help private landlords learn more about their key legal responsibilities and best practice when letting a property, including how to protect tenancy deposits, carry out gas safety checks and install smoke and carbon dioxide alarms.

How to lease

By reading this new document, leaseholders can learn about their unique set of rights and responsibilities. For example, a managing agent or landlord could be responsible for running a leaseholder’s block or estate – but the leaseholder does have a say in how they do it.

How to rent a safe home

This document will help current and prospective tenants identify potential unsafe conditions in rented properties. It gives tenants an overview of the most common hazards to look out for in rented properties, including gas and electrical safety, damp and mould and trips and falls hazards, and how they should report dangerous conditions.

How to rent

This updated guide provides a step-by-step process to renting privately. Tenants can learn how to challenge poor practice and understand private landlords’ legal obligations. It is a legal requirement for all landlords to provide their tenants with this document.

Housing Minister Heather Wheeler MP said:

Every day across the country thousands of people move house – from young people leaving home for the first time, to those relocating after years in the same property.

Whatever the circumstance, we want to ensure renters, landlords and leaseholders are armed with information so they know their rights, responsibilities and can challenge poor behaviour.

The guides will be reviewed in light of any new legislation to ensure tenants, landlords and leaseholders are supplied with up-to-date information.

Further information

Government is committed to protecting the rights of tenants and giving them more security. We will shortly be launching a consultation seeking views on the benefits and barriers to landlords offering longer and more secure tenancies in the private rented sector.

We have already announced our intention to require private landlords to belong to a redress scheme, and that we will require all letting agents to be regulated and belong to a client money protection scheme in order to practice.

Our consultation on ways to make redress more accessible and effective across housing closed on 16 April and we will issue a response in due course.

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Link: Press release: Online guides will help renters and leaseholders to know their rights
Source: Gov Press Releases

Press release: World-leading expert Demis Hassabis to advise new Government Office for Artificial Intelligence

  • CognitionX co-founder Tabitha Goldstaub to chair new AI Council and become AI Business Champion
  • Professor Dame Wendy Hall confirmed as first Skills Champion for AI in the UK
  • Announcement follows appointment of Roger Taylor as chair of world-first Centre for Data Ethics and Innovation, and launch of AI Grand Challenge

Globally-renowned AI expert Dr Demis Hassabis will today be confirmed as an adviser to the new Office for Artificial Intelligence as the UK looks to cement its place as a world leader in the fast-growing technology.

Hassabis, who is the co-founder of leading AI research company DeepMind, will provide expert industry guidance to help the country build the skills and capability it needs to capitalise on the huge social and economic potential of AI – a key part of the Government’s modern Industrial Strategy.

Digital Secretary Matt Hancock will also confirm Tabitha Goldstaub as the chair and spokesperson of the AI Council, a new industry body tasked with increasing growth in the AI sector and promoting its adoption in other sectors of the economy.

Tabitha Goldstaub is the co-founder of AI company CognitionX, an online platform which provides companies with information and access to AI experts to boost their businesses, and runs CogX, one of the largest gatherings of AI experts in the world.

She led the team who wrote the influential report London: the AI Growth Capital of Europe, and was the co-founder of Rightster, the largest online video distribution company outside the US. She is also the co-founder of Future Girl Corp and an adviser to Founders 4 Schools.

The announcements form part of the Government’s modern Industrial Strategy, and follow the Grand Challenges announced by the Prime Minister to use the county’s power in research and innovation to ensure the benefits of technology are felt by everyone. It also builds on the £1 billion joint Government and private sector investment announced earlier this year to put the nation at the forefront of the global AI industry.

One of the four Grand Challenges is on AI and data, which is at the centre of the Government’s plans to unlock the potential of the data-driven economy and put the UK at the forefront of AI technologies. It will be led by a Business Champion and a Skills Champion, working alongside Ministers and responsible for engaging industry voices and raising the profile of the challenge.

Matt Hancock will also today announce Dame Wendy Hall, who led last year’s independent review on AI, as a Skills Champion for AI, and Tabitha Goldstaub as the AI Business Champion.

Speaking in London, Digital Secretary Matt Hancock is expected to say:

Whether it’s improving travel, making banking easier or helping people live longer, AI is already revolutionising our economy and our society.

Britain is already an authority in AI, with the world’s best AI company and the leading use of AI in Government. We are determined to capitalize on this position.

Cutting-edge technology is the basis of the future of our economy. Under this Government, investment in the tech sector doubled in the last year, is growing at three times the pace of the rest of the economy, unemployment is at a 40-year low, inequality is falling, and we are seeing the first sustained fall in debt in a generation. We must build on these strengths.

We want to harness the best possible AI leadership to help us seize this opportunity. Demis Hassabis, Tabitha Goldstaub, and Wendy Hall have the expertise and vision to help us make sure the huge benefits of this powerful new technology are available to everyone.

Dr Demis Hassabis CBE, adviser to the Office for AI and CEO and co-founder, DeepMind, said:

I’m honoured to be taking on the role of Adviser to the Office for AI, and look forward to the huge opportunity that lies ahead.

I’ve always believed that AI could be one of the most important and widely beneficial breakthroughs of the 21st century – and as a proud Londoner, it’s fantastic to see the UK’s world-class universities and start-ups already making major scientific advances.

Alongside the research, I’m very excited about the role the UK can play in making the case globally for AI’s safe and ethical deployment.

Tabitha Goldstaub, co-founder of CognitionX, said:

Artificial intelligence has the potential to transform our world for the better but to be successful we need to galvanize people in businesses right across the country.

I’m honoured to be named chair of the AI Council because I’m passionate about championing the rapid and responsible adoption of this cutting-edge technology.

By focusing on skills, data ethics and diversity, we can boost innovation and funding and put the UK at the forefront of this exciting and revolutionary sector.

Professor Dame Wendy Hall, University of Southampton, said:

I am glad to see the Government taking forward one of the key recommendations of my review. These appointments will help lay the foundations for the UK AI industry to thrive and provide the leadership we need to help it grow.

Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Greg Clark said:

Artificial intelligence provides significant opportunities for future economic growth, which is why we made it a crucial part of our modern Industrial Strategy and worked with industry on a sector deal that outlines how we will ensure the UK is best placed to realise this potential.

The knowledge and experience Demis and Tabitha will bring to their new roles is invaluable and underlines our ambition to be at the forefront of the AI and data revolution.

Further info

  • Research suggests artificial intelligence could add £654 billion to the UK economy by 2035, and the country is already recognised as the number one place in the developed world in readiness for AI.
  • Today’s appointments follow Roger Taylor being confirmed as the chair of the new Centre for Data Ethics and Innovation, new plans to for an AI masters scheme and a commitment to develop a new National Data Strategy.
  • The Centre for Data Ethics and Innovation will advise the government on how to enable and ensure ethical, safe and innovative uses of data, including for AI. It will work with, and advise, Government and existing regulators.
  • The Office for AI is based in the UK Government and is responsible for overseeing implementation of the UK’s AI strategy.
  • As well as advising government on how to improve its use of the technology, the AI Council will promote industry-to-industry cooperation, boost the understanding of AI in the business world, and identify barriers to growth and innovation.

Grand challenges

The modern Industrial Strategy sets out Grand Challenges to put the UK at the forefront of the industries of the future, ensuring that the UK takes advantage of major global changes, improving people’s lives and the country’s productivity.

One of the four challenges is on AI and data, which is at the centre of the Government’s plans to make the UK the best place in the world to start and grow a digital business.

The Prime Minister also recently announced plans for how we can transform the prevention, early diagnosis and treatment of diseases like cancer, diabetes, heart disease and dementia by 2030.

The Government has since opened a competition, with £50 million of funding available, for a new set of radiology and pathology images, to help develop important new AI algorithms to fight disease.

This is an important step to digitise all pathology networks by 2025, which lays the groundwork for even greater adoption of AI-based technology.


Notes to editors

The Government’s modern Industrial Strategy sets out a long term plan to boost the productivity and earning power of people throughout the UK. It sets out how we are building an economy/a Britain fit for the future – how we will help businesses create better, higher-paying jobs in every part of the UK with investment in skills, industries and infrastructure.

Demis Hassabis

Demis Hassabis is co-founder and CEO of DeepMind, a neuroscience-inspired AI company which develops general-purpose learning algorithms and uses them to tackle some of the world’s most pressing challenges.

A child chess prodigy, Demis coded the classic game Theme Park aged 17. After graduating from Cambridge University, he founded videogames company Elixir Studios and completed a PhD in cognitive neuroscience at University College London. Science declared his research on imagination and memory as one of 2007’s top breakthroughs.

He is a five-time World Games Champion, recipient of the Royal Society’s Mullard Award, and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts and the Royal Academy of Engineering, winning the Academy’s Silver Medal. In 2017 he featured in the Time 100 list of most influential people, and in 2018 he was awarded a CBE for services to science and technology, elected as a Fellow of the Royal Society and also awarded an Honorary Doctorate by Imperial College London.

Tabitha Goldstaub

Tabitha Goldstaub is the co-founder of AI company CognitionX, an online platform which provides companies with information and access to AI experts to boost their businesses, and runs CogX, one of the largest gatherings of AI experts in the world.

She led the team who wrote the influential report London: the AI Growth Capital of Europe, was the co-founder of Rightster, the largest online video distribution company outside the US. She is also the co-founder of Future Girl Corp and an adviser to Founders 4 Schools.

Professor Dame Wendy Hall

Dame Wendy Hall, DBE, FRS, FREng is Regius Professor of Computer Science, Pro Vice-Chancellor (International Engagement) at the University of Southampton, and is the Executive Director of the Web Science Institute.

With Sir Tim Berners-Lee and Sir Nigel Shadbolt she co-founded the Web Science Research Initiative in 2006 and is the Managing Director of the Web Science Trust, which has a global mission to support the development of research, education and thought leadership in Web Science.

She became a Dame Commander of the British Empire in the 2009 UK New Year’s Honours list, and is a Fellow of the Royal Society.

She has previously been President of the ACM, Senior Vice President of the Royal Academy of Engineering, a member of the UK Prime Minister’s Council for Science and Technology, was a founding member of the European Research Council and Chair of the European Commission’s ISTAG 2010-2012, and was a member of the Global Commission on Internet Governance.

She is currently a member of the World Economic Forum’s Global Futures Council on the Digital Economy, and is co-Chair of the UK government’s AI Review, which was published in October 2017.

Link: Press release: World-leading expert Demis Hassabis to advise new Government Office for Artificial Intelligence
Source: Gov Press Releases

Press release: Foreign Secretary calls for international action on chemical weapons

Foreign Secretary, Boris Johnson, will travel to The Hague today for a meeting with international partners on how to strengthen and protect the global ban against chemical weapon use.

Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson addresses the House during FCO Orals

The special session of the Conference of States Parties was called for by the UK, and 10 other states, in May. The UK is calling for the international community to take action to defend the ban on chemical weapons, including asking the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) to help identify those responsible for chemical attacks in Syria, and ask the Organisation’s Director General to develop ideas for other ways of supporting the OPCW, upholding the ban on chemical weapons, and helping states implement the Convention.

Speaking ahead of the meeting, Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson said:

More than 80 countries supported the UK’s request for this special meeting of members of the OPCW. This support from the international community demonstrates a shared recognition that the global norm against chemical weapons use is being threatened, following the horrific attacks in Syria and Salisbury in recent months.

The international community came together in 1997 to outlaw the development, stockpiling and use of these vile substances through the Chemical Weapons Convention. We now owe a duty to the world to seize the opportunity that this meeting provides to uphold and strengthen that ban, so that chemical weapons are truly banished to the past.

Defending the global ban on chemical weapons

Notes to editors

  • The Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons is an intergovernmental organisation and the implementing body for the Chemical Weapons Convention, which entered into force on 29 April 1997. The OPCW has 193 member states and is based in The Hague. It has proven technical expertise and experience on chemical weapons and it currently determines whether or not a chemical attack took place in Syria, but does not attribute responsibility.
  • The UK has tabled a motion to uphold the ban on chemical weapons and establish arrangements by which the OPCW can help identify those responsible for chemical attacks.
  • The Special Session of the Conference of States Parties will meet on 26 – 28 June 2018
  • The Foreign Secretary will make public remarks to the meeting

Further information

Media enquiries

For journalists

Link: Press release: Foreign Secretary calls for international action on chemical weapons
Source: Gov Press Releases

Press release: Inward investment brings 1,500 new jobs a week to the UK

Figures from the Department for International Trade published today (Tuesday 26 June) show 2,072 projects recorded, 75,968 new jobs were created and that 15,063 were safeguarded, amounting to nearly 1,500 new jobs per week across the country.

Overall the UK remained the number one destination for inward investment in Europe, with the wholesale, food and drink, electronics, and infrastructure sectors all seeing an increase in the number of new jobs.

International Trade Secretary Dr Liam Fox said:

Two years since the EU referendum, the UK has record employment and seen an increase in new jobs as a result of inward investment.

We remain the top destination in Europe and third in the world for foreign direct investment. As an international economic department, we continue to promote the strengths of the UK as a great inward investment destination, with an open, liberal economy, world-class talent and business-friendly environment.

The increase in new jobs result from investment from across the whole globe, with jobs from German investment up by over 60%, increasing to 9,357. New jobs from Indian investments increased from 3,999 to 5,659 and from US investment, jobs surged to 26,570 – an 8% increase on the previous year.

Looking across the UK, inward investment continues to spread to the regions and nations:

  • Wales attracted 57 projects with 3,107 new jobs created
  • in Scotland 4,148 jobs were created as a result of 141 projects
  • Northern Ireland secured 28 projects, which created a total of 1,251 jobs
  • the Northern Powerhouse attracted 315 projects, creating 10, 691 new jobs
  • the Midlands Engine attracted 243 projects which resulted in 13,138 new jobs being created
  • in the South, 487 FDI projects created 11,126 new jobs
  • in London, there were 740 new projects, resulting in 17,478 new jobs



The department records wider types of inward investment projects including mergers and acquisitions and those that are not publicly announced by foreign investors. Therefore, the FDI projects figures reported are different from those reported by external organisations, such as EY and FT, who track FDI project flows mostly based on investment announcements.

These external organisations report on calendar year, while the department’s statistics are for financial year.

Link: Press release: Inward investment brings 1,500 new jobs a week to the UK
Source: Gov Press Releases