The Official Statistics (Wales) Order 2017 / Gorchymyn Ystadegau Swyddogol (Cymru) 2017

This Order provides that the statistics produced, or to be produced, by the persons listed in the Schedule are official statistics for the purpose of Part 1 of the Statistics and Registration Service Act 2007 (“the Act”). Part 1 establishes the Statistics Board which is responsible for promoting and safeguarding good practice in gathering and assessing official statistics. “Official statistics” is defined in section 6(1) of the Act and includes, in subsection (1)(b)(iii), statistics as specified by order made by the Welsh Ministers.

Mae’r Gorchymyn hwn yn darparu bod yr ystadegau a gynhyrchir, neu sydd i gael eu cynhyrchu, gan y personau a restrir yn yr Atodlen yn ystadegau swyddogol at ddiben Rhan 1 o Ddeddf Ystadegau a’r Gwasanaeth Cofrestru 2007 (“y Ddeddf”). Mae Rhan 1 yn sefydlu’r Bwrdd Ystadegau sy’n gyfrifol am hyrwyddo a diogelu arferion da o ran casglu ac asesu ystadegau swyddogol. Diffinnir “official statistics” yn adran 6(1) o’r Ddeddf ac mae’n cynnwys, yn is-adran (1)(b)(iii), ystadegau a bennir drwy orchymyn a wneir gan Weinidogion Cymru.


The Official Statistics (Wales) Order 2017 / Gorchymyn Ystadegau Swyddogol (Cymru) 2017

Source: Legislation