Press release: Joint Statement on Yemen by the UK, UAE, Saudi Arabia and USA

The Foreign Ministers of the UK, UAE and Saudi Arabia, with senior officials of the US Government, met on 10 December in Abu Dhabi to discuss the concerning situation in Yemen.

They expressed outrage at reports of indiscriminate killings and intimidation by the Houthis in Sana’a, including against members of the GPC and their families. They called upon the Houthis to cease actions to suppress or eliminate other political parties in Sana’a.

In the context of a rapidly deteriorating humanitarian situation, the members discussed means of providing greater assistance to the Yemeni people, and facilitating the entry of humanitarian and commercial goods. The members agreed to enhance their efforts to prevent weapons smuggling into Yemen.

The members urged all Yemeni parties to unify their efforts in search of responsible solutions for a stable and united Yemen.

They agreed to meet frequently to monitor this concerning situation.

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Link: Press release: Joint Statement on Yemen by the UK, UAE, Saudi Arabia and USA
Source: Gov Press Releases