Press release: Measles and summer travel to Europe

Young people are encouraged to make sure they have had both doses of the MMR vaccine before going on holiday to Europe where there are large outbreaks of measles.

Cases of measles also continue to rise across England in unvaccinated people of this age.

The vaccine is available free to anyone who has not received both doses as a child. It protects against measles, mumps and rubella, all of which can be very serious diseases and are highly infectious.

While vaccine uptake levels in the UK in young children are currently very high, coverage levels dipped to a low of 80% in 2003. This means that there are significant numbers of unprotected teenagers and young adults who could catch measles both in England, particularly in environments of close mixing such as summer festivals and when they travel abroad for the summer holidays.

Measles is a highly infectious viral illness that can sometimes lead to serious complications and can be fatal in very rare cases so getting protected by taking up the offer of vaccination is crucial.

Between 1 January 2018 and 18 June 2018 there have been 643 laboratory confirmed measles cases in England. Cases were reported in most areas with London (225), the South-East (137), West Midlands (82), South-West (79), and Yorkshire and Humberside (74) reporting the most cases (based on provisional figures).

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that to prevent outbreaks of disease, 95% of people need to have received the MMR vaccine.

Dr Mary Ramsay, Head of Immunisation at Public Health England (PHE), said:

In the early 2000s there was a fall in MMR vaccination coverage in children and as a consequence, we are now seeing measles cases in young adults. Measles can be more serious in adults with a higher likelihood of hospitalisation and complications arising.

Measles is circulating in England and the rest of Europe. We often think about what travel-related vaccines we might need before going on holiday, but it’s also important to check that we are up to date with routine vaccinations like MMR.

If you are unsure if you have had 2 doses of MMR call your GP practice to check and catch up if needed.

Parents are also urged to take up the offer of MMR vaccination for their children at 1 year old and as a pre-school booster at 3 years and 4 months old.

Public Health England press office

Link: Press release: Measles and summer travel to Europe
Source: Gov Press Releases

Press release: HM Trade Commissioner for Africa appointed

  • More than £28 billion of goods and services traded between the UK and Africa in 2016.
  • Africa is home to 4 of the world’s top 6 fastest-growing economies: Libya, Ethiopia, Ghana and Cote d’Ivoire. Africa’s long-term success matters to the UK.

Today (Wednesday 20 June), International Trade Secretary Dr Liam Fox MP appoints Emma Wade-Smith OBE as HM Trade Commissioner for Africa.

Wade-Smith is a senior diplomat and trade expert of 20 years, and has served in Brussels, Chile, Mexico, Washington and more recently in Africa as DIT’s regional trade director. She was awarded an OBE for diplomatic service in 2012.

More than £28 billion of goods and services were traded between the UK and African countries in 2016. The continent is also home to 4 of the top 6 fastest-growing economies in the world (Libya, Ethiopia, Ghana and Cote d’Ivoire) and opportunities in infrastructure alone are estimated to be worth more than £62 billion a year.

This appointment will build on the UK’s position as a leading partner for Africa’s peace, security and prosperity – supporting trade, investment and job growth.

The appointment will be made this morning at a business forum discussing the Prosperity Fund, a UK government initiative to remove barriers to inclusive economic growth in order to reduce poverty in partner countries whilst creating opportunities for international businesses, including UK firms.

International Trade Secretary Dr Liam Fox MP said:

Trade is at the heart of our approach to Africa and I am delighted to welcome Emma Wade-Smith to her new role.

HM Trade Commissioners play a critical role in our international economic department and will have more autonomy to do what works best in their region to improve trade with key markets of the future.

With young and growing populations, and the world’s fastest-growing middle class, there is huge potential for British businesses to create modern trading partnerships across Africa. Emma will help unlock the continent’s potential, supporting jobs, growth and prosperity in the UK and Africa.

DIT Permanent Secretary Antonia Romeo added:

DIT is attracting the best and brightest people to work on the UK’s future trade policy as we prepare to leave the EU. Emma’s appointment is the latest in a series of hires that will boost the UK’s trade and investment relations across the world.

I look forward to working with Emma and her new colleagues as we build a truly global Britain.

HM Trade Commissioner for Africa Emma Wade-Smith OBE commented:

Having spent the last 2 years working on this exciting and dynamic continent, I know it is bursting not only with opportunities today, but potential for tomorrow. I will put partnerships at the heart of our business relationships, building on the work we’re already doing to transform our shared entrepreneurial spirit into jobs and growth in the UK and across Africa.

Emma Wade-Smith joins Simon Penney (Middle East), Richard Burn (China), Jo Crellin (Latin America), Crispin Simon (South Asia), Judith Slater (Eastern Europe and Central Asia) and Antony Phillipson (North America) as HM Trade Commissioners, with those for Europe and Asia-Pacific to be confirmed shortly.

Further information

About Her Majesty’s Trade Commissioners (HMTCs)

All of the new HMTCs will cooperate closely with HM Ambassadors and High Commissioners, the wider diplomatic network, and other UK Government colleagues based in countries in their region, in a joined-up and coordinated Government effort overseas to promote UK trade and prosperity.

In total, there will be nine HM Trade Commissioners, with 7 now appointed:

  • Africa: Emma Wade-Smith OBE
  • China: Richard Burn
  • Eastern Europe and Central Asia: Judith Slater
  • Latin America: Joanna Crellin
  • Middle East: Simon Penney
  • North America: Antony Phillipson
  • South Asia: Crispin Simon

HMTCs for Europe and Asia-Pacific will be confirmed shortly.

UKEF Support for UK businesses in Africa

With a total risk appetite on the continent of over £20bn and the ability to lend in a number of local currencies, UK Export Finance can offer extensive, vital financial support for companies wishing to do business in Africa, further strengthening our partnerships across the continent.

Prosperity Fund

The Prosperity Fund supports the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as well as the 2015 UK Aid Strategy by promoting growth and prosperity in developing countries. The developing countries it focuses on face considerable challenges such as rapid urbanisation, climate change and high and persistent inequality (including gender inequality) which can lower long-term growth prospects. The Prosperity Fund supports the broad-based and inclusive growth needed for poverty reduction. Prosperity Fund programmes are designed from the ground-up to generate business opportunities – specifically by growing sectors where the UK has a comparative advantage; more broadly by removing trade barriers, standardising regulations and improving the business environment.

Link: Press release: HM Trade Commissioner for Africa appointed
Source: Gov Press Releases

Press release: Boris Johnson: US Human Rights Council withdrawal is regrettable

Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson said:

The United States’ decision to withdraw from the Human Rights Council is regrettable.

We’ve made no secret of the fact that the UK wants to see reform of the Human Rights Council, but we are committed to working to strengthen the Council from within.

Britain’s support for the Human Rights Council remains steadfast. It is the best tool the international community has to address impunity in an imperfect world and to advance many of our international goals.

That’s why we will continue to support and champion it.

Further information

Media enquiries

For journalists

Link: Press release: Boris Johnson: US Human Rights Council withdrawal is regrettable
Source: Gov Press Releases

Press release: PM hosts Local Enterprise Partnerships Council

A Downing Street spokesperson said:

The Prime Minister began by thanking the Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) Chairs for their valuable contribution to business and innovation in the UK developing skills, delivering infrastructure, and securing investment.

She noted the steady growth of the economy in recent years and the record levels of employment, crediting this progress to the joint efforts of LEPs, Government and private sector entrepreneurs in driving growth across the country.

Co-chair Mike Blackburn OBE, Chair of Greater Manchester LEP, praised the strong track record of delivery seen from LEPs so far. He welcomed the enthusiasm of the Chairs and the opportunity to build on the success of recent years by furthering the close collaboration between LEPs and government, particularly in delivering the modern industrial strategy across the country.

Guests discussed the particular strengths that LEP business leaders bring to the table, including their ability to broker new partnerships and connections, their importance in delivering the objectives of the industrial strategy within their communities, and their role in fostering strong collaboration between local institutions, individuals and government.

Attendees also reflected on recent successes such as the HS2 College in Doncaster – supported by Sheffield City Region – which is equipping local young people with the skills they need to build our future railways.

Attendees agreed that LEPs have a particularly important role to play in connecting the business and educational sectors. They emphasised the value of the partnerships LEPs bring in helping to enable people of all ages to develop the modern skills that our businesses require to thrive.

Welcoming the government’s ambitious technical skills agenda, they also praised the opportunities for local innovation that the industrial strategy has launched.

Looking ahead, the business leaders considered key growth areas for the UK economy, highlighting the example of the medical technologies sector as an area where LEPs can help drive this expansion.

There was also discussion around the LEP review, announced as part of the modern Industrial Strategy last year. It was noted that it would be an opportunity to identify where government can strengthen and support LEPs further in their work across the country.

The Prime Minister stressed the importance of ensuring that LEP leadership truly represented the communities they served, pointing to the progress made in the number of women on FTSE100 boards as an example to follow.

She also noted that this council will serve as a regular occasion for Chairs of LEPs to come together and talk openly about how they can work more closely with government to achieve shared aims.

The Prime Minister concluded by reflecting on the opportunities ahead to maximise the convening power of LEPs in delivering the modern industrial strategy for all.

Link: Press release: PM hosts Local Enterprise Partnerships Council
Source: Gov Press Releases

Press release: Members of huge drug-importation conspiracy to spend longer in jail

Two members of an organised crime group have today had their sentences increased after the Attorney General, Jeremy Wright QC MP, referred them for being too low.

David Reece, 55, and Everton Bailey, 57, were arrested as part of an investigation into a large-scale conspiracy to import massive quantities of Class A drugs into the UK via Hull. The plan was to distribute the drugs to dealers across the Midlands and North West.

In May 2017 a shipment of 142.5kg of high purity cocaine and heroin with a street value of £66.5 million was stopped in Belgium. The investigation identified 38 similar trips, at least some of which would have involved similar amounts of drugs.

Reece and Bailey were both originally sentenced to 16 years’ imprisonment at Preston Crown Court in March. Today, after the Attorney General’s referral, the Court of Appeal increased their sentences to 19 years each.

Commenting on the sentence increase, the Attorney General said:

This was a sophisticated commercial conspiracy to import massive quantities of drugs into the UK, which will have had a serious impact on communities across the Midlands and the North West. It is important that this is reflected in the sentencing of every person involved, and the Court of Appeal’s decision to increase Reece and Bailey’s sentences today helps to achieve that.

Link: Press release: Members of huge drug-importation conspiracy to spend longer in jail
Source: Gov Press Releases

Press release: Statement on the proposed merger between Sky plc / 21st Century Fox Inc

On 5 June I made a statement to the House in which I set out my decision in relation to the proposed merger between 21st Century Fox and Sky.

I announced that having considered the CMA’s report, I agreed with their findings on the public interest grounds and their finding that undertakings to divest Sky News to Disney or to an alternative suitable buyer could potentially remedy the adverse plurality public interest concerns identified.

I also noted that there remained a number of issues with the undertakings that had been offered and that these would require discussions between my officials and the parties in order to reach agreement on an acceptable form of the remedy.

Following the successful conclusion of these discussions and the resolution of these issues, I am today publishing updated undertakings offered by 21CF along with new undertakings offered by Disney for the divestment of Sky News to Disney.

These undertakings are offered on improved terms and will include:

  • a commitment from Disney to operate and maintain a Sky News branded news service for 15 years rather than 10 years
  • a restriction on Disney from selling Sky News for 15 years without the consent of the Secretary of State
  • an extension of the funding commitment from 21st Century Fox from 10 years to 15 years
  • an increase in the total funds available to Sky News, to at least £100m per year, with operating costs protected in real terms
  • a formal commitment from Disney to preserve the editorial independence of Sky News

In my view, these revised undertakings meet the criteria that I set out to the House on 5 June and will help to ensure that Sky News remains financially viable over the long term; is able to operate as a major UK-based news provider; and is able to take its editorial decisions independently, free from any potential outside influence.

Under the legislation, I am required to consult formally for 15 days on the undertakings, which I propose to accept. Views as to whether these proposals are sufficient to remedy the adverse plurality public interest concerns raised by this merger are sought by 5pm on Wednesday 4 July 2018.

Link: Press release: Statement on the proposed merger between Sky plc / 21st Century Fox Inc
Source: Gov Press Releases

Press release: Preston drug dealer has sentence increased after Solicitor General’s referral

A Preston drug dealer has today had his sentence increased after the Solicitor General, Robert Buckland QC MP, referred his sentence for being too low.

Edward Marland, 46, was arrested after selling an undercover officer diamorphine or heroin on 3 separate occasions. This was part of an undercover operation in the Preston area which also led to the arrest of 18 others.

Marland was originally sentenced at Preston Crown Court in April, where he was given a sentence of 3 years 9 months’ imprisonment. Today, after the Solicitor General’s referral, the Court of Appeal increased his sentence to 5 years 7 months.

Commenting on the sentence increase, the Solicitor General said:

Drug-dealing offences have a devastating effect on the communities in which they occur. I am therefore glad that the serious impact of Marland’s crimes has now been reflected in his increased sentence.

Link: Press release: Preston drug dealer has sentence increased after Solicitor General’s referral
Source: Gov Press Releases

Press release: Home Office launches review into medical use of cannabis

The review will be carried out by the Home Office and Chief Medical Officer Professor Dame Sally Davies. The Home Secretary confirmed to Parliament that if the review identifies significant medical and therapeutic benefits, then the intention would be to reschedule cannabis for medicinal use.

The Home Secretary also announced that a licence will today be granted for Alfie Dingley which will allow Alfie’s clinicians access to the cannabis-based medicine he needs to treat his rare form of epilepsy.

The Home Secretary said:

Cases like Billy Caldwell’s, Alfie Dingley’s, and others like it, have shown that we need to look more closely at the use of cannabis-based medicine in healthcare in the UK.

The position we find ourselves in currently is not satisfactory. It’s not satisfactory for the parents, it’s not satisfactory for the doctors, and it’s not satisfactory for me.

I have now come to the conclusion that this is the right time to review the scheduling of cannabis.

The review into cannabis-based medicines will be conducted in 2 parts.

Professor Dame Sally Davies will take forward the first part of the review, considering the evidence available for the medicinal and therapeutic benefits of cannabis-based medicines. This will inform which cannabis-based medicines should be taken forward to part 2 of the review.

The second part of the review will be led by the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs (ACMD) which will provide an assessment based on the balance of harms and public health needs, of what, if anything, should be rescheduled.

The review will not look into the reclassification of cannabis as a Class B drug under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 and will not consider the legalisation of cannabis. The penalties for unauthorised supply and possession will remain the same.

Yesterday (18 June) the Policing Minister Nick Hurd told Parliament that the government will establish an expert panel of clinicians to advise ministers on any applications from senior clinicians to prescribe cannabis-based medicines. Today the Home Secretary confirmed the panel will be in a position to start considering applications within a week.

Link: Press release: Home Office launches review into medical use of cannabis
Source: Gov Press Releases

Press release: Highways England gears up for M27 smart motorway upgrade

15 miles of the M27 will have an extra lane created in both directions, with upgraded signs, signals and technology to inform drivers about conditions ahead.

Today (Tuesday 19 June) plans about the upgrade have gone on show ahead of the start of main construction.

Highways England delivery director Mike Grant said:

This upgrade of the M27 between Southampton and Fareham will tackle congestion and improve journey times not only for the tens of thousands of drivers who use the M27 every day, but also holiday makers using this busy stretch of motorway to get to the south coast ports as well as the South West of England.

Smart motorways are central to our ambitious plans for modernising the motorway network and will add 120 miles of new lanes to motorways in the South East by 2020. They add vital extra capacity, improve journey times and maintain high levels of safety. Drivers will also see better information about conditions through new smart motorway technology which helps us to manage incidents, smooth traffic flow and make journeys more reliable. I encourage anyone interested in this upgrade of the M27 to a smart motorway to come to meet the project team at one of the information events, starting this Friday, 22 June in Southampton.

Drivers, business owners and local residents are invited to find out more about the plans, which will add an extra lane in each direction to the M27 from junction 4 near Southampton (the interchange with the M3) and junction 11 for Fareham, to upgrade it to an all-lane-running smart motorway. New technology will help to manage traffic to reduce delays and give drivers up to date information about conditions on the road ahead.

The M27 is a key strategic road which runs between Cadnam, to the west of Southampton, and Portsmouth and connects the M27 with the M3, and major routes into London and the rest of the UK. Around 140,000 vehicles use the M27 each day.

This stretch of the M27 is heavily used by traffic travelling along the south coast and suffers with heavy congestion, especially during UK holiday periods. The upgrade to a smart motorway will add a third extra capacity on this section, and will improve safety, ease congestion make journey times more reliable.

Under the plans, the hard shoulder will be permanently converted into a live running lane between junctions 4 and 11 in both directions. New signs and signals will be used to vary the speed limit to reduce congestion at busy times, and to control traffic if there is an obstruction on the road ahead.

Preliminary work is already underway, with main construction scheduled to start later this year. The smart motorway will be fully operational in 2021.

Public information events are starting this week (Friday 22 June, West End Parish Centre, Southampton) with a further 10 events running until Friday 11 August. People are encouraged to attend to find out more about the plans and put any questions directly to the project team.

For more information on the scheme including the public information event dates and locations, visit the scheme website.

General enquiries

Members of the public should contact the Highways England customer contact centre on 0300 123 5000.

Media enquiries

Journalists should contact the Highways England press office on 0844 693 1448 and use the menu to speak to the most appropriate press officer.

Link: Press release: Highways England gears up for M27 smart motorway upgrade
Source: Gov Press Releases

Press release: UK Government Ministers support rural businesses at Royal Highland Show

The UK Government will show its support for Scotland’s agriculture, food and farming sectors this week (from Thursday 21 June) when it takes part in the Royal Highland Show.

The UK Government’s presence at the four day Edinburgh event will give the rural industries and members of the public the chance to speak to UK Government ministers and staff about what is important to them and find out more about how the UK Government delivers for people in Scotland.

Scottish Secretary David Mundell said:

The Royal Highland Show is Scotland’s biggest agriculture event and the UK Government will be taking this excellent opportunity to engage with the industry, underline the importance of the rural economy to Scotland and wider UK and show how determined we are to get a good deal for the sector in our EU exit negotiations.

Scottish agriculture is worth £1.4 billion a year to the UK economy and my message is clear: We need to be bold and ambitious and maximise the opportunities Brexit brings. To achieve this it is vital that the UK and Scottish Governments work together – as well as with businesses – to ensure our rural economy can continue to grow.

Attracting almost 200,000 visitors last year, the show also provides an important platform for show-goers to find out how the UK Government is delivering for people in Scotland – including on funding for childcare, pensions, defence and business start-up support. I look forward to meeting businesses and members of the public over the course of the show, to hear about their priorities over the coming months and years.

The Scottish Secretary will meet industry leaders and tour the show to meet businesses and show-goers. UK Government Environment Secretary Michael Gove, UK Government Minister of State for Exiting the European Union, Lord Callanan and UK Government Minister for Scotland Lord Duncan will also visit the show.

UK Government Environment Secretary Michael Gove said:

I am very much looking forward to attending the Royal Highland Show and celebrating the very best of Scottish farming, food and rural life.

As we leave the EU we want an ambitious agricultural framework that works for all of the UK. This means more freedom for Scotland to support their farming sectors and enhance their beautiful and environmentally rich landscapes.

We are continuing to work together ahead of the Agriculture Bill taking a common approach where it benefits all farmers and consumers to do so.

According to official figures, in 2016 agriculture contributed approximately £1.4 billion to Scotland’s economy, employing around 67,000 people.

The Scottish Secretary will also host a Scottish beer reception, showcasing the best of Scotland’s brewers.

The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) and Department for International Trade (DIT), will be promoting the GREAT Campaign: Food is GREAT. Overseas Scottish food and drink exports were worth approximately £6 billion in 2017 and food and drink businesses now employ around 115,000 people.

For further information contact the Scotland Office press office on 0131 244 9028.

Link: Press release: UK Government Ministers support rural businesses at Royal Highland Show
Source: Gov Press Releases