Press release: Sentence doubled for man who violently attacked victim in Sheffield home

A man who attempted to violently rob a vulnerable family friend has today had his sentence increased after the
Solicitor General, Robert Buckland QC MP, referred his sentence for being too low.

The victim let Bernie Ward, 32, into his home in January and the two had a conversation before Ward began punching the victim in the face and threatening him with a knife. The victim suffered a stab-wound to the arm, bleeding on the brain which led to an uncommon form of stroke, and serious bruising and cuts.

Ward was originally sentenced at Sheffield Crown Court in April, where he received 3 years 4 months’ imprisonment. Today, after the Solicitor General’s referral, the Court of Appeal increased his sentence to 6 years 8 months.

Commenting on the sentence increase, the Solicitor General said:

Ward targeted a victim he knew to be vulnerable and subjected him to a brutal attack in his own home. I hope that the Court of Appeal’s decision today sends a clear message to anyone despicable enough to consider abusing a vulnerable member of their community – you will not escape justice.

Link: Press release: Sentence doubled for man who violently attacked victim in Sheffield home
Source: Gov Press Releases