Press release: Paedophile has sentence increased after Unduly Lenient Sentence referral

A man who sexually abused an underage girl over a number of years has had his sentence increased after the Attorney General’s Office referred it to the Court of Appeal for being too low.

David Ballinger, 52, began sexually abusing his victim when she was around 10 years old, and continued his offending for many years. The abuse included carrying-out and recording various sexual acts with the victim, as well as coercing her into sending him indecent images.

In addition to this, thousands of indecent images of other children were recovered from Ballinger’s computer.

Ballinger was originally sentenced at Gloucester Crown Court in May, where he was sentenced to 8 years and 8 months’ imprisonment. Today, after the Unduly Lenient Sentence referral, the Court of Appeal increased his sentence to 12 years 8 months imprisonment plus 1 year extended licence.

Speaking after the hearing, Attorney General Geoffrey Cox QC MP said:

“Ballinger carried out a campaign of sexual abuse against a child over many years, and it is important that this is reflected in his sentence. Following the Court of Appeal’s decision today I am satisfied that justice has now been done and seen to be done by those who have suffered at his hands.”

Link: Press release: Paedophile has sentence increased after Unduly Lenient Sentence referral
Source: Gov Press Releases