Press release: Paedophile has sentence increased after Solicitor General’s referral

A man who repeatedly sexually abused a young girl over a number of years has today had his sentence increased after the Solicitor General, Robert Buckland QC MP, referred it for being too low.

Richard Hyde-Gomes, who was in his early 30s at the time, sexually abused his victim over a period of several years while she was under the age of 15. This included one occasion of attempted rape. Hyde-Gomes was arrested after the victim managed to record him apologising to her.

Hyde-Gomes was originally sentenced at Croydon Crown Court in April, where he received 10 years’ imprisonment. Yesterday, after the Solicitor General’s referral, the Court of Appeal increased his sentence to 16 years.

Commenting on the sentence increase, the Solicitor General said:

Hyde-Gomes carried out a campaign of sexual abuse against his victim over a number of years, robbing her of her childhood. I am pleased that the Court of Appeal has agreed to increase his sentence, and hope that this brings some comfort to the victim.

Link: Press release: Paedophile has sentence increased after Solicitor General’s referral
Source: Gov Press Releases