Press release: Foreign Secretary: Message for Rosh Hashanah

Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt said:

As we enter the High Holidays, I wish a happy and sweet New Year to all Jewish communities in Britain and around the world.

For our Jewish friends in Israel, this has been a year of landmarks, including the centenary of the Balfour Declaration, the 70th Anniversary of Israel’s statehood, and the first British royal visit, made by HRH The Duke of Cambridge in June.

This is also a special occasion for the UK’s Jewish community. At a time when many worry about the corrosive impact of anti-Semitism, I want to reiterate our rejection of such ugly intolerance. We are proud of Britain’s Jewish community, who make such a positive contribution to all aspects of our society and to public life. Long may that continue.

So I wish all those celebrating in the UK, and beyond, Shana Tova and Chatima Tova. Here’s to a prosperous and healthy year!

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Link: Press release: Foreign Secretary: Message for Rosh Hashanah
Source: Gov Press Releases